;;;; comparison
(macrolet ((define-cond-assem-rtn (name translate static-fn test)
+ (declare (ignorable translate static-fn))
+ #+sb-assembling
`(define-assembly-routine (,name
- (:cost 10)
- (:return-style :full-call)
- (:policy :safe)
- (:translate ,translate)
- (:save-p t))
- ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) rdx-offset)
- (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) rdi-offset)
- (:res res descriptor-reg rdx-offset)
+ (:return-style :none))
+ ((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) rdx-offset)
+ (:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) rdi-offset)
- (:temp eax unsigned-reg rax-offset)
- (:temp ecx unsigned-reg rcx-offset))
+ (:temp rcx unsigned-reg rcx-offset))
- (inst mov ecx x)
- (inst or ecx y)
- (inst test ecx fixnum-tag-mask)
+ (inst mov rcx x)
+ (inst or rcx y)
+ (inst test rcx fixnum-tag-mask)
(inst jmp :nz DO-STATIC-FUN)
(inst cmp x y)
- (load-symbol res t)
- (inst mov eax nil-value)
- (inst cmov ,test res eax)
- (inst clc) ; single-value return
(inst ret)
- (inst pop eax)
- (inst push rbp-tn)
- (inst lea rbp-tn (make-ea :qword
- :base rsp-tn
- :disp n-word-bytes))
- (inst sub rsp-tn (fixnumize 2)) ; FIXME: Push 2 words on stack,
- ; weirdly?
- (inst push eax)
- (inst mov ecx (fixnumize 2)) ; FIXME: FIXNUMIZE and
- ; SINGLE-FLOAT-BITS are parallel,
- ; should be named parallelly.
- (inst jmp (make-ea :qword
- :disp (+ nil-value
- (static-fun-offset ',static-fn)))))))
- (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-< < two-arg-< :ge)
- (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-> > two-arg-> :le))
+ (move rcx rsp-tn)
+ (inst sub rsp-tn (fixnumize 3))
+ (inst mov (make-ea :qword
+ :base rcx
+ :disp (fixnumize -1))
+ rbp-tn)
+ (move rbp-tn rcx)
+ (inst mov rcx (fixnumize 2))
+ (inst call (make-ea :qword
+ :disp (+ nil-value
+ (static-fun-offset ',static-fn))))
+ ;; HACK: We depend on NIL having the lowest address of all
+ ;; static symbols (including T)
+ ,@(ecase test
+ (:l `((inst mov y (1+ nil-value))
+ (inst cmp y x)))
+ (:g `((inst cmp x (1+ nil-value)))))
+ (inst ret))
+ #-sb-assembling
+ `(define-vop (,name)
+ (:translate ,translate)
+ (:policy :safe)
+ (:save-p t)
+ (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target rdx)
+ (y :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target rdi))
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rdx-offset
+ :from (:argument 0))
+ rdx)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rdi-offset
+ :from (:argument 1))
+ rdi)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rcx-offset
+ :from :eval)
+ rcx)
+ (:conditional ,test)
+ (:generator 10
+ (move rdx x)
+ (move rdi y)
+ (inst lea rcx (make-ea :qword
+ :disp (make-fixup ',name :assembly-routine)))
+ (inst call rcx)))))
+ (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-< < two-arg-< :l)
+ (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-> > two-arg-> :g))
(define-assembly-routine (generic-eql
- (:cost 10)
- (:return-style :full-call)
- (:policy :safe)
- (:translate eql)
- (:save-p t))
+ (:return-style :none))
((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) rdx-offset)
(:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) rdi-offset)
- (:res res descriptor-reg rdx-offset)
- (:temp rax unsigned-reg rax-offset)
(:temp rcx unsigned-reg rcx-offset))
(inst mov rcx x)
(inst and rcx y)
(inst test rcx fixnum-tag-mask)
;; At least one fixnum
(inst cmp x y)
- (load-symbol res t)
- (inst mov rax nil-value)
- (inst cmov :ne res rax)
- (inst clc)
(inst ret)
- (inst pop rax)
- (inst push rbp-tn)
- (inst lea rbp-tn (make-ea :qword :base rsp-tn :disp n-word-bytes))
- (inst sub rsp-tn (fixnumize 2))
- (inst push rax)
+ (move rcx rsp-tn)
+ (inst sub rsp-tn (fixnumize 3))
+ (inst mov (make-ea :qword
+ :base rcx
+ :disp (fixnumize -1))
+ rbp-tn)
+ (move rbp-tn rcx)
(inst mov rcx (fixnumize 2))
- (inst jmp (make-ea :qword
- :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'eql)))))
+ (inst call (make-ea :qword
+ :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'eql))))
+ (load-symbol y t)
+ (inst cmp x y)
+ (inst ret))
+(define-vop (generic-eql)
+ (:translate eql)
+ (:policy :safe)
+ (:save-p t)
+ (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target rdx)
+ (y :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target rdi))
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rdx-offset
+ :from (:argument 0))
+ rdx)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rdi-offset
+ :from (:argument 1))
+ rdi)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rcx-offset
+ :from :eval)
+ rcx)
+ (:conditional :e)
+ (:generator 10
+ (move rdx x)
+ (move rdi y)
+ (inst lea rcx (make-ea :qword
+ :disp (make-fixup 'generic-eql :assembly-routine)))
+ (inst call rcx)))
(define-assembly-routine (generic-=
- (:cost 10)
- (:return-style :full-call)
- (:policy :safe)
- (:translate =)
- (:save-p t))
+ (:return-style :none))
((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) rdx-offset)
(:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) rdi-offset)
- (:res res descriptor-reg rdx-offset)
- (:temp rax unsigned-reg rax-offset)
(:temp rcx unsigned-reg rcx-offset))
(inst mov rcx x)
(inst or rcx y)
;; Both fixnums
(inst cmp x y)
- (load-symbol res t)
- (inst mov rax nil-value)
- (inst cmov :ne res rax)
- (inst clc)
(inst ret)
