(declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) numx numy))
(unless (= numx numy)
(return nil))))))))
+;;; FIXME: it is probably worth doing something like this for
+;;; SIMPLE-BASE-STRINGs too, if only so that (MAKE-STRING 100000
+;;; :INITIAL-ELEMENT #\Space) doesn't surprise the user with its
+;;; performance characteristics. Getting it right is harder than with
+;;; bit-vectors, though, as one needs to be more careful with the loop
+;;; epilogue so as not to overwrite the convenient extra null byte
+;;; (for SB-ALIEN/C termination convention convenience).
+(deftransform fill ((sequence item) (simple-bit-vector bit) *
+ :policy (>= speed space))
+ (let ((value (if (constant-continuation-p item)
+ (if (= (continuation-value item) 0)
+ 0
+ #.(1- (ash 1 32)))
+ `(if (= item 0) 0 #.(1- (ash 1 32))))))
+ `(let ((length (length sequence))
+ (value ,value))
+ (if (= length 0)
+ sequence
+ (do ((index sb!vm:vector-data-offset (1+ index))
+ (end-1 (+ sb!vm:vector-data-offset
+ ;; bit-vectors of length 1-32 need precisely
+ ;; one (SETF %RAW-BITS), done here in the
+ ;; epilogue. - CSR, 2002-04-24
+ (truncate (truly-the index (1- length))
+ sb!vm:n-word-bits))))
+ ((= index end-1)
+ (setf (%raw-bits sequence index) value)
+ sequence)
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
+ (type index index end-1))
+ (setf (%raw-bits sequence index) value))))))
;;;; %BYTE-BLT
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)