(defconsetop conset-intersection bit-and)
(defconsetop conset-difference bit-andc2)))
+;;; Constraints are hash-consed. Unfortunately, types aren't, so we have
+;;; to over-approximate and then linear search through the potential hits.
+;;; LVARs can only be found in EQL (not-p = NIL) constraints, while constant
+;;; and lambda-vars can only be found in EQL constraints.
(defun find-constraint (kind x y not-p)
(declare (type lambda-var x) (type constraint-y y) (type boolean not-p))
(etypecase y
- (do-conset-elements (con (lambda-var-constraints x) nil)
- (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind)
- (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p)
- (type= (constraint-y con) y))
- (return con))))
- ((or lvar constant)
- (do-conset-elements (con (lambda-var-constraints x) nil)
- (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind)
- (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p)
- (eq (constraint-y con) y))
- (return con))))
- (lambda-var
- (do-conset-elements (con (lambda-var-constraints x) nil)
- (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind)
- (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p)
- (let ((cx (constraint-x con)))
- (eq (if (eq cx x)
- (constraint-y con)
- cx)
- y)))
- (return con))))))
+ (awhen (lambda-var-ctype-constraints x)
+ (dolist (con (gethash (sb!kernel::type-class-info y) it) nil)
+ (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind)
+ (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p)
+ (type= (constraint-y con) y))
+ (return-from find-constraint con)))
+ nil))
+ (lvar
+ (awhen (lambda-var-eq-constraints x)
+ (gethash y it)))
+ ((or constant lambda-var)
+ (awhen (lambda-var-eq-constraints x)
+ (let ((cache (gethash y it)))
+ (declare (type list cache))
+ (if not-p (cdr cache) (car cache)))))))
+(defun register-constraint (x con y)
+ (declare (type lambda-var x) (type constraint con) (type constraint-y y))
+ (conset-adjoin con (lambda-var-constraints x))
+ (macrolet ((ensuref (place default)
+ `(or ,place (setf ,place ,default))))
+ (etypecase y
+ (ctype
+ (let ((index (ensuref (lambda-var-ctype-constraints x)
+ (make-hash-table))))
+ (push con (gethash (sb!kernel::type-class-info y) index))))
+ (lvar
+ (let ((index (ensuref (lambda-var-eq-constraints x)
+ (make-hash-table))))
+ (setf (gethash y index) con)))
+ ((or constant lambda-var)
+ (let* ((index (ensuref (lambda-var-eq-constraints x)
+ (make-hash-table)))
+ (cons (ensuref (gethash y index) (list nil))))
+ (if (constraint-not-p con)
+ (setf (cdr cons) con)
+ (setf (car cons) con))))))
+ nil)
;;; Return a constraint for the specified arguments. We only create a
;;; new constraint if there isn't already an equivalent old one,
kind x y not-p)))
(vector-push-extend new *constraint-universe*
(1+ (length *constraint-universe*)))
- (conset-adjoin new (lambda-var-constraints x))
+ (register-constraint x new y)
(when (lambda-var-p y)
- (conset-adjoin new (lambda-var-constraints y)))
+ (register-constraint y new x))
;;; If REF is to a LAMBDA-VAR with CONSTRAINTs (i.e. we can do flow
;; determine that this is a set closure variable, and is thus not a
;; good subject for flow analysis.
(constraints nil :type (or null t #| FIXME: conset |#))
+ ;; Content-addressed indices for the CONSTRAINTs on this variable.
+ ;; These are solely used by FIND-CONSTRAINT
+ (ctype-constraints nil :type (or null hash-table))
+ (eq-constraints nil :type (or null hash-table))
;; Initial type of a LET variable as last seen by PROPAGATE-FROM-SETS.
(last-initial-type *universal-type* :type ctype)
;; The FOP handle of the lexical variable represented by LAMBDA-VAR