- (inst pop rax)
- (inst push rbp-tn)
- (inst lea rbp-tn (make-ea :qword :base rsp-tn :disp n-word-bytes))
- (inst sub rsp-tn (fixnumize 2))
- (inst push rax)
+ (move rcx rsp-tn)
+ (inst sub rsp-tn (fixnumize 3))
+ (inst mov (make-ea :qword
+ :base rcx
+ :disp (fixnumize -1))
+ rbp-tn)
+ (move rbp-tn rcx)
(inst mov rcx (fixnumize 2))
- (inst jmp (make-ea :qword
- :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'two-arg-=)))))
+ (inst call (make-ea :qword
+ :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'two-arg-=))))
+ (load-symbol y t)
+ (inst cmp x y)
+ (inst ret))
+(define-vop (generic-=)
+ (:translate =)
+ (:policy :safe)
+ (:save-p t)
+ (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target rdx)
+ (y :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target rdi))
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rdx-offset
+ :from (:argument 0))
+ rdx)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rdi-offset
+ :from (:argument 1))
+ rdi)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rcx-offset
+ :from :eval)
+ rcx)
+ (:conditional :e)
+ (:generator 10
+ (move rdx x)
+ (move rdi y)
+ (inst lea rcx (make-ea :qword
+ :disp (make-fixup 'generic-= :assembly-routine)))
+ (inst call rcx)))
;;;; comparison
(macrolet ((define-cond-assem-rtn (name translate static-fn test)
+ #+sb-assembling
`(define-assembly-routine (,name
- (:cost 10)
- (:return-style :full-call)
- (:policy :safe)
- (:translate ,translate)
- (:save-p t))
+ (:return-style :none))
((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
(:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) edi-offset)
- (:res res descriptor-reg edx-offset)
- (:temp eax unsigned-reg eax-offset)
(:temp ecx unsigned-reg ecx-offset))
(inst mov ecx x)
(inst jmp :nz DO-STATIC-FUN) ; are both fixnums?
(inst cmp x y)
- (cond ((member :cmov *backend-subfeatures*)
- (load-symbol res t)
- (inst mov eax nil-value)
- (inst cmov ,test res eax))
- (t
- (inst mov res nil-value)
- (inst jmp ,test RETURN)
- (load-symbol res t)))
- (inst clc) ; single-value return
(inst ret)
- (inst pop eax)
- (inst push ebp-tn)
- (inst lea ebp-tn (make-ea :dword
- :base esp-tn
- :disp n-word-bytes))
- (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 2)) ; FIXME: Push 2 words on stack,
- ; weirdly?
- (inst push eax)
- (inst mov ecx (fixnumize 2)) ; FIXME: FIXNUMIZE and
- ; SINGLE-FLOAT-BITS are parallel,
- ; should be named parallelly.
- (inst jmp (make-ea :dword
- :disp (+ nil-value
- (static-fun-offset ',static-fn)))))))
- (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-< < two-arg-< :ge)
- (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-> > two-arg-> :le))
+ (move ecx esp-tn)
+ (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 3))
+ (inst mov (make-ea :dword
+ :base ecx :disp (fixnumize -1))
+ ebp-tn)
+ (move ebp-tn ecx)
+ (inst mov ecx (fixnumize 2))
+ (inst call (make-ea :dword
+ :disp (+ nil-value
+ (static-fun-offset ',static-fn))))
+ ;; HACK: We depend on NIL having the lowest address of all
+ ;; static symbols (including T)
+ ,@(ecase test
+ (:l `((inst mov y (1+ nil-value))
+ (inst cmp y x)))
+ (:g `((inst cmp x (1+ nil-value)))))
+ (inst ret))
+ #-sb-assembling
+ `(define-vop (,name)
+ (:translate ,translate)
+ (:policy :safe)
+ (:save-p t)
+ (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target edx)
+ (y :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target edi))
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset edx-offset
+ :from (:argument 0))
+ edx)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset edi-offset
+ :from (:argument 1))
+ edi)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset ecx-offset
+ :from :eval)
+ ecx)
+ (:conditional ,test)
+ (:generator 10
+ (move edx x)
+ (move edi y)
+ (inst lea ecx (make-ea :dword
+ :disp (make-fixup ',name :assembly-routine)))
+ (inst call ecx)))))
+ (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-< < two-arg-< :l)
+ (define-cond-assem-rtn generic-> > two-arg-> :g))
(define-assembly-routine (generic-eql
- (:cost 10)
- (:return-style :full-call)
- (:policy :safe)
- (:translate eql)
- (:save-p t))
+ (:return-style :none))
((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
(:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) edi-offset)
- (:res res descriptor-reg edx-offset)
- (:temp eax unsigned-reg eax-offset)
(:temp ecx unsigned-reg ecx-offset))
(inst mov ecx x)
(inst and ecx y)
- (inst test ecx fixnum-tag-mask)
- (inst jmp :nz DO-STATIC-FUN)
+ (inst and ecx lowtag-mask)
+ (inst cmp ecx other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (inst jmp :e DO-STATIC-FUN)
- ;; At least one fixnum
+ ;; Not both other pointers
(inst cmp x y)
- (load-symbol res t)
- (cond ((member :cmov *backend-subfeatures*)
- (inst mov eax nil-value)
- (inst cmov :ne res eax))
- (t
- (inst jmp :e RETURN)
- (inst mov res nil-value)))
- (inst clc)
(inst ret)
- ;; FIXME: We could handle all non-numbers here easily enough: go to
- ;; TWO-ARG-EQL only if lowtags and widetags match, lowtag is
- ;; other-pointer-lowtag and widetag is < code-header-widetag.
- (inst pop eax)
- (inst push ebp-tn)
- (inst lea ebp-tn (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn :disp n-word-bytes))
- (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 2))
- (inst push eax)
+ ;; Might as well fast path that...
