* optimization: ARRAY-IN-BOUNDS-P is resolved at compile-time when
sufficient type information is available. (thanks to Leslie Polzer)
* optimization: unused vector creation can now be optimized away.
+ * improvement: ASDF systems can now depends on SB-INTROSPECT.
* improvement: a STYLE-WARNING is signalled when a generic function
clobbers an earlier FTYPE proclamation.
* improvement: the compiler is able to track the effective type of
-include ../vanilla-module.mk
- $(SBCL) --disable-debugger --load test-driver.lisp
+include ../asdf-module.mk
--- /dev/null
+;;; introspection library
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
+;;; For the avoidance of doubt, the exported interface is the supported
+;;; interface. Anything else is internal, though you're welcome to argue a
+;;; case for exporting it.
+;;; If you steal the code from this file to cut and paste into your
+;;; own project, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
+;;; Your teeth. If need be, we'll kick them for you. This is a
+;;; contrib, we're allowed to look in internals. You're an
+;;; application programmer, and are not.
+;;; TODO
+;;; 1) structs don't have within-file location info. problem for the
+;;; structure itself, accessors and the predicate
+;;; 3) error handling. Signal random errors, or handle and resignal 'our'
+;;; error, or return NIL?
+;;; 4) FIXMEs
+(defpackage :sb-introspect
+ (:use "CL")
+(in-package :sb-introspect)
+;;;; Internal interface for SBCL debug info
+;;; Here are some tutorial-style type definitions to help understand
+;;; the internal SBCL debugging data structures we're using. The
+;;; commentary is based on CMUCL's debug internals manual.
+(deftype debug-info ()
+ "Structure containing all the debug information related to a function.
+Function objects reference debug-infos which in turn reference
+debug-sources and so on."
+ 'sb-c::compiled-debug-info)
+(deftype debug-source ()
+ "Debug sources describe where to find source code.
+For example, the debug source for a function compiled from a file will
+include the pathname of the file and the position of the definition."
+ 'sb-c::debug-source)
+(deftype debug-function ()
+ "Debug function represent static compile-time information about a function."
+ 'sb-c::compiled-debug-fun)
+(declaim (ftype (function (function) debug-info) function-debug-info))
+(defun function-debug-info (function)
+ (let* ((function-object (sb-kernel::%fun-fun function))
+ (function-header (sb-kernel:fun-code-header function-object)))
+ (sb-kernel:%code-debug-info function-header)))
+(declaim (ftype (function (function) debug-source) function-debug-source))
+(defun function-debug-source (function)
+ (debug-info-source (function-debug-info function)))
+(declaim (ftype (function (debug-info) debug-source) debug-info-source))
+(defun debug-info-source (debug-info)
+ (sb-c::debug-info-source debug-info))
+(declaim (ftype (function (debug-info) debug-function) debug-info-debug-function))
+(defun debug-info-debug-function (debug-info)
+ (elt (sb-c::compiled-debug-info-fun-map debug-info) 0))
+(defun valid-function-name-p (name)
+ "True if NAME denotes a function name that can be passed to MACRO-FUNCTION or FDEFINITION "
+ (and (sb-int:valid-function-name-p name) t))
+;;;; Finding definitions
+(defstruct definition-source
+ ;; Pathname of the source file that the definition was compiled from.
+ ;; This is null if the definition was not compiled from a file.
+ (pathname nil :type (or null pathname))
+ ;; Source-path of the definition within the file.
+ ;; This may be incomplete depending on the debug level at which the
+ ;; source was compiled.
+ (form-path '() :type list)
+ ;; Character offset of the top-level-form containing the definition.
+ ;; This corresponds to the first element of form-path.
+ (character-offset nil :type (or null integer))
+ ;; File-write-date of the source file when compiled.
+ ;; Null if not compiled from a file.
+ (file-write-date nil :type (or null integer))
+ (plist nil)
+ ;; Any extra metadata that the caller might be interested in. For
+ ;; example the specializers of the method whose definition-source this
+ ;; is.
+ (description nil :type list))
+(defun find-definition-sources-by-name (name type)
+ "Returns a list of DEFINITION-SOURCEs for the objects of type TYPE
+defined with name NAME. NAME may be a symbol or a extended function
+name. Type can currently be one of the following:
+ (Public)
+ (Internal)
+ :VOP
+If an unsupported TYPE is requested, the function will return NIL.
+ (flet ((listify (x)
+ (if (listp x)
+ x
+ (list x)))
+ (get-class (name)
+ (and (symbolp name)
+ (find-class name nil)))
+ (real-fdefinition (name)
+ ;; for getting the real function object, even if the
+ ;; function is being profiled
+ (let ((profile-info (gethash name sb-profile::*profiled-fun-name->info*)))
+ (if profile-info
+ (sb-profile::profile-info-encapsulated-fun profile-info)
+ (fdefinition name)))))
+ (listify
+ (case type
+ ((:variable)
+ (when (and (symbolp name)
+ (eq (sb-int:info :variable :kind name) :special))
+ (translate-source-location (sb-int:info :source-location type name))))
+ ((:constant)
+ (when (and (symbolp name)
+ (eq (sb-int:info :variable :kind name) :constant))
+ (translate-source-location (sb-int:info :source-location type name))))
+ ((:symbol-macro)
+ (when (and (symbolp name)
+ (eq (sb-int:info :variable :kind name) :macro))
+ (translate-source-location (sb-int:info :source-location type name))))
+ ((:macro)
+ (when (and (symbolp name)
+ (macro-function name))
+ (find-definition-source (macro-function name))))
+ ((:compiler-macro)
+ (when (compiler-macro-function name)
+ (find-definition-source (compiler-macro-function name))))
+ ((:function :generic-function)
+ (when (and (fboundp name)
+ (or (not (symbolp name))
+ (not (macro-function name))))
+ (let ((fun (real-fdefinition name)))
+ (when (eq (not (typep fun 'generic-function))
+ (not (eq type :generic-function)))
+ (find-definition-source fun)))))
+ ((:type)
+ ;; Source locations for types are saved separately when the expander
+ ;; is a closure without a good source-location.
+ (let ((loc (sb-int:info :type :source-location name)))
+ (if loc
+ (translate-source-location loc)
+ (let ((expander-fun (sb-int:info :type :expander name)))
+ (when expander-fun
+ (find-definition-source expander-fun))))))
+ ((:method)
+ (when (fboundp name)
+ (let ((fun (real-fdefinition name)))
+ (when (typep fun 'generic-function)
+ (loop for method in (sb-mop::generic-function-methods
+ fun)
+ for source = (find-definition-source method)
+ when source collect source)))))
+ ((:setf-expander)
+ (when (and (consp name)
+ (eq (car name) 'setf))
+ (setf name (cadr name)))
+ (let ((expander (or (sb-int:info :setf :inverse name)
+ (sb-int:info :setf :expander name))))
+ (when expander
+ (sb-introspect:find-definition-source (if (symbolp expander)
+ (symbol-function expander)
+ expander)))))
+ ((:structure)
+ (let ((class (get-class name)))
+ (if class
+ (when (typep class 'sb-pcl::structure-class)
+ (find-definition-source class))
+ (when (sb-int:info :typed-structure :info name)
+ (translate-source-location
+ (sb-int:info :source-location :typed-structure name))))))
+ ((:condition :class)
+ (let ((class (get-class name)))
+ (when (and class
+ (not (typep class 'sb-pcl::structure-class)))
+ (when (eq (not (typep class 'sb-pcl::condition-class))
+ (not (eq type :condition)))
+ (find-definition-source class)))))
+ ((:method-combination)
+ (let ((combination-fun
+ (find-method #'sb-mop:find-method-combination
+ nil
+ (list (find-class 'generic-function)
+ (list 'eql name)
+ t)
+ nil)))
+ (when combination-fun
+ (find-definition-source combination-fun))))
+ ((:package)
+ (when (symbolp name)
+ (let ((package (find-package name)))
+ (when package
+ (find-definition-source package)))))
+ ;; TRANSFORM and OPTIMIZER handling from swank-sbcl
+ ((:transform)
+ (when (symbolp name)
+ (let ((fun-info (sb-int:info :function :info name)))
+ (when fun-info
+ (loop for xform in (sb-c::fun-info-transforms fun-info)
+ for source = (find-definition-source
+ (sb-c::transform-function xform))
+ for typespec = (sb-kernel:type-specifier
+ (sb-c::transform-type xform))
+ for note = (sb-c::transform-note xform)
+ do (setf (definition-source-description source)
+ (if (consp typespec)
+ (list (second typespec) note)
+ (list note)))
+ collect source)))))
+ ((:optimizer)
+ (when (symbolp name)
+ (let ((fun-info (sb-int:info :function :info name)))
+ (when fun-info
+ (let ((otypes '((sb-c::fun-info-derive-type . sb-c:derive-type)
+ (sb-c::fun-info-ltn-annotate . sb-c:ltn-annotate)
+ (sb-c::fun-info-ltn-annotate . sb-c:ltn-annotate)
+ (sb-c::fun-info-optimizer . sb-c:optimizer))))
+ (loop for (reader . name) in otypes
+ for fn = (funcall reader fun-info)
+ when fn collect
+ (let ((source (find-definition-source fn)))
+ (setf (definition-source-description source)
+ (list name))
+ source)))))))
+ ((:vop)
+ (when (symbolp name)
+ (let ((fun-info (sb-int:info :function :info name)))
+ (when fun-info
+ (loop for vop in (sb-c::fun-info-templates fun-info)
+ for source = (find-definition-source
+ (sb-c::vop-info-generator-function vop))
+ do (setf (definition-source-description source)
+ (list (sb-c::template-name vop)
+ (sb-c::template-note vop)))
+ collect source)))))
+ ((:source-transform)
+ (when (symbolp name)
+ (let ((transform-fun (sb-int:info :function :source-transform name)))
+ (when transform-fun
+ (sb-introspect:find-definition-source transform-fun)))))
+ (t
+ nil)))))
+(defun find-definition-source (object)
+ (typecase object
+ ((or sb-pcl::condition-class sb-pcl::structure-class)
+ (let ((classoid (sb-impl::find-classoid (class-name object))))
+ (when classoid
+ (let ((layout (sb-impl::classoid-layout classoid)))
+ (when layout
+ (translate-source-location
+ (sb-kernel::layout-source-location layout)))))))
+ (method-combination
+ (car
+ (find-definition-sources-by-name
+ (sb-pcl::method-combination-type-name object) :method-combination)))
+ (package
+ (translate-source-location (sb-impl::package-source-location object)))
+ (class
+ (translate-source-location (sb-pcl::definition-source object)))
+ ;; Use the PCL definition location information instead of the function
+ ;; debug-info for methods and generic functions. Sometimes the
+ ;; debug-info would point into PCL internals instead of the proper
+ ;; location.
