;;; funcallable instance is set to it.
(!defstruct-with-alternate-metaclass ctor
- :slot-names (function-name class-or-name class initargs safe-p)
+ :slot-names (function-name class-or-name class initargs state safe-p)
:boa-constructor %make-ctor
:superclass-name function
:metaclass-name static-classoid
;;; optimized constructor function when called.
(defun install-initial-constructor (ctor &key force-p)
(when (or force-p (ctor-class ctor))
- (setf (ctor-class ctor) nil)
+ (setf (ctor-class ctor) nil
+ (ctor-state ctor) 'initial)
(setf (funcallable-instance-fun ctor)
#'(lambda (&rest args)
(install-optimized-constructor ctor)
;;; Keep this a separate function for testing.
(defun make-ctor (function-name class-name initargs safe-p)
(without-package-locks ; for (setf symbol-function)
- (let ((ctor (%make-ctor function-name class-name nil initargs safe-p)))
+ (let ((ctor (%make-ctor function-name class-name nil initargs nil safe-p)))
(install-initial-constructor ctor :force-p t)
(push ctor *all-ctors*)
(setf (fdefinition function-name) ctor)
(%force-cache-flushes class))
(setf (ctor-class ctor) class)
(pushnew ctor (plist-value class 'ctors) :test #'eq)
- (setf (funcallable-instance-fun ctor)
- (multiple-value-bind (form locations names)
- (constructor-function-form ctor)
+ (multiple-value-bind (form locations names optimizedp)
+ (constructor-function-form ctor)
+ (setf (funcallable-instance-fun ctor)
(let ((*compiling-optimized-constructor* t))
(handler-bind ((compiler-note #'muffle-warning))
(compile nil `(lambda ,names ,form))))
- locations))))))
+ locations)
+ (ctor-state ctor) (if optimizedp 'optimized 'fallback))))))
(defun constructor-function-form (ctor)
(let* ((class (ctor-class ctor))
(return (funcall ,ctor ,@(make-ctor-parameter-list ctor))))
,(wrap-in-allocate-forms ctor body before-method-p)))
- names))))
+ names
+ t))))
;;; Return a form wrapped around BODY that allocates an instance
;;; constructed by CTOR. BEFORE-METHOD-P set means we have to run
(when (and class (class-finalized-p class))
(install-optimized-constructor ctor))))))
+(defun maybe-call-ctor (class initargs)
+ (flet ((frob-initargs (ctor)
+ (do ((ctail (ctor-initargs ctor))
+ (itail initargs)
+ (args nil))
+ ((or (null ctail) (null itail))
+ (values (nreverse args) (and (null ctail) (null itail))))
+ (unless (eq (pop ctail) (pop itail))
+ (return nil))
+ (let ((cval (pop ctail))
+ (ival (pop itail)))
+ (if (constantp cval)
+ (unless (eql cval ival)
+ (return nil))
+ (push ival args))))))
+ (dolist (ctor (plist-value class 'ctors))
+ (when (eq (ctor-state ctor) 'optimized)
+ (multiple-value-bind (ctor-args matchp)
+ (frob-initargs ctor)
+ (when matchp
+ (return (apply ctor ctor-args))))))))
;;; FIXME: CHECK-FOO-INITARGS share most of their bodies.
(defun check-mi-initargs (class initargs)
(let* ((class-proto (class-prototype class))