+ (inst cmp x y)
+ (inst jmp :e RET)
+ (move ecx esp-tn)
+ (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 3))
+ (inst mov (make-ea :dword
+ :base ecx
+ :disp (fixnumize -1))
+ ebp-tn)
+ (move ebp-tn ecx)
(inst mov ecx (fixnumize 2))
- (inst jmp (make-ea :dword
- :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'eql)))))
+ (inst call (make-ea :dword
+ :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'eql))))
+ (load-symbol y t)
+ (inst cmp x y)
+ (inst ret))
+(define-vop (generic-eql)
+ (:translate eql)
+ (:policy :safe)
+ (:save-p t)
+ (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target edx)
+ (y :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target edi))
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset edx-offset
+ :from (:argument 0))
+ edx)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset edi-offset
+ :from (:argument 1))
+ edi)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset ecx-offset
+ :from :eval)
+ ecx)
+ (:conditional :e)
+ (:generator 10
+ (move edx x)
+ (move edi y)
+ (inst lea ecx (make-ea :dword
+ :disp (make-fixup 'generic-eql :assembly-routine)))
+ (inst call ecx)))
(define-assembly-routine (generic-=
- (:cost 10)
- (:return-style :full-call)
- (:policy :safe)
- (:translate =)
- (:save-p t))
+ (:return-style :none))
((:arg x (descriptor-reg any-reg) edx-offset)
(:arg y (descriptor-reg any-reg) edi-offset)
- (:res res descriptor-reg edx-offset)
- (:temp eax unsigned-reg eax-offset)
(:temp ecx unsigned-reg ecx-offset))
(inst mov ecx x)
(inst or ecx y)
- (inst test ecx fixnum-tag-mask) ; both fixnums?
+ (inst test ecx fixnum-tag-mask)
(inst jmp :nz DO-STATIC-FUN)
+ ;; Both fixnums
(inst cmp x y)
- (load-symbol res t)
- (cond ((member :cmov *backend-subfeatures*)
- (inst mov eax nil-value)
- (inst cmov :ne res eax))
- (t
- (inst jmp :e RETURN)
- (inst mov res nil-value)))
- (inst clc)
(inst ret)
- (inst pop eax)
- (inst push ebp-tn)
- (inst lea ebp-tn (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn :disp n-word-bytes))
- (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 2))
- (inst push eax)
+ (move ecx esp-tn)
+ (inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 3))
+ (inst mov (make-ea :dword
+ :base ecx
+ :disp (fixnumize -1))
+ ebp-tn)
+ (move ebp-tn ecx)
(inst mov ecx (fixnumize 2))
- (inst jmp (make-ea :dword
- :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'two-arg-=)))))
+ (inst call (make-ea :dword
+ :disp (+ nil-value (static-fun-offset 'two-arg-=))))
+ (load-symbol y t)
+ (inst cmp x y)
+ (inst ret))
+(define-vop (generic-=)
+ (:translate =)
+ (:policy :safe)
+ (:save-p t)
+ (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target edx)
+ (y :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg) :target edi))
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset edx-offset
+ :from (:argument 0))
+ edx)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset edi-offset
+ :from (:argument 1))
+ edi)
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset ecx-offset
+ :from :eval)
+ ecx)
+ (:conditional :e)
+ (:generator 10
+ (move edx x)
+ (move edi y)
+ (inst lea ecx (make-ea :dword
+ :disp (make-fixup 'generic-= :assembly-routine)))
+ (inst call ecx)))
;;; Support for the Mersenne Twister, MT19937, random number generator
;;;; binary conditional VOPs
(define-vop (fast-conditional)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
+ (:info)
(:policy :fast-safe))
(define-vop (fast-conditional-c/fixnum fast-conditional/fixnum)
(:args (x :scs (any-reg control-stack)))
(:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (signed-byte 29)))
- (:info target not-p y))
+ (:info y))
(define-vop (fast-conditional/signed fast-conditional)
(:args (x :scs (signed-reg)
(define-vop (fast-conditional-c/signed fast-conditional/signed)
(:args (x :scs (signed-reg signed-stack)))
(:arg-types signed-num (:constant (signed-byte 31)))
- (:info target not-p y))
+ (:info y))
(define-vop (fast-conditional/unsigned fast-conditional)
(:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg)
(define-vop (fast-conditional-c/unsigned fast-conditional/unsigned)
(:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg unsigned-stack)))
(:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant (unsigned-byte 31)))
- (:info target not-p y))
+ (:info y))
(macrolet ((define-conditional-vop (tran cond unsigned not-cond not-unsigned)
(format nil "~:@(FAST-CONDITIONAL~A~)"
(:translate ,tran)
+ (:conditional ,(if signed cond unsigned))
(:generator ,cost
(inst cmp x
,(if (eq suffix '-c/fixnum)
'(fixnumize y)
- 'y))
- (inst jmp (if not-p
- ,(if signed
- not-cond
- not-unsigned)
- ,(if signed
- cond
- unsigned))
- target))))
+ 'y)))))
'(/fixnum -c/fixnum /signed -c/signed /unsigned -c/unsigned)
; '(/fixnum /signed /unsigned)
'(4 3 6 5 6 5)
(define-vop (fast-if-eql/signed fast-conditional/signed)
(:translate eql)
(:generator 6
- (inst cmp x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))
(define-vop (fast-if-eql-c/signed fast-conditional-c/signed)
(:translate eql)
(cond ((and (sc-is x signed-reg) (zerop y))
(inst test x x)) ; smaller instruction
- (inst cmp x y)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))))
(define-vop (fast-if-eql/unsigned fast-conditional/unsigned)
(:translate eql)
(:generator 6
- (inst cmp x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))
(define-vop (fast-if-eql-c/unsigned fast-conditional-c/unsigned)
(:translate eql)
(cond ((and (sc-is x unsigned-reg) (zerop y))
(inst test x x)) ; smaller instruction
- (inst cmp x y)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))))
;;; EQL/FIXNUM is funny because the first arg can be of any type, not just a
;;; known fixnum.