+ (generic-function
+ (let ((source (translate-source-location
+ (sb-pcl::definition-source object))))
+ (when source
+ (setf (definition-source-description source)
+ (list (sb-mop:generic-function-lambda-list object))))
+ source))
+ (method
+ (let ((source (translate-source-location
+ (sb-pcl::definition-source object))))
+ (when source
+ (setf (definition-source-description source)
+ (append (method-qualifiers object)
+ (if (sb-mop:method-generic-function object)
+ (sb-pcl::unparse-specializers
+ (sb-mop:method-generic-function object)
+ (sb-mop:method-specializers object))
+ (sb-mop:method-specializers object)))))
+ source))
+ #+sb-eval
+ (sb-eval:interpreted-function
+ (let ((source (translate-source-location
+ (sb-eval:interpreted-function-source-location object))))
+ source))
+ (function
+ (cond ((struct-accessor-p object)
+ (find-definition-source
+ (struct-accessor-structure-class object)))
+ ((struct-predicate-p object)
+ (find-definition-source
+ (struct-predicate-structure-class object)))
+ (t
+ (find-function-definition-source object))))
+ ((or condition standard-object structure-object)
+ (find-definition-source (class-of object)))
+ (t
+ (error "Don't know how to retrieve source location for a ~S~%"
+ (type-of object)))))
+(defun find-function-definition-source (function)
+ (let* ((debug-info (function-debug-info function))
+ (debug-source (debug-info-source debug-info))
+ (debug-fun (debug-info-debug-function debug-info))
+ (tlf (if debug-fun (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-tlf-number debug-fun))))
+ (make-definition-source
+ :pathname
+ ;; KLUDGE: at the moment, we don't record the correct toplevel
+ ;; form number for forms processed by EVAL (including EVAL-WHEN
+ ;; :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL). Until that's fixed, don't return a
+ ;; DEFINITION-SOURCE with a pathname. (When that's fixed, take
+ ;; out the (not (debug-source-form ...)) test.
+ (if (and (sb-c::debug-source-namestring debug-source)
+ (not (sb-c::debug-source-form debug-source)))
+ (parse-namestring (sb-c::debug-source-namestring debug-source)))
+ :character-offset
+ (if tlf
+ (elt (sb-c::debug-source-start-positions debug-source) tlf))
+ ;; Unfortunately there is no proper source path available in the
+ ;; debug-source. FIXME: We could use sb-di:code-locations to get
+ ;; a full source path. -luke (12/Mar/2005)
+ :form-path (if tlf (list tlf))
+ :file-write-date (sb-c::debug-source-created debug-source)
+ :plist (sb-c::debug-source-plist debug-source))))
+(defun translate-source-location (location)
+ (if location
+ (make-definition-source
+ :pathname (let ((n (sb-c:definition-source-location-namestring location)))
+ (when n
+ (parse-namestring n)))
+ :form-path
+ (let ((number (sb-c:definition-source-location-toplevel-form-number
+ location)))
+ (when number
+ (list number)))
+ :plist (sb-c:definition-source-location-plist location))
+ (make-definition-source)))
+;;; This is kludgey. We expect these functions (the underlying functions,
+;;; not the closures) to be in static space and so not move ever.
+;;; FIXME It's also possibly wrong: not all structures use these vanilla
+;;; accessors, e.g. when the :type option is used
+(defvar *struct-slotplace-reader*
+ (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self #'definition-source-pathname))
+(defvar *struct-slotplace-writer*
+ (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self #'(setf definition-source-pathname)))
+(defvar *struct-predicate*
+ (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self #'definition-source-p))
+(defun struct-accessor-p (function)
+ (let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
+ ;; FIXME there are other kinds of struct accessor. Fill out this list
+ (member self (list *struct-slotplace-reader*
+ *struct-slotplace-writer*))))
+(defun struct-predicate-p (function)
+ (let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
+ ;; FIXME there may be other structure predicate functions
+ (member self (list *struct-predicate*))))
+(defun function-arglist (function)
+ "Deprecated alias for FUNCTION-LAMBDA-LIST."
+ (function-lambda-list function))
+(define-compiler-macro function-arglist (function)
+ (sb-int:deprecation-warning 'function-arglist 'function-lambda-list)
+ `(function-lambda-list ,function))
+(defun function-lambda-list (function)
+ "Describe the lambda list for the extended function designator FUNCTION.
+Works for special-operators, macros, simple functions, interpreted functions,
+and generic functions. Signals an error if FUNCTION is not a valid extended
+function designator."
+ (cond ((valid-function-name-p function)
+ (function-lambda-list (or (and (symbolp function)
+ (macro-function function))
+ (fdefinition function))))
+ ((typep function 'generic-function)
+ (sb-pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist function))
+ #+sb-eval
+ ((typep function 'sb-eval:interpreted-function)
+ (sb-eval:interpreted-function-lambda-list function))
+ (t
+ (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-arglist (sb-kernel:%fun-fun function)))))
+(defun deftype-lambda-list (typespec-operator)
+ "Returns the lambda list of TYPESPEC-OPERATOR as first return
+value, and a flag whether the arglist could be found as second
+ (sb-int:info :type :lambda-list typespec-operator))
+(defun struct-accessor-structure-class (function)
+ (let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
+ (cond
+ ((member self (list *struct-slotplace-reader* *struct-slotplace-writer*))
+ (find-class
+ (sb-kernel::classoid-name
+ (sb-kernel::layout-classoid
+ (sb-kernel:%closure-index-ref function 1)))))
+ )))
+(defun struct-predicate-structure-class (function)
+ (let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
+ (cond
+ ((member self (list *struct-predicate*))
+ (find-class
+ (sb-kernel::classoid-name
+ (sb-kernel::layout-classoid
+ (sb-kernel:%closure-index-ref function 0)))))
+ )))
+;;;; find callers/callees, liberated from Helmut Eller's code in SLIME
+;;; This interface is trmendously experimental.
+;;; For the moment I'm taking the view that FDEFN is an internal
+;;; object (one out of one CMUCL developer surveyed didn't know what
+;;; they were for), so these routines deal in FUNCTIONs
+;;; Find callers and callees by looking at the constant pool of
+;;; compiled code objects. We assume every fdefn object in the
+;;; constant pool corresponds to a call to that function. A better
+;;; strategy would be to use the disassembler to find actual
+;;; call-sites.
+(defun find-function-callees (function)
+ "Return functions called by FUNCTION."
