Refactor PROCESS-INIT-FILE to share code with LOAD-AS-SOURCE.
Also add in contrib/sb-introspect/load-test.lisp which was
left out from the last commit.
;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; fill-column: 78 -*-
changes relative to sbcl-1.0.48:
- * enhancement: functions from files loaded as source now have source
- locations.
- * enhancement: functions from compile-time-too evaluation now have source
- locations.
+ * enhancement: source locations are now available for files loaded as source,
+ compile-time-too evaluation, and initialization files.
* enhancement: WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT :SOURCE-NAMESTRING allows providing
virtual source-file information, eg. overriding input-file of COMPILE-FILE
when a temporary file is used for compilation.
--- /dev/null
+;;; The order of the forms must not change, as the order is checked in
+;;; `test-driver.lisp'. Thus do not alter this file unless you edit
+;;; test-driver.lisp to match.
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
+ (error "load-test.lisp needs to be loaded as source"))
+(defun loaded-as-source-fun ()
+ t)
;; These could be moved back into SB!EXT if someone has
;; compelling reasons, but hopefully we can get by
;;; Load a text stream. (Note that load-as-fasl is in another file.)
-(defun load-as-source (stream verbose print)
+(defun load-as-source (stream &key verbose print (context "loading"))
(maybe-announce-load stream verbose)
- (macrolet
- ((do-sexprs (((sexpr index) stream) &body body)
- (aver (symbolp sexpr))
- (with-unique-names (source-info)
- (once-only ((stream stream))
- `(if (handler-case (pathname stream)
- (error () nil))
- (let* ((,source-info (sb!c::make-file-source-info
- (pathname ,stream)
- (stream-external-format ,stream)))
- (sb!c::*source-info* ,source-info)
- (sb!c::*source-paths* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
- (setf (sb!c::source-info-stream ,source-info) ,stream)
- (sb!c::do-forms-from-info ((,sexpr current-index)
- ,source-info)
- (sb!c::find-source-paths ,sexpr current-index)
- (let ((,index current-index))
- ,@body)))
- (let ((sb!c::*source-info* nil)
- (,index nil))
- (do ((,sexpr (read ,stream nil *eof-object*)
- (read ,stream nil *eof-object*)))
- ((eq ,sexpr *eof-object*))
- ,@body)))))))
- (do-sexprs ((sexpr tlf-index) stream)
- (if print
- (let ((results (multiple-value-list (eval-tlf sexpr tlf-index))))
- (load-fresh-line)
- (format t "~{~S~^, ~}~%" results))
- (eval-tlf sexpr tlf-index)))
- t))
+ (let* ((pathname (ignore-errors (translate-logical-pathname stream)))
+ (native (when pathname (native-namestring pathname))))
+ (with-simple-restart (abort "Abort ~A file ~S." context native)
+ (flet ((eval-form (form index)
+ (with-simple-restart (continue "Ignore error and continue ~A file ~S."
+ context native)
+ (loop
+ (with-simple-restart (retry "Retry EVAL of current toplevel form.")
+ (if print
+ (let ((results (multiple-value-list (eval-tlf form index))))
+ (load-fresh-line)
+ (format t "~{~S~^, ~}~%" results))
+ (eval-tlf form index)))
+ (return)))))
+ (if pathname
+ (let* ((info (sb!c::make-file-source-info
+ pathname (stream-external-format stream)))
+ (sb!c::*source-info* info)
+ (sb!c::*source-paths* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
+ (setf (sb!c::source-info-stream info) stream)
+ (sb!c::do-forms-from-info ((form current-index) info)
+ (sb!c::find-source-paths form current-index)
+ (eval-form form current-index)))
+ (let ((sb!c::*source-info* nil))
+ (do ((form (read stream nil *eof-object*)
+ (read stream nil *eof-object*)))
+ ((eq form *eof-object*))
+ (eval-form form nil)))))))
+ t)
;;;; LOAD itself
(return-from load
(if faslp
(load-as-fasl stream verbose print)
- (load-as-source stream verbose print))))))
+ (load-as-source stream :verbose verbose :print print))))))
;; Case 1: stream.
(when (streamp pathspec)
(return-from load (load-stream pathspec (fasl-header-p pathspec))))
(values "sysinit" *sysinit-pathname-function*))
(values "userinit" *userinit-pathname-function*)))
- (flet ((process-stream (stream pathname)
- (with-simple-restart (abort "Skip rest of ~A file ~S."
- context (native-namestring pathname))
- (loop
- (with-simple-restart
- (continue "Ignore error and continue processing ~A file ~S."
- context (native-namestring pathname))
- (let ((form (read stream nil stream)))
- (if (eq stream form)
- (return-from process-init-file nil)
- (eval form))))))))
- (if specified-pathname
- (with-open-file (stream (parse-native-namestring specified-pathname)
- :if-does-not-exist nil)
- (if stream
- (process-stream stream (pathname stream))
- (cerror "Ignore missing init file"
- "The specified ~A file ~A was not found."
- context specified-pathname)))
- (let ((default (funcall default-function)))
- (when default
- (with-open-file (stream (pathname default) :if-does-not-exist nil)
- (when stream
- (process-stream stream (pathname stream))))))))))
+ (if specified-pathname
+ (with-open-file (stream (parse-native-namestring specified-pathname)
+ :if-does-not-exist nil)
+ (if stream
+ (load-as-source stream :context context)
+ (cerror "Ignore missing init file"
+ "The specified ~A file ~A was not found."
+ context specified-pathname)))
+ (let ((default (funcall default-function)))
+ (when default
+ (with-open-file (stream (pathname default) :if-does-not-exist nil)
+ (when stream
+ (load-as-source stream :context context))))))))
(defun process-eval/load-options (options)
(/show0 "handling --eval and --load options")
run_sbcl <<EOF
+ (require :sb-introspect)
(defun custom-userinit-pathname ()
(defun custom-sysinit-pathname ()
exit 1
run_sbcl_with_core "$tmpcore" --disable-debugger <<EOF
+ (assert (string= (custom-sysinit-pathname)
+ (namestring
+ (sb-introspect:definition-source-pathname
+ (car (sb-introspect:find-definition-sources-by-name
+ 'sysinit-21 :function))))))
(userinit-quit (sysinit-21))
check_status_maybe_lose "userinit and sysinit loading" $? 21 "(loading worked)"
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)