(:note "inline fixnum comparison")
(:translate eql)
(:generator 4
- (inst cmp x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))
(define-vop (generic-eql/fixnum fast-eql/fixnum)
(:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg)
:load-if (not (and (sc-is x control-stack)
(:arg-types * tagged-num)
(:variant-cost 7))
(define-vop (fast-eql-c/fixnum fast-conditional/fixnum)
(:args (x :scs (any-reg control-stack)))
(:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (signed-byte 29)))
- (:info target not-p y)
+ (:info y)
(:translate eql)
(:generator 2
(cond ((and (sc-is x any-reg) (zerop y))
(inst test x x)) ; smaller instruction
- (inst cmp x (fixnumize y))))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x (fixnumize y))))))
(define-vop (generic-eql-c/fixnum fast-eql-c/fixnum)
(:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg control-stack)))
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:args (digit :scs (unsigned-reg)))
(:arg-types unsigned-num)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :ns)
(:generator 3
- (inst or digit digit)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :s :ns) target)))
+ (inst or digit digit)))
;;; For add and sub with carry the sc of carry argument is any-reg so
(:translate boundp)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg)))
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :ne)
(:temporary (:sc descriptor-reg #+nil(:from (:argument 0))) value)
(:generator 9
(let ((check-unbound-label (gen-label)))
(inst jmp :ne check-unbound-label)
(loadw value object symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag)
(emit-label check-unbound-label)
- (inst cmp value unbound-marker-widetag)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :e :ne) target))))
+ (inst cmp value unbound-marker-widetag))))
(define-vop (boundp)
(:translate boundp)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg)))
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :ne)
(:generator 9
(inst cmp (make-ea-for-object-slot object symbol-value-slot
- unbound-marker-widetag)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :e :ne) target)))
+ unbound-marker-widetag)))
(define-vop (symbol-hash)
:load-if (not (and (sc-is x character-reg)
(sc-is y character-stack)))))
(:arg-types character character)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:info)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline comparison")
- (:variant-vars condition not-condition)
(:generator 3
- (inst cmp x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p not-condition condition) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))
(define-vop (fast-char=/character character-compare)
(:translate char=)
- (:variant :e :ne))
+ (:conditional :e))
(define-vop (fast-char</character character-compare)
(:translate char<)
- (:variant :b :nb))
+ (:conditional :b))
(define-vop (fast-char>/character character-compare)
(:translate char>)
- (:variant :a :na))
+ (:conditional :a))
(define-vop (character-compare/c)
(:args (x :scs (character-reg character-stack)))
(:arg-types character (:constant character))
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p y)
+ (:info y)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline constant comparison")
- (:variant-vars condition not-condition)
(:generator 2
- (inst cmp x (sb!xc:char-code y))
- (inst jmp (if not-p not-condition condition) target)))
+ (inst cmp x (sb!xc:char-code y))))
(define-vop (fast-char=/character/c character-compare/c)
(:translate char=)
- (:variant :e :ne))
+ (:conditional :e))
(define-vop (fast-char</character/c character-compare/c)
(:translate char<)
- (:variant :b :nb))
+ (:conditional :b))
(define-vop (fast-char>/character/c character-compare/c)
(:translate char>)
- (:variant :a :na))
+ (:conditional :a))
;;;; comparison
(define-vop (float-compare)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:vop-var vop)
(:save-p :compute-only)
(define-vop (single-float-compare float-compare)
(:args (x :scs (single-reg)) (y :scs (single-reg)))
- (:conditional)
(:arg-types single-float single-float))
(define-vop (double-float-compare float-compare)
(:args (x :scs (double-reg)) (y :scs (double-reg)))
- (:conditional)
(:arg-types double-float double-float))
(define-vop (=/single-float single-float-compare)
(:translate =)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:info)
+ (:conditional not :p :ne)
(:vop-var vop)
(:generator 3
(note-this-location vop :internal-error)
(inst comiss x y)
;; if PF&CF, there was a NaN involved => not equal
;; otherwise, ZF => equal
- (cond (not-p
- (inst jmp :p target)
- (inst jmp :ne target))
- (t
- (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
- (inst jmp :p not-lab)
- (inst jmp :e target)
- (emit-label not-lab))))))
+ ))
(define-vop (=/double-float double-float-compare)
(:translate =)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:info)
+ (:conditional not :p :ne)
(:vop-var vop)
(:generator 3
(note-this-location vop :internal-error)
- (inst comisd x y)
- (cond (not-p
- (inst jmp :p target)
- (inst jmp :ne target))
- (t
- (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
- (inst jmp :p not-lab)
- (inst jmp :e target)
- (emit-label not-lab))))))
+ (inst comisd x y)))
(define-vop (<double-float double-float-compare)
(:translate <)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:info)
+ (:conditional not :p :nc)
(:generator 3
- (inst comisd x y)
- (cond (not-p
- (inst jmp :p target)
- (inst jmp :nc target))
- (t
- (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
- (inst jmp :p not-lab)
- (inst jmp :c target)
- (emit-label not-lab))))))
+ (inst comisd x y)))
(define-vop (<single-float single-float-compare)
(:translate <)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:info)
+ (:conditional not :p :nc)
(:generator 3
- (inst comiss x y)
- (cond (not-p
- (inst jmp :p target)
- (inst jmp :nc target))
- (t
- (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
- (inst jmp :p not-lab)
- (inst jmp :c target)
- (emit-label not-lab))))))
+ (inst comiss x y)))
(define-vop (>double-float double-float-compare)
(:translate >)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:info)
+ (:conditional not :p :na)
(:generator 3
- (inst comisd x y)
- (cond (not-p
- (inst jmp :p target)
- (inst jmp :na target))
- (t
- (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
- (inst jmp :p not-lab)
- (inst jmp :a target)
- (emit-label not-lab))))))
+ (inst comisd x y)))
(define-vop (>single-float single-float-compare)
(:translate >)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:info)
+ (:conditional not :p :na)
(:generator 3
- (inst comiss x y)
- (cond (not-p
- (inst jmp :p target)
- (inst jmp :na target))
- (t
- (let ((not-lab (gen-label)))
- (inst jmp :p not-lab)
- (inst jmp :a target)
- (emit-label not-lab))))))
+ (inst comiss x y)))
;;; The generic conditional branch, emitted immediately after test
;;; VOPs that only set flags.