+ (let ((callees '()))
+ (map-code-constants
+ (sb-kernel:fun-code-header function)
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (when (sb-kernel:fdefn-p obj)
+ (push (sb-kernel:fdefn-fun obj)
+ callees))))
+ callees))
+(defun find-function-callers (function &optional (spaces '(:read-only :static
+ :dynamic)))
+ "Return functions which call FUNCTION, by searching SPACES for code objects"
+ (let ((referrers '()))
+ (map-caller-code-components
+ function
+ spaces
+ (lambda (code)
+ (let ((entry (sb-kernel:%code-entry-points code)))
+ (cond ((not entry)
+ (push (princ-to-string code) referrers))
+ (t
+ (loop for e = entry then (sb-kernel::%simple-fun-next e)
+ while e
+ do (pushnew e referrers)))))))
+ referrers))
+(declaim (inline map-code-constants))
+(defun map-code-constants (code fn)
+ "Call FN for each constant in CODE's constant pool."
+ (check-type code sb-kernel:code-component)
+ (loop for i from sb-vm:code-constants-offset below
+ (sb-kernel:get-header-data code)
+ do (funcall fn (sb-kernel:code-header-ref code i))))
+(declaim (inline map-allocated-code-components))
+(defun map-allocated-code-components (spaces fn)
+ "Call FN for each allocated code component in one of SPACES. FN
+receives the object and its size as arguments. SPACES should be a
+list of the symbols :dynamic, :static, or :read-only."
+ (dolist (space spaces)
+ (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects
+ (lambda (obj header size)
+ (when (= sb-vm:code-header-widetag header)
+ (funcall fn obj size)))
+ space
+ t)))
+(declaim (inline map-caller-code-components))
+(defun map-caller-code-components (function spaces fn)
+ "Call FN for each code component with a fdefn for FUNCTION in its
+constant pool."
+ (let ((function (coerce function 'function)))
+ (map-allocated-code-components
+ spaces
+ (lambda (obj size)
+ (declare (ignore size))
+ (map-code-constants
+ obj
+ (lambda (constant)
+ (when (and (sb-kernel:fdefn-p constant)
+ (eq (sb-kernel:fdefn-fun constant)
+ function))
+ (funcall fn obj))))))))
+;;; XREF facility
+(defun get-simple-fun (functoid)
+ (etypecase functoid
+ (sb-kernel::fdefn
+ (get-simple-fun (sb-vm::fdefn-fun functoid)))
+ ((or null sb-impl::funcallable-instance)
+ nil)
+ (function
+ (sb-kernel::%fun-fun functoid))))
+(defun collect-xref (kind-index wanted-name)
+ (let ((ret nil))
+ (dolist (env sb-c::*info-environment* ret)
+ ;; Loop through the infodb ...
+ (sb-c::do-info (env :class class :type type :name info-name
+ :value value)
+ ;; ... looking for function or macro definitions
+ (when (and (eql class :function)
+ (or (eql type :macro-function)
+ (eql type :definition)))
+ ;; Get a simple-fun for the definition, and an xref array
+ ;; from the table if available.
+ (let* ((simple-fun (get-simple-fun value))
+ (xrefs (when simple-fun
+ (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-xrefs simple-fun)))
+ (array (when xrefs
+ (aref xrefs kind-index))))
+ ;; Loop through the name/path xref entries in the table
+ (loop for i from 0 below (length array) by 2
+ for xref-name = (aref array i)
+ for xref-path = (aref array (1+ i))
+ do (when (eql xref-name wanted-name)
+ (let ((source-location
+ (find-function-definition-source simple-fun)))
+ ;; Use the more accurate source path from
+ ;; the xref entry.
+ (setf (definition-source-form-path source-location)
+ xref-path)
+ (push (cons info-name source-location)
+ ret))))))))))
+(defun who-calls (function-name)
+ "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
+global function named FUNCTION-NAME is called. Returns a list of
+function name, definition-source pairs."
+ (collect-xref #.(position :calls sb-c::*xref-kinds*) function-name))
+(defun who-binds (symbol)
+ "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
+special variable SYMBOL is rebound. Returns a list of function name,
+definition-source pairs."
+ (collect-xref #.(position :binds sb-c::*xref-kinds*) symbol))
+(defun who-references (symbol)
+ "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
+special variable or constant SYMBOL is read. Returns a list of function
+name, definition-source pairs."
+ (collect-xref #.(position :references sb-c::*xref-kinds*) symbol))
+(defun who-sets (symbol)
+ "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
+special variable SYMBOL is written to. Returns a list of function name,
+definition-source pairs."
+ (collect-xref #.(position :sets sb-c::*xref-kinds*) symbol))
+(defun who-macroexpands (macro-name)
+ "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
+macro MACRO-NAME is expanded. Returns a list of function name,
+definition-source pairs."
+ (collect-xref #.(position :macroexpands sb-c::*xref-kinds*) macro-name))
+(defun allocation-information (object)
+ #+sb-doc
+ "Returns information about the allocation of OBJECT. Primary return value
+indicates the general type of allocation: :IMMEDIATE, :HEAP, :STACK,
+Possible secondary return value provides additional information about the
+For :HEAP objects the secondary value is a plist:
+ Inficates the heap segment the object is allocated in.
+ Is the current generation of the object: 0 for nursery, 6 for pseudo-static
+ generation loaded from core. (GENCGC and :SPACE :DYNAMIC only.)
+ Indicates a \"large\" object subject to non-copying
+ promotion. (GENCGC and :SPACE :DYNAMIC only.)
+ Indicates that the page(s) on which the object resides are kept live due
+ to conservative references. Note that object may reside on a pinned page
+ even if :PINNED in NIL if the GC has not had the need to mark the the page
+ as pinned. (GENCGC and :SPACE :DYNAMIC only.)
+For :STACK objects secondary value is the thread on whose stack the object is
+Expected use-cases include introspection to gain insight into allocation and
+GC behaviour and restricting memoization to heap-allocated arguments.
+Experimental: interface subject to change."
+ ;; FIXME: Would be nice to provide the size of the object as well, though
+ ;; maybe that should be a separate function, and something like MAP-PARTS
+ ;; for mapping over parts of arbitrary objects so users can get "deep sizes"
+ ;; as well if they want to.
+ ;;
+ ;; FIXME: For the memoization use-case possibly we should also provide a
+ ;; simpler HEAP-ALLOCATED-P, since that doesn't require disabling the GC
+ ;; scanning threads for negative answers? Similarly, STACK-ALLOCATED-P for
+ ;; checking if an object has been stack-allocated by a given thread for
+ ;; testing purposes might not come amiss.
+ (if (typep object '(or fixnum character))
+ (values :immediate nil)
+ (let ((plist
+ (sb-sys:without-gcing
+ ;; Disable GC so the object cannot move to another page while
+ ;; we have the address.
+ (let* ((addr (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address object))
+ (space
+ (cond ((< sb-vm:read-only-space-start addr
+ (* sb-vm:*read-only-space-free-pointer*
+ sb-vm:n-word-bytes))
+ :read-only)
+ ((< sb-vm:static-space-start addr
+ (* sb-vm:*static-space-free-pointer*
+ sb-vm:n-word-bytes))
+ :static)
+ ((< (sb-kernel:current-dynamic-space-start) addr
+ (sb-sys:sap-int (sb-kernel:dynamic-space-free-pointer)))
+ :dynamic))))
+ (when space
+ #+gencgc
+ (if (eq :dynamic space)
+ (let ((index (sb-vm::find-page-index addr)))
+ (symbol-macrolet ((page (sb-alien:deref sb-vm::page-table index)))
+ (let ((flags (sb-alien:slot page 'sb-vm::flags)))
+ (list :space space
+ :generation (sb-alien:slot page 'sb-vm::gen)
+ :write-protected (logbitp 0 flags)
+ :pinned (logbitp 5 flags)
+ :large (logbitp 6 flags)))))
+ (list :space space))
+ #-gencgc
+ (list :space space))))))
+ (cond (plist
+ (values :heap plist))
+ (t
+ (let ((sap (sb-sys:int-sap (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address object))))
+ ;; FIXME: Check other stacks as well.
