,@(loop for x across sb-vm:*specialized-array-element-type-properties*
collect `(array ,(sb-vm:saetp-specifier x)))))
=> NIL, T (when it should be T, T)
+307: "Problem in obsolete instance protocol"
+ (reported by Bruno Haible as the fourth problem in sbcl-devel
+ "installing sbcl" 2004-04-15)
+ (progn
+ (defclass foo92b (foo92a) ((s :initarg :s)))
+ (defclass foo92a () ())
+ (let ((x (make-instance 'foo92b :s 5)) (update-counter 0))
+ (defclass foo92b (foo92a) ((s) (s1) (s2))) ; still subclass of foo92a
+ (slot-value x 's)
+ (defmethod update-instance-for-redefined-class
+ ((object foo92b) added-slots discarded-slots plist &rest initargs)
+ (incf update-counter))
+ (make-instances-obsolete 'foo92a)
+ (slot-value x 's)
+ update-counter))
+ => 0 ; should be 1
+308: "Characters without names"
+ (reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "character names are missing"
+ 2004-04-19)
+ (graphic-char-p (code-char 255))
+ => NIL
+ (char-name (code-char 255))
+ => NIL
+ SBCL is unsure of what to do about characters with codes in the
+ range 128-255. Currently they are treated as non-graphic, but don't
+ have names, which is not compliant with the standard. Various fixes
+ are possible, such as
+ * giving them names such as NON-ASCII-128;
+ * reducing CHAR-CODE-LIMIT to 127 (almost certainly unpopular);
+ * making the characters graphic (makes a certain amount of sense);
+ * biting the bullet and implementing Unicode (probably quite hard).
+309: "Dubious values for implementation limits"
+ (reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "Incorrect value of
+ multiple-values-limit" 2004-04-19)
+ (values-list (make-list 1000000)), on x86/linux, signals a stack
+ exhaustion condition, despite MULTIPLE-VALUES-LIMIT being
+ significantly larger than 1000000. There are probably similar
+ dubious values for CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT (see cmucl-help/cmucl-imp
+ around the same time regarding a call to LIST on sparc with 1000
+ arguments) and other implementation limit constants.
+310: "Floating point printing inaccuracy"
+ (reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "print-read consistency for
+ floating point numbers" 2004-04-19)
+ (let ((x (/ -9.349640046247849d-21 -9.381494249123696d-11)))
+ (let ((y (read-from-string (write-to-string x :readably t))))
+ (eql x y)))
+ should return T but, as of sbcl-, returns NIL.
+ That this is a bug in the printer is demonstrated by
+ (setq x1 (float -5496527/100000000000000000))
+ (setq x2 (float -54965272/1000000000000000000))
+ (integer-decode-float x1) => 15842660 -58 -1
+ (integer-decode-float x2) => 15842661 -58 -1
+ (prin1-to-string x1) => "-5.496527e-11"
+ (prin1-to-string x2) => "-5.496527e-11" ; should be different!
+ Note also the following comment from src/code/print.lisp:
+ ;;; NOTE: When a number is to be printed in exponential format, it is
+ ;;; scaled in floating point. Since precision may be lost in this
+ ;;; process, the guaranteed accuracy properties of FLONUM-TO-STRING
+ ;;; are lost. The difficulty is that FLONUM-TO-STRING performs
+ ;;; extensive computations with integers of similar magnitude to that
+ ;;; of the number being printed. For large exponents, the bignums
+ ;;; really get out of hand. If bignum arithmetic becomes reasonably
+ ;;; fast and the exponent range is not too large, then it might become
+ ;;; attractive to handle exponential notation with the same accuracy
+ ;;; as non-exponential notation, using the method described in the
+ ;;; Steele and White paper.
+311: "Tokeniser not thread-safe"
+ (see also Robert Marlow sbcl-help "Multi threaded read chucking a
+ spak" 2004-04-19)
+ The tokenizer's use of *read-buffer* and *read-buffer-length* causes
+ spurious errors should two threads attempt to tokenise at the same
+ time.