+;;; FLAGS is a list of condition descriptors. If the first descriptor
+;;; is CL:NOT, the test was true if all the remaining conditions are
+;;; false. Otherwise, the test was true if any of the conditions is.
+;;; NOT-P flips the meaning of the test, as with regular :CONDITIONAL
+;;; VOP. If NOT-P is true, the code must branch to dest if the test was
+;;; false. Otherwise, the code must branch to dest if the test was true.
(define-vop (branch-if)
(:info dest flags not-p)
- (:ignore dest flags not-p)
(:generator 0
- (error "BRANCH-IF not yet implemented")))
+ (when (eq (car flags) 'not)
+ (pop flags)
+ (setf not-p (not not-p)))
+ (flet ((negate-condition (name)
+ (let ((code (logxor 1 (conditional-opcode name))))
+ (aref *condition-name-vec* code))))
+ (cond ((null (rest flags))
+ (inst jmp
+ (if not-p
+ (negate-condition (first flags))
+ (first flags))
+ dest))
+ (not-p
+ (let ((not-lab (gen-label))
+ (last (car (last flags))))
+ (dolist (flag (butlast flags))
+ (inst jmp flag not-lab))
+ (inst jmp (negate-condition last) dest)
+ (emit-label not-lab)))
+ (t
+ (dolist (flag flags)
+ (inst jmp flag dest)))))))
+(defvar *cmov-ptype-representation-vop*
+ (mapcan (lambda (entry)
+ (destructuring-bind (ptypes &optional sc vop)
+ entry
+ (unless (listp ptypes)
+ (setf ptypes (list ptypes)))
+ (mapcar (if (and vop sc)
+ (lambda (ptype)
+ (list ptype sc vop))
+ #'list)
+ ptypes)))
+ '((t descriptor-reg move-if/t)
+ ((fixnum positive-fixnum)
+ any-reg move-if/fx)
+ ((unsigned-byte-64 unsigned-byte-63)
+ unsigned-reg move-if/unsigned)
+ (signed-byte-64 signed-reg move-if/signed)
+ (character character-reg move-if/char)
+ ((single-float complex-single-float
+ double-float complex-double-float))
+ (system-area-pointer sap-reg move-if/sap)))
+ "Alist of primitive type -> (storage-class-name VOP-name)
+ if values of such a type should be cmoved, and NIL otherwise.
+ storage-class-name is the name of the storage class to use for
+ the values, and VOP-name the name of the VOP that will be used
+ to execute the conditional move.")
convert-conditional-move-p (node dst-tn x-tn y-tn)
- (declare (ignore node dst-tn x-tn y-tn))
- nil)
+ (declare (ignore node))
+ (let* ((ptype (sb!c::tn-primitive-type dst-tn))
+ (name (sb!c::primitive-type-name ptype))
+ (param (cdr (or (assoc name *cmov-ptype-representation-vop*)
+ '(t descriptor-reg move-if/t)))))
+ (when param
+ (destructuring-bind (representation vop) param
+ (let ((scn (sc-number-or-lose representation)))
+ (labels ((make-tn ()
+ (make-representation-tn ptype scn))
+ (immediate-tn-p (tn)
+ (and (eq (sb!c::tn-kind tn) :constant)
+ (eq (sb!c::immediate-constant-sc (tn-value tn))
+ (sc-number-or-lose 'immediate))))
+ (frob-tn (tn)
+ (if (immediate-tn-p tn)
+ tn
+ (make-tn))))
+ (values vop
+ (frob-tn x-tn) (frob-tn y-tn)
+ (make-tn)
+ nil)))))))
+(define-vop (move-if)
+ (:args (then) (else))
+ (:results (res))
+ (:info flags)
+ (:generator 0
+ (let ((not-p (eq (first flags) 'not)))
+ (when not-p (pop flags))
+ (flet ((negate-condition (name)
+ (let ((code (logxor 1 (conditional-opcode name))))
+ (aref *condition-name-vec* code)))
+ (load-immediate (dst constant-tn
+ &optional (sc (sc-name (tn-sc dst))))
+ (let ((val (tn-value constant-tn)))
+ (etypecase val
+ (integer
+ (if (memq sc '(any-reg descriptor-reg))
+ (inst mov dst (fixnumize val))
+ (inst mov dst val)))
+ (symbol
+ (aver (eq sc 'descriptor-reg))
+ (load-symbol dst val))
+ (character
+ (if (eq sc 'descriptor-reg)
+ (inst mov dst (logior (ash (char-code val) n-widetag-bits)
+ character-widetag))
+ (inst mov dst (char-code val))))))))
+ (cond ((null (rest flags))
+ (if (sc-is else immediate)
+ (load-immediate res else)
+ (move res else))
+ (when (sc-is then immediate)
+ (load-immediate temp-reg-tn then (sc-name (tn-sc res)))
+ (setf then temp-reg-tn))
+ (inst cmov (if not-p
+ (negate-condition (first flags))
+ (first flags))
+ res
+ then))
+ (not-p
+ (cond ((sc-is then immediate)
+ (when (location= else res)
+ (inst mov temp-reg-tn else)
+ (setf else temp-reg-tn))
+ (load-immediate res then))
+ ((location= else res)
+ (inst xchg else then)
+ (rotatef else then))
+ (t
+ (move res then)))
+ (when (sc-is else immediate)
+ (load-immediate temp-reg-tn else (sc-name (tn-sc res)))
+ (setf else temp-reg-tn))
+ (dolist (flag flags)
+ (inst cmov flag res else)))
+ (t
+ (if (sc-is else immediate)
+ (load-immediate res else)
+ (move res else))
+ (when (sc-is then immediate)
+ (load-immediate temp-reg-tn then (sc-name (tn-sc res)))
+ (setf then temp-reg-tn))
+ (dolist (flag flags)
+ (inst cmov flag res then))))))))
+(macrolet ((def-move-if (name type reg &optional stack)
+ (when stack (setf stack (list stack)))
+ `(define-vop (,name move-if)
+ (:args (then :scs (immediate ,reg ,@stack) :to :eval
+ :load-if (not (or (sc-is then immediate)
+ (and (sc-is then ,@stack)
+ (not (location= else res))))))
+ (else :scs (immediate ,reg ,@stack) :target res
+ :load-if (not (sc-is else immediate ,@stack))))
+ (:arg-types ,type ,type)
+ (:results (res :scs (,reg)
+ :from (:argument 1)))
+ (:result-types ,type))))
+ (def-move-if move-if/t
+ t descriptor-reg control-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/fx
+ tagged-num any-reg control-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/unsigned
+ unsigned-num unsigned-reg unsigned-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/signed
+ signed-num signed-reg signed-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/char
+ character character-reg character-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/sap