+ #+sb-thread
+ (dolist (thread (sb-thread:list-all-threads))
+ (let ((c-start (sb-di::descriptor-sap
+ (sb-thread::%symbol-value-in-thread
+ 'sb-vm:*control-stack-start*
+ thread)))
+ (c-end (sb-di::descriptor-sap
+ (sb-thread::%symbol-value-in-thread
+ 'sb-vm:*control-stack-end*
+ thread))))
+ (when (and c-start c-end)
+ (when (and (sb-sys:sap<= c-start sap)
+ (sb-sys:sap< sap c-end))
+ (return-from allocation-information
+ (values :stack thread))))))
+ #-sb-thread
+ (when (sb-vm:control-stack-pointer-valid-p sap nil)
+ (return-from allocation-information
+ (values :stack sb-thread::*current-thread*))))
+ :foreign)))))
--- /dev/null
+;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
+(defpackage :sb-introspect-system
+ (:use :asdf :cl))
+(in-package :sb-introspect-system)
+(defsystem :sb-introspect
+ :components ((:file "introspect")))
+(defmethod perform :after ((o load-op) (c (eql (find-system :sb-introspect))))
+ (provide 'sb-introspect))
+(defmethod perform ((o test-op) (c (eql (find-system :sb-introspect))))
+ (operate 'load-op :sb-introspect-tests)
+ (operate 'test-op :sb-introspect-tests))
+(defclass plist-file (cl-source-file)
+ ((source-plist
+ :initform nil
+ :initarg :source-plist
+ :reader plist-file-source-plist)))
+(defmethod perform ((op compile-op) (com plist-file))
+ (with-compilation-unit (:source-plist (plist-file-source-plist com))
+ (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod perform ((op load-op) (com plist-file))
+ (with-compilation-unit (:source-plist (plist-file-source-plist com))
+ (call-next-method)))
+(defsystem :sb-introspect-tests
+ :depends-on (:sb-introspect :sb-rt)
+ :components ((:file "xref-test-data")
+ (:file "xref-test" :depends-on ("xref-test-data"))
+ (:plist-file "test" :source-plist (:test-outer "OUT"))
+ (:file "test-driver" :depends-on ("test"))))
+(defmethod perform ((op test-op) (com (eql (find-system :sb-introspect-tests))))
+ (or (funcall (intern "DO-TESTS" (find-package "SB-RT")))
+ (error "~S failed" 'test-op)))
+++ /dev/null
-;;; introspection library
-;;; This is here as a discussion point, not yet a supported interface. If
-;;; you would like to use the functions here, or you would like other
-;;; functions to be here, join the debate on navel@metacircles.com.
-;;; List info at http://lists.metacircles.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/navel
-;;; For the avoidance of doubt, the exported interface is the proposed
-;;; supported interface. Anything else is internal, though you're
-;;; welcome to argue a case for exporting it.
-;;; If you steal the code from this file to cut and paste into your
-;;; own project, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
-;;; Your teeth. If need be, we'll kick them for you. This is a
-;;; contrib, we're allowed to look in internals. You're an
-;;; application programmer, and are not.
-;;; TODO
-;;; 1) structs don't have within-file location info. problem for the
-;;; structure itself, accessors and the predicate
-;;; 3) error handling. Signal random errors, or handle and resignal 'our'
-;;; error, or return NIL?
-;;; 4) FIXMEs
-(defpackage :sb-introspect
- (:use "CL")
-(in-package :sb-introspect)
-;;;; Internal interface for SBCL debug info
-;;; Here are some tutorial-style type definitions to help understand
-;;; the internal SBCL debugging data structures we're using. The
-;;; commentary is based on CMUCL's debug internals manual.
-(deftype debug-info ()
- "Structure containing all the debug information related to a function.
-Function objects reference debug-infos which in turn reference
-debug-sources and so on."
- 'sb-c::compiled-debug-info)
-(deftype debug-source ()
- "Debug sources describe where to find source code.
-For example, the debug source for a function compiled from a file will
-include the pathname of the file and the position of the definition."
- 'sb-c::debug-source)
-(deftype debug-function ()
- "Debug function represent static compile-time information about a function."
- 'sb-c::compiled-debug-fun)
-(declaim (ftype (function (function) debug-info) function-debug-info))
-(defun function-debug-info (function)
- (let* ((function-object (sb-kernel::%fun-fun function))
- (function-header (sb-kernel:fun-code-header function-object)))
- (sb-kernel:%code-debug-info function-header)))
-(declaim (ftype (function (function) debug-source) function-debug-source))
-(defun function-debug-source (function)
- (debug-info-source (function-debug-info function)))
-(declaim (ftype (function (debug-info) debug-source) debug-info-source))
-(defun debug-info-source (debug-info)
- (sb-c::debug-info-source debug-info))
-(declaim (ftype (function (debug-info) debug-function) debug-info-debug-function))
-(defun debug-info-debug-function (debug-info)
- (elt (sb-c::compiled-debug-info-fun-map debug-info) 0))
-(defun valid-function-name-p (name)
- "True if NAME denotes a function name that can be passed to MACRO-FUNCTION or FDEFINITION "
- (and (sb-int:valid-function-name-p name) t))
-;;;; Finding definitions
-(defstruct definition-source
- ;; Pathname of the source file that the definition was compiled from.
- ;; This is null if the definition was not compiled from a file.
- (pathname nil :type (or null pathname))
- ;; Source-path of the definition within the file.
- ;; This may be incomplete depending on the debug level at which the
- ;; source was compiled.
- (form-path '() :type list)
- ;; Character offset of the top-level-form containing the definition.
- ;; This corresponds to the first element of form-path.
- (character-offset nil :type (or null integer))
- ;; File-write-date of the source file when compiled.
- ;; Null if not compiled from a file.
- (file-write-date nil :type (or null integer))
- (plist nil)
- ;; Any extra metadata that the caller might be interested in. For
- ;; example the specializers of the method whose definition-source this
- ;; is.
- (description nil :type list))
-(defun find-definition-sources-by-name (name type)
- "Returns a list of DEFINITION-SOURCEs for the objects of type TYPE
-defined with name NAME. NAME may be a symbol or a extended function
-name. Type can currently be one of the following:
- (Public)
- (Internal)
- :VOP
-If an unsupported TYPE is requested, the function will return NIL.
- (flet ((listify (x)
- (if (listp x)
- x
- (list x)))
- (get-class (name)
- (and (symbolp name)
- (find-class name nil)))
- (real-fdefinition (name)
- ;; for getting the real function object, even if the
- ;; function is being profiled
- (let ((profile-info (gethash name sb-profile::*profiled-fun-name->info*)))
- (if profile-info
- (sb-profile::profile-info-encapsulated-fun profile-info)
- (fdefinition name)))))
- (listify
- (case type
- ((:variable)
- (when (and (symbolp name)
- (eq (sb-int:info :variable :kind name) :special))
- (translate-source-location (sb-int:info :source-location type name))))
- ((:constant)
- (when (and (symbolp name)
- (eq (sb-int:info :variable :kind name) :constant))
- (translate-source-location (sb-int:info :source-location type name))))
- ((:symbol-macro)
- (when (and (symbolp name)
- (eq (sb-int:info :variable :kind name) :macro))
- (translate-source-location (sb-int:info :source-location type name))))
- ((:macro)
- (when (and (symbolp name)
- (macro-function name))
- (find-definition-source (macro-function name))))
- ((:compiler-macro)
- (when (compiler-macro-function name)
- (find-definition-source (compiler-macro-function name))))
- ((:function :generic-function)
- (when (and (fboundp name)
- (or (not (symbolp name))
- (not (macro-function name))))
- (let ((fun (real-fdefinition name)))
- (when (eq (not (typep fun 'generic-function))
- (not (eq type :generic-function)))
- (find-definition-source fun)))))
- ((:type)
- ;; Source locations for types are saved separately when the expander
- ;; is a closure without a good source-location.