+ system-area-pointer sap-reg sap-stack))
;;;; conditional VOPs
:load-if (not (and (sc-is x any-reg descriptor-reg immediate)
(sc-is y control-stack constant)))))
(:temporary (:sc descriptor-reg) temp)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:translate eq)
(:generator 3
(inst cmp y (logior (ash (char-code val) n-widetag-bits)
- (inst cmp x y)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))))
(:arg-types unsigned-num)
(:translate fixnump)
(:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) tmp)
+ (:info)
+ (:conditional :z)
(:generator 5
(inst mov tmp value)
- (inst shr tmp n-positive-fixnum-bits)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :nz :z) target)))
+ (inst shr tmp n-positive-fixnum-bits)))
;;; A (SIGNED-BYTE 64) can be represented with either fixnum or a bignum with
;;; exactly one digit.
;;;; binary conditional VOPs
(define-vop (fast-conditional)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
(:policy :fast-safe))
(define-vop (fast-conditional-c/fixnum fast-conditional/fixnum)
(:args (x :scs (any-reg control-stack)))
(:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (signed-byte 30)))
- (:info target not-p y))
+ (:info y))
(define-vop (fast-conditional/signed fast-conditional)
(:args (x :scs (signed-reg)
(define-vop (fast-conditional-c/signed fast-conditional/signed)
(:args (x :scs (signed-reg signed-stack)))
(:arg-types signed-num (:constant (signed-byte 32)))
- (:info target not-p y))
+ (:info y))
(define-vop (fast-conditional/unsigned fast-conditional)
(:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg)
(define-vop (fast-conditional-c/unsigned fast-conditional/unsigned)
(:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg unsigned-stack)))
(:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant (unsigned-byte 32)))
- (:info target not-p y))
+ (:info y))
(macrolet ((define-logtest-vops ()
`(define-vop (,(symbolicate "FAST-LOGTEST" suffix)
,(symbolicate "FAST-CONDITIONAL" suffix))
(:translate logtest)
+ (:conditional :ne)
(:generator ,cost
(emit-optimized-test-inst x
,(if (eq suffix '-c/fixnum)
'(fixnumize y)
- 'y))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :e :ne) target)))))))
+ 'y))))))))
(defknown %logbitp (integer unsigned-byte) boolean
;;; too much work to do the non-constant case (maybe?)
(define-vop (fast-logbitp-c/fixnum fast-conditional-c/fixnum)
(:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
(:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (integer 0 29)))
(:generator 4
- (inst bt x (+ y n-fixnum-tag-bits))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :nc :c) target)))
+ (inst bt x (+ y n-fixnum-tag-bits))))
(define-vop (fast-logbitp/signed fast-conditional/signed)
(:args (x :scs (signed-reg signed-stack))
(y :scs (signed-reg)))
(:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
(:generator 6
- (inst bt x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :nc :c) target)))
+ (inst bt x y)))
(define-vop (fast-logbitp-c/signed fast-conditional-c/signed)
(:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
(:arg-types signed-num (:constant (integer 0 31)))
(:generator 5
- (inst bt x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :nc :c) target)))
+ (inst bt x y)))
(define-vop (fast-logbitp/unsigned fast-conditional/unsigned)
(:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg unsigned-stack))
(y :scs (unsigned-reg)))
(:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
(:generator 6
- (inst bt x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :nc :c) target)))
+ (inst bt x y)))
(define-vop (fast-logbitp-c/unsigned fast-conditional-c/unsigned)
(:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
(:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant (integer 0 31)))
(:generator 5
- (inst bt x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :nc :c) target)))
+ (inst bt x y)))
-(macrolet ((define-conditional-vop (tran cond unsigned not-cond not-unsigned)
+(macrolet ((define-conditional-vop (tran cond unsigned)
(lambda (suffix cost signed)
(format nil "~:@(FAST-CONDITIONAL~A~)"
(:translate ,tran)
+ (:conditional ,(if signed
+ cond
+ unsigned))
(:generator ,cost
(inst cmp x
,(if (eq suffix '-c/fixnum)
'(fixnumize y)
- 'y))
- (inst jmp (if not-p
- ,(if signed
- not-cond
- not-unsigned)
- ,(if signed
- cond
- unsigned))
- target))))
+ 'y)))))
'(/fixnum -c/fixnum /signed -c/signed /unsigned -c/unsigned)
'(4 3 6 5 6 5)
'(t t t t nil nil)))))
- (define-conditional-vop < :l :b :ge :ae)
- (define-conditional-vop > :g :a :le :be))
+ (define-conditional-vop < :l :b)
+ (define-conditional-vop > :g :a))
(define-vop (fast-if-eql/signed fast-conditional/signed)
(:translate eql)
(:generator 6
- (inst cmp x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))
(define-vop (fast-if-eql-c/signed fast-conditional-c/signed)
(:translate eql)
(cond ((and (sc-is x signed-reg) (zerop y))
(inst test x x)) ; smaller instruction
- (inst cmp x y)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))))
(define-vop (fast-if-eql/unsigned fast-conditional/unsigned)
(:translate eql)
(:generator 6
- (inst cmp x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))
(define-vop (fast-if-eql-c/unsigned fast-conditional-c/unsigned)
(:translate eql)
(cond ((and (sc-is x unsigned-reg) (zerop y))
(inst test x x)) ; smaller instruction
- (inst cmp x y)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))))
;;; EQL/FIXNUM is funny because the first arg can be of any type, not just a
;;; known fixnum.
(:note "inline fixnum comparison")
(:translate eql)
(:generator 4
- (inst cmp x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))
(define-vop (generic-eql/fixnum fast-eql/fixnum)
(:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg)
:load-if (not (and (sc-is x control-stack)
(define-vop (fast-eql-c/fixnum fast-conditional/fixnum)
(:args (x :scs (any-reg control-stack)))
(:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (signed-byte 30)))
- (:info target not-p y)
+ (:info y)
(:translate eql)
(:generator 2
(cond ((and (sc-is x any-reg) (zerop y))
(inst test x x)) ; smaller instruction
- (inst cmp x (fixnumize y))))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp x (fixnumize y))))))
(define-vop (generic-eql-c/fixnum fast-eql-c/fixnum)
(:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg control-stack)))
(:arg-types * (:constant (signed-byte 30)))
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:args (digit :scs (unsigned-reg)))
(:arg-types unsigned-num)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :ns)
(:generator 3
- (inst or digit digit)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :s :ns) target)))
+ (inst or digit digit)))
;;; For add and sub with carry the sc of carry argument is any-reg so
(:translate boundp)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg)))
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :ne)
(:temporary (:sc descriptor-reg #+nil(:from (:argument 0))) value)
(:generator 9
(let ((check-unbound-label (gen-label)))
(inst jmp :ne check-unbound-label)
(loadw value object symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag)
(emit-label check-unbound-label)
- (inst cmp value unbound-marker-widetag)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :e :ne) target))))
+ (inst cmp value unbound-marker-widetag))))
(define-vop (boundp)
(:translate boundp)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg)))
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :ne)
(:generator 9
(inst cmp (make-ea-for-object-slot object symbol-value-slot
- unbound-marker-widetag)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :e :ne) target)))
+ unbound-marker-widetag)))
(define-vop (symbol-hash)
:load-if (not (and (sc-is x character-reg)
(sc-is y character-stack)))))
(:arg-types character character)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline comparison")
- (:variant-vars condition not-condition)
(:generator 3
- (inst cmp x y)
- (inst jmp (if not-p not-condition condition) target)))
+ (inst cmp x y)))
(define-vop (fast-char=/character character-compare)
(:translate char=)
- (:variant :e :ne))
+ (:conditional :e))
(define-vop (fast-char</character character-compare)
(:translate char<)
- (:variant :b :nb))
+ (:conditional :b))
(define-vop (fast-char>/character character-compare)
(:translate char>)
- (:variant :a :na))
+ (:conditional :a))
(define-vop (character-compare/c)
(:args (x :scs (character-reg character-stack)))
(:arg-types character (:constant character))
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p y)
+ (:info y)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline constant comparison")
- (:variant-vars condition not-condition)
(:generator 2
- (inst cmp x (sb!xc:char-code y))
- (inst jmp (if not-p not-condition condition) target)))
+ (inst cmp x (sb!xc:char-code y))))
(define-vop (fast-char=/character/c character-compare/c)
(:translate char=)
- (:variant :e :ne))
+ (:conditional :e))
(define-vop (fast-char</character/c character-compare/c)
(:translate char<)
- (:variant :b :nb))
+ (:conditional :b))
(define-vop (fast-char>/character/c character-compare/c)
(:translate char>)
- (:variant :a :na))
+ (:conditional :a))
(define-vop (=/float)
(:args (x) (y))
(:temporary (:sc word-reg :offset eax-offset :from :eval) temp)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:vop-var vop)
(:save-p :compute-only)
(inst fxch x)))
(inst fnstsw) ; status word to ax
(inst and ah-tn #x45) ; C3 C2 C0
- (inst cmp ah-tn #x40)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp ah-tn #x40)))
(define-vop (=/single-float =/float)
(:translate =)
(:arg-types single-float single-float)
(:temporary (:sc single-reg :offset fr0-offset :from :eval) fr0)
(:temporary (:sc word-reg :offset eax-offset :from :eval) temp)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline float comparison")
(:ignore temp)
(inst fcom (ea-for-sf-desc y)))))
(inst fnstsw) ; status word to ax
(inst and ah-tn #x45) ; C3 C2 C0
- (inst cmp ah-tn #x01)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp ah-tn #x01)))))
(define-vop (<double-float)
(:translate <)
(:arg-types double-float double-float)
(:temporary (:sc double-reg :offset fr0-offset :from :eval) fr0)
(:temporary (:sc word-reg :offset eax-offset :from :eval) temp)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline float comparison")
(:ignore temp)
(inst fcomd (ea-for-df-desc y)))))
(inst fnstsw) ; status word to ax
(inst and ah-tn #x45) ; C3 C2 C0
- (inst cmp ah-tn #x01)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp ah-tn #x01)))))
(define-vop (<long-float)
(y :scs (long-reg)))
(:arg-types long-float long-float)
(:temporary (:sc word-reg :offset eax-offset :from :eval) temp)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline float comparison")
(:ignore temp)
(inst fcomd x)
(inst fxch y)
(inst fnstsw) ; status word to ax
- (inst and ah-tn #x45))) ; C3 C2 C0
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst and ah-tn #x45))))) ; C3 C2 C0
(define-vop (>single-float)
(:translate >)
(:arg-types single-float single-float)
(:temporary (:sc single-reg :offset fr0-offset :from :eval) fr0)
(:temporary (:sc word-reg :offset eax-offset :from :eval) temp)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline float comparison")
(:ignore temp)
(inst fcom (ea-for-sf-stack y))
(inst fcom (ea-for-sf-desc y)))))
(inst fnstsw) ; status word to ax
- (inst and ah-tn #x45)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst and ah-tn #x45)))))
(define-vop (>double-float)
(:translate >)
(:arg-types double-float double-float)
(:temporary (:sc double-reg :offset fr0-offset :from :eval) fr0)
(:temporary (:sc word-reg :offset eax-offset :from :eval) temp)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline float comparison")
(:ignore temp)
(inst fcomd (ea-for-df-stack y))
(inst fcomd (ea-for-df-desc y)))))
(inst fnstsw) ; status word to ax
- (inst and ah-tn #x45)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst and ah-tn #x45)))))
(define-vop (>long-float)
(y :scs (long-reg)))
(:arg-types long-float long-float)
(:temporary (:sc word-reg :offset eax-offset :from :eval) temp)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:note "inline float comparison")
(:ignore temp)
(inst fcomd y)
(inst fxch x)
(inst fnstsw) ; status word to ax
- (inst and ah-tn #x45)))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst and ah-tn #x45)))))
;;; Comparisons with 0 can use the FTST instruction.