- (let ((loc (sb-int:info :type :source-location name)))
- (if loc
- (translate-source-location loc)
- (let ((expander-fun (sb-int:info :type :expander name)))
- (when expander-fun
- (find-definition-source expander-fun))))))
- ((:method)
- (when (fboundp name)
- (let ((fun (real-fdefinition name)))
- (when (typep fun 'generic-function)
- (loop for method in (sb-mop::generic-function-methods
- fun)
- for source = (find-definition-source method)
- when source collect source)))))
- ((:setf-expander)
- (when (and (consp name)
- (eq (car name) 'setf))
- (setf name (cadr name)))
- (let ((expander (or (sb-int:info :setf :inverse name)
- (sb-int:info :setf :expander name))))
- (when expander
- (sb-introspect:find-definition-source (if (symbolp expander)
- (symbol-function expander)
- expander)))))
- ((:structure)
- (let ((class (get-class name)))
- (if class
- (when (typep class 'sb-pcl::structure-class)
- (find-definition-source class))
- (when (sb-int:info :typed-structure :info name)
- (translate-source-location
- (sb-int:info :source-location :typed-structure name))))))
- ((:condition :class)
- (let ((class (get-class name)))
- (when (and class
- (not (typep class 'sb-pcl::structure-class)))
- (when (eq (not (typep class 'sb-pcl::condition-class))
- (not (eq type :condition)))
- (find-definition-source class)))))
- ((:method-combination)
- (let ((combination-fun
- (find-method #'sb-mop:find-method-combination
- nil
- (list (find-class 'generic-function)
- (list 'eql name)
- t)
- nil)))
- (when combination-fun
- (find-definition-source combination-fun))))
- ((:package)
- (when (symbolp name)
- (let ((package (find-package name)))
- (when package
- (find-definition-source package)))))
- ;; TRANSFORM and OPTIMIZER handling from swank-sbcl
- ((:transform)
- (when (symbolp name)
- (let ((fun-info (sb-int:info :function :info name)))
- (when fun-info
- (loop for xform in (sb-c::fun-info-transforms fun-info)
- for source = (find-definition-source
- (sb-c::transform-function xform))
- for typespec = (sb-kernel:type-specifier
- (sb-c::transform-type xform))
- for note = (sb-c::transform-note xform)
- do (setf (definition-source-description source)
- (if (consp typespec)
- (list (second typespec) note)
- (list note)))
- collect source)))))
- ((:optimizer)
- (when (symbolp name)
- (let ((fun-info (sb-int:info :function :info name)))
- (when fun-info
- (let ((otypes '((sb-c::fun-info-derive-type . sb-c:derive-type)
- (sb-c::fun-info-ltn-annotate . sb-c:ltn-annotate)
- (sb-c::fun-info-ltn-annotate . sb-c:ltn-annotate)
- (sb-c::fun-info-optimizer . sb-c:optimizer))))
- (loop for (reader . name) in otypes
- for fn = (funcall reader fun-info)
- when fn collect
- (let ((source (find-definition-source fn)))
- (setf (definition-source-description source)
- (list name))
- source)))))))
- ((:vop)
- (when (symbolp name)
- (let ((fun-info (sb-int:info :function :info name)))
- (when fun-info
- (loop for vop in (sb-c::fun-info-templates fun-info)
- for source = (find-definition-source
- (sb-c::vop-info-generator-function vop))
- do (setf (definition-source-description source)
- (list (sb-c::template-name vop)
- (sb-c::template-note vop)))
- collect source)))))
- ((:source-transform)
- (when (symbolp name)
- (let ((transform-fun (sb-int:info :function :source-transform name)))
- (when transform-fun
- (sb-introspect:find-definition-source transform-fun)))))
- (t
- nil)))))
-(defun find-definition-source (object)
- (typecase object
- ((or sb-pcl::condition-class sb-pcl::structure-class)
- (let ((classoid (sb-impl::find-classoid (class-name object))))
- (when classoid
- (let ((layout (sb-impl::classoid-layout classoid)))
- (when layout
- (translate-source-location
- (sb-kernel::layout-source-location layout)))))))
- (method-combination
- (car
- (find-definition-sources-by-name
- (sb-pcl::method-combination-type-name object) :method-combination)))
- (package
- (translate-source-location (sb-impl::package-source-location object)))
- (class
- (translate-source-location (sb-pcl::definition-source object)))
- ;; Use the PCL definition location information instead of the function
- ;; debug-info for methods and generic functions. Sometimes the
- ;; debug-info would point into PCL internals instead of the proper
- ;; location.
- (generic-function
- (let ((source (translate-source-location
- (sb-pcl::definition-source object))))
- (when source
- (setf (definition-source-description source)
- (list (sb-mop:generic-function-lambda-list object))))
- source))
- (method
- (let ((source (translate-source-location
- (sb-pcl::definition-source object))))
- (when source
- (setf (definition-source-description source)
- (append (method-qualifiers object)
- (if (sb-mop:method-generic-function object)
- (sb-pcl::unparse-specializers
- (sb-mop:method-generic-function object)
- (sb-mop:method-specializers object))
- (sb-mop:method-specializers object)))))
- source))
- #+sb-eval
- (sb-eval:interpreted-function
- (let ((source (translate-source-location
- (sb-eval:interpreted-function-source-location object))))
- source))
- (function
- (cond ((struct-accessor-p object)
- (find-definition-source
- (struct-accessor-structure-class object)))
- ((struct-predicate-p object)
- (find-definition-source
- (struct-predicate-structure-class object)))
- (t
- (find-function-definition-source object))))
- ((or condition standard-object structure-object)
- (find-definition-source (class-of object)))
- (t
- (error "Don't know how to retrieve source location for a ~S~%"
- (type-of object)))))
-(defun find-function-definition-source (function)
- (let* ((debug-info (function-debug-info function))
- (debug-source (debug-info-source debug-info))
- (debug-fun (debug-info-debug-function debug-info))
- (tlf (if debug-fun (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-tlf-number debug-fun))))
- (make-definition-source
- :pathname
- ;; KLUDGE: at the moment, we don't record the correct toplevel
- ;; form number for forms processed by EVAL (including EVAL-WHEN
- ;; :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL). Until that's fixed, don't return a
- ;; DEFINITION-SOURCE with a pathname. (When that's fixed, take
- ;; out the (not (debug-source-form ...)) test.
- (if (and (sb-c::debug-source-namestring debug-source)
- (not (sb-c::debug-source-form debug-source)))
- (parse-namestring (sb-c::debug-source-namestring debug-source)))
- :character-offset
- (if tlf
- (elt (sb-c::debug-source-start-positions debug-source) tlf))
- ;; Unfortunately there is no proper source path available in the
- ;; debug-source. FIXME: We could use sb-di:code-locations to get
- ;; a full source path. -luke (12/Mar/2005)
- :form-path (if tlf (list tlf))
- :file-write-date (sb-c::debug-source-created debug-source)
- :plist (sb-c::debug-source-plist debug-source))))
-(defun translate-source-location (location)
- (if location
- (make-definition-source
- :pathname (let ((n (sb-c:definition-source-location-namestring location)))
- (when n
- (parse-namestring n)))
- :form-path
- (let ((number (sb-c:definition-source-location-toplevel-form-number
- location)))
- (when number
- (list number)))
- :plist (sb-c:definition-source-location-plist location))
- (make-definition-source)))
-;;; This is kludgey. We expect these functions (the underlying functions,
-;;; not the closures) to be in static space and so not move ever.
-;;; FIXME It's also possibly wrong: not all structures use these vanilla
-;;; accessors, e.g. when the :type option is used
-(defvar *struct-slotplace-reader*
- (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self #'definition-source-pathname))
-(defvar *struct-slotplace-writer*
- (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self #'(setf definition-source-pathname)))
-(defvar *struct-predicate*
- (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self #'definition-source-p))
-(defun struct-accessor-p (function)
- (let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
- ;; FIXME there are other kinds of struct accessor. Fill out this list
- (member self (list *struct-slotplace-reader*
- *struct-slotplace-writer*))))
-(defun struct-predicate-p (function)
- (let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
- ;; FIXME there may be other structure predicate functions
- (member self (list *struct-predicate*))))
-(defun function-arglist (function)
- "Deprecated alias for FUNCTION-LAMBDA-LIST."
- (function-lambda-list function))
-(define-compiler-macro function-arglist (function)
- (sb-int:deprecation-warning 'function-arglist 'function-lambda-list)
- `(function-lambda-list ,function))
-(defun function-lambda-list (function)
- "Describe the lambda list for the extended function designator FUNCTION.
-Works for special-operators, macros, simple functions, interpreted functions,
-and generic functions. Signals an error if FUNCTION is not a valid extended
-function designator."
- (cond ((valid-function-name-p function)
- (function-lambda-list (or (and (symbolp function)
- (macro-function function))
- (fdefinition function))))
- ((typep function 'generic-function)
- (sb-pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist function))
- #+sb-eval
- ((typep function 'sb-eval:interpreted-function)
- (sb-eval:interpreted-function-lambda-list function))
- (t
- (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-arglist (sb-kernel:%fun-fun function)))))
-(defun deftype-lambda-list (typespec-operator)
- "Returns the lambda list of TYPESPEC-OPERATOR as first return
-value, and a flag whether the arglist could be found as second
- (sb-int:info :type :lambda-list typespec-operator))
-(defun struct-accessor-structure-class (function)
- (let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
- (cond
- ((member self (list *struct-slotplace-reader* *struct-slotplace-writer*))
- (find-class
- (sb-kernel::classoid-name
- (sb-kernel::layout-classoid
- (sb-kernel:%closure-index-ref function 1)))))
- )))
-(defun struct-predicate-structure-class (function)
- (let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
- (cond
- ((member self (list *struct-predicate*))
- (find-class
- (sb-kernel::classoid-name
- (sb-kernel::layout-classoid
- (sb-kernel:%closure-index-ref function 0)))))
- )))
-;;;; find callers/callees, liberated from Helmut Eller's code in SLIME
-;;; This interface is trmendously experimental.
-;;; For the moment I'm taking the view that FDEFN is an internal
-;;; object (one out of one CMUCL developer surveyed didn't know what
-;;; they were for), so these routines deal in FUNCTIONs
-;;; Find callers and callees by looking at the constant pool of
-;;; compiled code objects. We assume every fdefn object in the
-;;; constant pool corresponds to a call to that function. A better
-;;; strategy would be to use the disassembler to find actual
-;;; call-sites.
-(defun find-function-callees (function)
- "Return functions called by FUNCTION."
- (let ((callees '()))
- (map-code-constants
- (sb-kernel:fun-code-header function)
- (lambda (obj)
- (when (sb-kernel:fdefn-p obj)
- (push (sb-kernel:fdefn-fun obj)
- callees))))
- callees))
-(defun find-function-callers (function &optional (spaces '(:read-only :static
- :dynamic)))
- "Return functions which call FUNCTION, by searching SPACES for code objects"
- (let ((referrers '()))
- (map-caller-code-components
- function
- spaces
- (lambda (code)
- (let ((entry (sb-kernel:%code-entry-points code)))
- (cond ((not entry)
- (push (princ-to-string code) referrers))
- (t
- (loop for e = entry then (sb-kernel::%simple-fun-next e)
- while e
- do (pushnew e referrers)))))))
- referrers))
-(declaim (inline map-code-constants))
-(defun map-code-constants (code fn)
- "Call FN for each constant in CODE's constant pool."
- (check-type code sb-kernel:code-component)
- (loop for i from sb-vm:code-constants-offset below
- (sb-kernel:get-header-data code)
- do (funcall fn (sb-kernel:code-header-ref code i))))
-(declaim (inline map-allocated-code-components))
-(defun map-allocated-code-components (spaces fn)
- "Call FN for each allocated code component in one of SPACES. FN
-receives the object and its size as arguments. SPACES should be a
-list of the symbols :dynamic, :static, or :read-only."
- (dolist (space spaces)
- (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects
- (lambda (obj header size)
- (when (= sb-vm:code-header-widetag header)
- (funcall fn obj size)))
- space
- t)))
-(declaim (inline map-caller-code-components))
-(defun map-caller-code-components (function spaces fn)
- "Call FN for each code component with a fdefn for FUNCTION in its
-constant pool."
- (let ((function (coerce function 'function)))
- (map-allocated-code-components
- spaces
- (lambda (obj size)
- (declare (ignore size))
- (map-code-constants
- obj
- (lambda (constant)
- (when (and (sb-kernel:fdefn-p constant)
- (eq (sb-kernel:fdefn-fun constant)
- function))
- (funcall fn obj))))))))
-;;; XREF facility
-(defun get-simple-fun (functoid)
- (etypecase functoid
- (sb-kernel::fdefn
- (get-simple-fun (sb-vm::fdefn-fun functoid)))
- ((or null sb-impl::funcallable-instance)
- nil)
- (function
- (sb-kernel::%fun-fun functoid))))
-(defun collect-xref (kind-index wanted-name)
- (let ((ret nil))
- (dolist (env sb-c::*info-environment* ret)
- ;; Loop through the infodb ...
- (sb-c::do-info (env :class class :type type :name info-name
- :value value)
- ;; ... looking for function or macro definitions
- (when (and (eql class :function)
- (or (eql type :macro-function)
- (eql type :definition)))
- ;; Get a simple-fun for the definition, and an xref array
- ;; from the table if available.
- (let* ((simple-fun (get-simple-fun value))
- (xrefs (when simple-fun
- (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-xrefs simple-fun)))
- (array (when xrefs
- (aref xrefs kind-index))))
- ;; Loop through the name/path xref entries in the table
- (loop for i from 0 below (length array) by 2
- for xref-name = (aref array i)
- for xref-path = (aref array (1+ i))
- do (when (eql xref-name wanted-name)
- (let ((source-location
- (find-function-definition-source simple-fun)))
- ;; Use the more accurate source path from
- ;; the xref entry.
- (setf (definition-source-form-path source-location)
- xref-path)
- (push (cons info-name source-location)
- ret))))))))))
-(defun who-calls (function-name)
- "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
-global function named FUNCTION-NAME is called. Returns a list of
-function name, definition-source pairs."
- (collect-xref #.(position :calls sb-c::*xref-kinds*) function-name))
-(defun who-binds (symbol)
- "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
-special variable SYMBOL is rebound. Returns a list of function name,
-definition-source pairs."
- (collect-xref #.(position :binds sb-c::*xref-kinds*) symbol))
-(defun who-references (symbol)
- "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
-special variable or constant SYMBOL is read. Returns a list of function
-name, definition-source pairs."
- (collect-xref #.(position :references sb-c::*xref-kinds*) symbol))
-(defun who-sets (symbol)
- "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
-special variable SYMBOL is written to. Returns a list of function name,
-definition-source pairs."
- (collect-xref #.(position :sets sb-c::*xref-kinds*) symbol))
-(defun who-macroexpands (macro-name)
- "Use the xref facility to search for source locations where the
-macro MACRO-NAME is expanded. Returns a list of function name,
-definition-source pairs."
- (collect-xref #.(position :macroexpands sb-c::*xref-kinds*) macro-name))
-(defun allocation-information (object)
- #+sb-doc
- "Returns information about the allocation of OBJECT. Primary return value
-indicates the general type of allocation: :IMMEDIATE, :HEAP, :STACK,
-Possible secondary return value provides additional information about the
-For :HEAP objects the secondary value is a plist:
- Inficates the heap segment the object is allocated in.
- Is the current generation of the object: 0 for nursery, 6 for pseudo-static
- generation loaded from core. (GENCGC and :SPACE :DYNAMIC only.)
- Indicates a \"large\" object subject to non-copying
- promotion. (GENCGC and :SPACE :DYNAMIC only.)
- Indicates that the page(s) on which the object resides are kept live due
- to conservative references. Note that object may reside on a pinned page
- even if :PINNED in NIL if the GC has not had the need to mark the the page
- as pinned. (GENCGC and :SPACE :DYNAMIC only.)
-For :STACK objects secondary value is the thread on whose stack the object is
-Expected use-cases include introspection to gain insight into allocation and
-GC behaviour and restricting memoization to heap-allocated arguments.
-Experimental: interface subject to change."
- ;; FIXME: Would be nice to provide the size of the object as well, though
- ;; maybe that should be a separate function, and something like MAP-PARTS
- ;; for mapping over parts of arbitrary objects so users can get "deep sizes"
- ;; as well if they want to.
- ;;
- ;; FIXME: For the memoization use-case possibly we should also provide a
- ;; simpler HEAP-ALLOCATED-P, since that doesn't require disabling the GC
- ;; scanning threads for negative answers? Similarly, STACK-ALLOCATED-P for
- ;; checking if an object has been stack-allocated by a given thread for
- ;; testing purposes might not come amiss.
- (if (typep object '(or fixnum character))
- (values :immediate nil)
- (let ((plist
- (sb-sys:without-gcing
- ;; Disable GC so the object cannot move to another page while
- ;; we have the address.
- (let* ((addr (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address object))
- (space
- (cond ((< sb-vm:read-only-space-start addr
- (* sb-vm:*read-only-space-free-pointer*
- sb-vm:n-word-bytes))
- :read-only)
- ((< sb-vm:static-space-start addr
- (* sb-vm:*static-space-free-pointer*
- sb-vm:n-word-bytes))
- :static)
- ((< (sb-kernel:current-dynamic-space-start) addr
- (sb-sys:sap-int (sb-kernel:dynamic-space-free-pointer)))
- :dynamic))))
- (when space
- #+gencgc
- (if (eq :dynamic space)
- (let ((index (sb-vm::find-page-index addr)))
- (symbol-macrolet ((page (sb-alien:deref sb-vm::page-table index)))
- (let ((flags (sb-alien:slot page 'sb-vm::flags)))
- (list :space space
- :generation (sb-alien:slot page 'sb-vm::gen)
- :write-protected (logbitp 0 flags)
- :pinned (logbitp 5 flags)
- :large (logbitp 6 flags)))))
- (list :space space))
- #-gencgc
- (list :space space))))))
- (cond (plist
- (values :heap plist))
- (t
- (let ((sap (sb-sys:int-sap (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address object))))
- ;; FIXME: Check other stacks as well.
- #+sb-thread
- (dolist (thread (sb-thread:list-all-threads))
- (let ((c-start (sb-di::descriptor-sap
- (sb-thread::%symbol-value-in-thread
- 'sb-vm:*control-stack-start*
- thread)))
- (c-end (sb-di::descriptor-sap
- (sb-thread::%symbol-value-in-thread
- 'sb-vm:*control-stack-end*
- thread))))
- (when (and c-start c-end)
- (when (and (sb-sys:sap<= c-start sap)
- (sb-sys:sap< sap c-end))
- (return-from allocation-information
- (values :stack thread))))))
- #-sb-thread
- (when (sb-vm:control-stack-pointer-valid-p sap nil)
- (return-from allocation-information
- (values :stack sb-thread::*current-thread*))))
- :foreign)))))
-(provide 'sb-introspect)
-(require :sb-introspect)
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
(defpackage :sb-introspect-test
- (:use "SB-INTROSPECT" "CL"))
-(in-package :sb-introspect-test)
-(with-compilation-unit (:source-plist (list :test-outer "OUT"))
- (load (compile-file (merge-pathnames "test.lisp" *load-pathname*))))
-(assert (equal (function-lambda-list 'cl-user::one)
- '(cl-user::a cl-user::b cl-user::c)))
-(assert (equal (function-lambda-list 'the)
- '(sb-c::value-type sb-c::form)))
+ (:use "SB-INTROSPECT" "CL" "SB-RT"))
-(assert (equal (function-lambda-list #'(sb-pcl::slow-method cl-user::j (t)))
- '(sb-pcl::method-args sb-pcl::next-methods)))
-(let ((source (find-definition-source #'cl-user::one)))
- (assert (= (definition-source-file-write-date source)
- (file-write-date (merge-pathnames "test.lisp" *load-pathname*))))
- (assert (equal (getf (definition-source-plist source) :test-outer)
- "OUT")))
+(in-package :sb-introspect-test)
-(let ((plist (definition-source-plist
- (find-definition-source #'cl-user::four))))
- (assert (equal (getf plist :test-outer) "OUT"))
- (assert (equal (getf plist :test-inner) "IN")))
+(deftest function-lambda-list.1
+ (function-lambda-list 'cl-user::one)
+ (cl-user::a cl-user::b cl-user::c))
+(deftest function-lambda-list.2
+ (function-lambda-list 'the)
+ (sb-c::value-type sb-c::form))
+(deftest function-lambda-list.3
+ (function-lambda-list #'(sb-pcl::slow-method cl-user::j (t)))
+ (sb-pcl::method-args sb-pcl::next-methods))
+(deftest definition-source-plist.1
+ (let* ((source (find-definition-source #'cl-user::one))
+ (plist (definition-source-plist source)))
+ (values (= (definition-source-file-write-date source)
+ (file-write-date "test.lisp"))
+ (or (equal (getf plist :test-outer)
+ "OUT")
+ plist)))
+ t t)
+(deftest definition-source-plist.2
+ (let ((plist (definition-source-plist
+ (find-definition-source #'cl-user::four))))
+ (values (or (equal (getf plist :test-outer) "OUT")
+ plist)
+ (or (equal (getf plist :test-inner) "IN")
+ plist)))
+ t t)
(defun matchp (object form-number)
(let ((ds (sb-introspect:find-definition-source object)))
(let ((ds (sb-introspect:find-definition-sources-by-name object type)))
(= (length ds) form-numbers)))
-(assert (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::one 2))
-(assert (matchp #'cl-user::one 2))
-(assert (matchp-name :generic-function 'cl-user::two 3))
-(assert (matchp (car (sb-pcl:generic-function-methods #'cl-user::two)) 4))
-(assert (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::*a* 8))
-(assert (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::*b* 9))
-(assert (matchp-name :class 'cl-user::a 10))
-(assert (matchp-name :condition 'cl-user::b 11))
-(assert (matchp-name :structure 'cl-user::c 12))
-(assert (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::make-c 12))
-(assert (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::c-e 12))
-(assert (matchp-name :structure 'cl-user::d 13))
-(assert (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::make-d 13))
-(assert (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::d-e 13))
-(assert (matchp-name :package 'cl-user::e 14))
-(assert (matchp-name :symbol-macro 'cl-user::f 15))
-(assert (matchp-name :type 'cl-user::g 16))
-(assert (matchp-name :constant 'cl-user::+h+ 17))
-(assert (matchp-length :method 'cl-user::j 2))
-(assert (matchp-name :macro 'cl-user::l 20))
-(assert (matchp-name :compiler-macro 'cl-user::m 21))
-(assert (matchp-name :setf-expander 'cl-user::n 22))
-(assert (matchp-name :function '(setf cl-user::o) 23))
-(assert (matchp-name :method '(setf cl-user::p) 24))
-(assert (matchp-name :macro 'cl-user::q 25))
-(assert (matchp-name :method-combination 'cl-user::r 26))
-(assert (matchp-name :setf-expander 'cl-user::s 27))
-(let ((fin (make-instance 'sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object)))
- (sb-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function fin #'cl-user::one)
- (assert (matchp fin 2)))
-(sb-profile:profile cl-user::one)
-(assert (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::one 2))
-(sb-profile:unprofile cl-user::one)
-;;;; Check correctness of FUNCTION-LAMBDA-LIST.
-(assert (equal (function-lambda-list 'cl-user::one)
- '(cl-user::a cl-user::b cl-user::c)))
-(assert (equal (function-lambda-list 'the)
- '(sb-c::value-type sb-c::form)))
+(deftest find-source-stuff.1
+ (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::one 2)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.2
+ (matchp #'cl-user::one 2)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.3
+ (matchp-name :generic-function 'cl-user::two 3)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.4
+ (matchp (car (sb-pcl:generic-function-methods #'cl-user::two)) 4)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.5
+ (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::*a* 8)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.6
+ (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::*b* 9)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.7
+ (matchp-name :class 'cl-user::a 10)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.8
+ (matchp-name :condition 'cl-user::b 11)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.9
+ (matchp-name :structure 'cl-user::c 12)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.10
+ (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::make-c 12)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.11
+ (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::c-e 12)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.12
+ (matchp-name :structure 'cl-user::d 13)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.13
+ (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::make-d 13)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.14
+ (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::d-e 13)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.15
+ (matchp-name :package 'cl-user::e 14)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.16
+ (matchp-name :symbol-macro 'cl-user::f 15)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.17
+ (matchp-name :type 'cl-user::g 16)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.18
+ (matchp-name :constant 'cl-user::+h+ 17)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.19
+ (matchp-length :method 'cl-user::j 2)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.20
+ (matchp-name :macro 'cl-user::l 20)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.21
+ (matchp-name :compiler-macro 'cl-user::m 21)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.22
+ (matchp-name :setf-expander 'cl-user::n 22)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.23
+ (matchp-name :function '(setf cl-user::o) 23)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.24
+ (matchp-name :method '(setf cl-user::p) 24)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.25
+ (matchp-name :macro 'cl-user::q 25)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.26
+ (matchp-name :method-combination 'cl-user::r 26)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.27
+ (matchp-name :setf-expander 'cl-user::s 27)
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.28
+ (let ((fin (make-instance 'sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object)))
+ (sb-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function fin #'cl-user::one)
+ (matchp fin 2))
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.29
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (sb-profile:profile cl-user::one)
+ (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::one 2))
+ (sb-profile:unprofile cl-user::one))
+ t)
+(deftest find-source-stuff.30
+ ;; Test finding a type that isn't one
+ (not (find-definition-sources-by-name 'fboundp :type))
+ t)
;;; Check wrt. interplay of generic functions and their methods.
-(multiple-value-bind (required optional restp rest keyp keys allowp
- auxp aux morep more-context more-count)
- (sb-int:parse-lambda-list (function-lambda-list #'xuuq))
- (assert (equal required '(gf.a gf.b)))
- (assert (null optional))
- (assert (and restp (eql rest 'gf.rest)))
- (assert (and keyp
- (member 'gf.k-X keys)
- (member 'm1.k-Y keys)
- (member 'm1.k-Z keys)
- (member 'm2.k-Q keys)))
- (assert (not allowp))
- (assert (and (not auxp) (null aux)))
- (assert (and (not morep) (null more-context) (not more-count))))
+(deftest gf-interplay.1
+ (multiple-value-bind (required optional restp rest keyp keys allowp
+ auxp aux morep more-context more-count)
+ (sb-int:parse-lambda-list (function-lambda-list #'xuuq))
+ (and (equal required '(gf.a gf.b))
+ (null optional)
+ (and restp (eql rest 'gf.rest))
+ (and keyp
+ (member 'gf.k-X keys)
+ (member 'm1.k-Y keys)
+ (member 'm1.k-Z keys)
+ (member 'm2.k-Q keys))
+ (not allowp)
+ (and (not auxp) (null aux))
+ (and (not morep) (null more-context) (not more-count))))
+ t)
;;; Check what happens when there's no explicit DEFGENERIC.
(defmethod kroolz (r1 r2 &optional opt &aux aux)
(declare (ignore r1 r2 opt aux))
-(assert (equal (function-lambda-list #'kroolz) '(r1 r2 &optional opt)))
-;;;; Test finding a type that isn't one
-(assert (not (find-definition-sources-by-name 'fboundp :type)))
+(deftest gf-interplay.2
+ (equal (function-lambda-list #'kroolz) '(r1 r2 &optional opt))
+ t)
;;;; Check correctness of DEFTYPE-LAMBDA-LIST.
(deftype foobar-type
(declare (ignore w e r1 r2 o rest k1 k2 k3))
-(assert (multiple-value-bind (arglist found?) (deftype-lambda-list 'foobar-type)
+(deftest deftype-lambda-list.1
+ (multiple-value-bind (arglist found?) (deftype-lambda-list 'foobar-type)
(and found?
(equal arglist '(&whole w &environment e
- r1 r2 &optional o &rest rest &key k1 k2 k3)))))
-(assert (equal (multiple-value-list (deftype-lambda-list (gensym)))
- '(nil nil)))
+ r1 r2 &optional o &rest rest &key k1 k2 k3))))
+ t)
-;;;; Test the xref facility
-(load (merge-pathnames "xref-test.lisp" *load-pathname*))
+(deftest deftype-lambda-list.2
+ (equal (multiple-value-list (deftype-lambda-list (gensym)))
+ '(nil nil))
+ t)
;;; Test allocation-information
(multiple-value-bind (kind2 info2) (sb-introspect:allocation-information x)
(unless (eq kind kind2)
(error "wanted ~S, got ~S" kind kind2))
- (assert (equal info info2))))
-(tai nil :heap '(:space :static))
-(tai t :heap '(:space :static))
-(tai 42 :immediate nil)
-(tai #'cons :heap
- #+(and (not ppc) gencgc)
- ;; FIXME: This is the canonical GENCGC result, the one below for PPC is
- ;; what we get there, but :LARGE T doesn't seem right. Figure out what's
- ;; going on.
- '(:space :dynamic :generation 6 :write-protected t :pinned nil :large nil)
- #+(and ppc gencgc)
- '(:space :dynamic :generation 6 :write-protected t :pinned nil :large t)
- ;; FIXME: Figure out what's the right cheney-result, and which platforms
- ;; return something else. The SPARC version here is what we get there,
- ;; but quite possibly that is the result on all non-GENCGC platforms.
- #+(and sparc (not gencgc))
- '(:space :read-only)
- #+(and (not sparc) (not gencgc))
- '(:space :dynamic))
-(let ((x (list 1 2 3)))
- (declare (dynamic-extent x))
- (tai x :stack sb-thread:*current-thread*))
+ (equal info info2)))
+(deftest allocation-infromation.1
+ (tai nil :heap '(:space :static))
+ t)
+(deftest allocation-information.2
+ (tai t :heap '(:space :static))
+ t)
+(deftest allocation-information.3
+ (tai 42 :immediate nil)
+ t)
+(deftest allocation-information.4
+ (tai #'cons :heap
+ #+(and (not ppc) gencgc)
+ ;; FIXME: This is the canonical GENCGC result, the one below for PPC is
+ ;; what we get there, but :LARGE T doesn't seem right. Figure out what's
+ ;; going on.
+ '(:space :dynamic :generation 6 :write-protected t :pinned nil :large nil)
+ #+(and ppc gencgc)
+ '(:space :dynamic :generation 6 :write-protected t :pinned nil :large t)
+ ;; FIXME: Figure out what's the right cheney-result, and which platforms
+ ;; return something else. The SPARC version here is what we get there,
+ ;; but quite possibly that is the result on all non-GENCGC platforms.
+ #+(and sparc (not gencgc))
+ '(:space :read-only)
+ #+(and (not sparc) (not gencgc))
+ '(:space :dynamic))
+ t)
- (defun thread-tai ()
+(deftest allocation-information.thread.1
(let ((x (list 1 2 3)))
(declare (dynamic-extent x))
- (let ((child (sb-thread:make-thread
- (lambda ()
- (sb-introspect:allocation-information x)))))
- (assert (equal (list :stack sb-thread:*current-thread*)
- (multiple-value-list (sb-thread:join-thread child)))))))
- (thread-tai)
- (defun thread-tai2 ()
- (let* ((sem (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
- (obj nil)
- (child (sb-thread:make-thread
- (lambda ()
- (let ((x (list 1 2 3)))
- (declare (dynamic-extent x))
- (setf obj x)
- (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem)))
- :name "child")))
- (loop until obj)
- (assert (equal (list :stack child)
- (multiple-value-list
- (sb-introspect:allocation-information obj))))
- (sb-thread:signal-semaphore sem)
- (sb-thread:join-thread child)
- nil))
- (thread-tai2))
-;;;; Unix success convention for exit codes
-(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 0)
+ (tai x :stack sb-thread:*current-thread*))
+ t)
+ (defun thread-tai ()
+ (let ((x (list 1 2 3)))
+ (declare (dynamic-extent x))
+ (let ((child (sb-thread:make-thread
+ (lambda ()
+ (sb-introspect:allocation-information x)))))
+ (equal (list :stack sb-thread:*current-thread*)
+ (multiple-value-list (sb-thread:join-thread child))))))
+ (deftest allocation-information.thread.2
+ (thread-tai)
+ t)
+ (defun thread-tai2 ()
+ (let* ((sem (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
+ (obj nil)
+ (child (sb-thread:make-thread
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((x (list 1 2 3)))
+ (declare (dynamic-extent x))
+ (setf obj x)
+ (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem)))
+ :name "child")))
+ (loop until obj)
+ (assert (equal (list :stack child)
+ (multiple-value-list
+ (sb-introspect:allocation-information obj))))
+ (sb-thread:signal-semaphore sem)
+ (sb-thread:join-thread child)
+ nil))
+ (deftest allocation-information.thread.3
+ (thread-tai2)
+ t))
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
+(defpackage :sb-introspect-test/xref
+ (:use "SB-INTROSPECT" "CL" "SB-RT"))
+(in-package :sb-introspect-test/xref)
(defvar *a* nil)
(defconstant +z+ 'zzz)
-(defpackage :sb-introspect-test/xref
- (:use "SB-INTROSPECT" "CL"))
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
(in-package :sb-introspect-test/xref)
-(load (compile-file (merge-pathnames "xref-test-data.lisp" *load-pathname*)))
-(labels ((natural< (a b)
- (string< (princ-to-string a) (princ-to-string b))))
- (let ((tests '(((sb-introspect::who-calls 'foo) ())
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'bar) (xref/1 xref/3))
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/1) (xref/2))
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/2)
- (xref/5 xref/6 xref/8 xref/8 xref/12
- (sb-pcl::fast-method xref/10
- (t t t t t t t t fixnum))
- (sb-pcl::fast-method xref/11 (fixnum))))
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/3)
- (inline/1 (sb-pcl::fast-method xref/11 (float))))
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/4) ())
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/5) ())
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/6) (xref/7))
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/7) ())
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/8) ())
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/10) ())
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/11) ())
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'inline/1) (xref/12))
- ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/12) (macro/1))
- ((sb-introspect::who-macroexpands 'macro/1)
- (macro-use/1 macro-use/2 macro-use/3 macro-use/4 inline/2))
- ((sb-introspect::who-binds '*a*) (xref/2))
- ((sb-introspect::who-sets '*a*) (xref/2 xref/13))
- ((sb-introspect::who-references '*a*)
- (xref/1 xref/2 xref/4 inline/1 xref/14))
- ((sb-introspect::who-references '+z+)
- (inline/1)))))
- (loop for x in tests
- for form = (first x)
- for wanted = (sort (second x) #'natural<)
- for result = (sort (loop for name in (eval form)
- collect (car name))
- #'natural<)
- do (assert (equalp wanted result)
- nil
- "form=~a~%wanted=~a~%result=~a~%" form wanted result))))
+(deftest xrefs
+ (labels ((natural< (a b)
+ (string< (princ-to-string a) (princ-to-string b))))
+ (let ((tests '(((sb-introspect::who-calls 'foo) ())
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'bar) (xref/1 xref/3))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/1) (xref/2))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/2)
+ (xref/5 xref/6 xref/8 xref/8 xref/12
+ (sb-pcl::fast-method xref/10
+ (t t t t t t t t fixnum))
+ (sb-pcl::fast-method xref/11 (fixnum))))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/3)
+ (inline/1 (sb-pcl::fast-method xref/11 (float))))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/4) ())
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/5) ())
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/6) (xref/7))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/7) ())
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/8) ())
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/10) ())
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/11) ())
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'inline/1) (xref/12))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-calls 'xref/12) (macro/1))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-macroexpands 'macro/1)
+ (macro-use/1 macro-use/2 macro-use/3 macro-use/4 inline/2))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-binds '*a*) (xref/2))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-sets '*a*) (xref/2 xref/13))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-references '*a*)
+ (xref/1 xref/2 xref/4 inline/1 xref/14))
+ ((sb-introspect::who-references '+z+)
+ (inline/1)))))
+ (loop for x in tests
+ for form = (first x)
+ for wanted = (sort (second x) #'natural<)
+ for result = (sort (loop for name in (eval form)
+ collect (car name))
+ #'natural<)
+ do (unless (equalp wanted result)
+ (return (format nil "form=~a~%wanted=~a~%result=~a~%"
+ form wanted result))))))
+ nil)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)