(define-vop (float-test)
(:args (x))
(:temporary (:sc word-reg :offset eax-offset :from :eval) temp)
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p y)
+ (:conditional :e)
+ (:info y)
(:variant-vars code)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:vop-var vop)
(inst fnstsw) ; status word to ax
(inst and ah-tn #x45) ; C3 C2 C0
(unless (zerop code)
- (inst cmp ah-tn code))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (inst cmp ah-tn code))))
(define-vop (=0/single-float float-test)
(:translate =)
;;; The generic conditional branch, emitted immediately after test
;;; VOPs that only set flags.
+;;; FLAGS is a list of condition descriptors. If the first descriptor
+;;; is CL:NOT, the test was true if all the remaining conditions are
+;;; false. Otherwise, the test was true if any of the conditions is.
+;;; NOT-P flips the meaning of the test, as with regular :CONDITIONAL
+;;; VOP. If NOT-P is true, the code must branch to dest if the test was
+;;; false. Otherwise, the code must branch to dest if the test was true.
(define-vop (branch-if)
(:info dest flags not-p)
- (:ignore dest flags not-p)
(:generator 0
- (error "BRANCH-IF not yet implemented")))
+ (flet ((negate-condition (name)
+ (let ((code (logxor 1 (conditional-opcode name))))
+ (aref *condition-name-vec* code))))
+ (aver (null (rest flags)))
+ (inst jmp
+ (if not-p
+ (negate-condition (first flags))
+ (first flags))
+ dest))))
+(defvar *cmov-ptype-representation-vop*
+ (mapcan (lambda (entry)
+ (destructuring-bind (ptypes &optional sc vop)
+ entry
+ (unless (listp ptypes)
+ (setf ptypes (list ptypes)))
+ (mapcar (if (and vop sc)
+ (lambda (ptype)
+ (list ptype sc vop))
+ #'list)
+ ptypes)))
+ '((t descriptor-reg move-if/t)
+ ((fixnum positive-fixnum)
+ any-reg move-if/fx)
+ ((unsigned-byte-32 unsigned-byte-31)
+ unsigned-reg move-if/unsigned)
+ (signed-byte-32 signed-reg move-if/signed)
+ (character character-reg move-if/char)
+ ((single-float complex-single-float
+ double-float complex-double-float))
+ (system-area-pointer sap-reg move-if/sap)))
+ "Alist of primitive type -> (storage-class-name VOP-name)
+ if values of such a type should be cmoved, and NIL otherwise.
+ storage-class-name is the name of the storage class to use for
+ the values, and VOP-name the name of the VOP that will be used
+ to execute the conditional move.")
convert-conditional-move-p (node dst-tn x-tn y-tn)
- (declare (ignore node dst-tn x-tn y-tn))
- nil)
+ (declare (ignore node))
+ (let* ((ptype (sb!c::tn-primitive-type dst-tn))
+ (name (sb!c::primitive-type-name ptype))
+ (param (and (memq :cmov *backend-subfeatures*)
+ (cdr (or (assoc name *cmov-ptype-representation-vop*)
+ '(t descriptor-reg move-if/t))))))
+ (when param
+ (destructuring-bind (representation vop) param
+ (let ((scn (sc-number-or-lose representation)))
+ (labels ((make-tn ()
+ (make-representation-tn ptype scn))
+ (immediate-tn-p (tn)
+ (and (eq (sb!c::tn-kind tn) :constant)
+ (eq (sb!c::immediate-constant-sc (tn-value tn))
+ (sc-number-or-lose 'immediate))))
+ (frob-tn (tn)
+ (if (immediate-tn-p tn)
+ tn
+ (make-tn))))
+ (values vop
+ (frob-tn x-tn) (frob-tn y-tn)
+ (make-tn)
+ nil)))))))
+(define-vop (move-if)
+ (:args (then) (else))
+ (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :from :eval) temp)
+ (:results (res))
+ (:info flags)
+ (:generator 0
+ (flet ((load-immediate (dst constant-tn
+ &optional (sc (sc-name (tn-sc dst))))
+ (let ((val (tn-value constant-tn)))
+ (etypecase val
+ (integer
+ (if (memq sc '(any-reg descriptor-reg))
+ (inst mov dst (fixnumize val))
+ (inst mov dst val)))
+ (symbol
+ (aver (eq sc 'descriptor-reg))
+ (load-symbol dst val))
+ (character
+ (cond ((memq sc '(any-reg descriptor-reg))
+ (inst mov dst
+ (logior (ash (char-code val) n-widetag-bits)
+ character-widetag)))
+ (t
+ (aver (eq sc 'character-reg))
+ (inst mov dst (char-code val)))))))))
+ (aver (null (rest flags)))
+ (if (sc-is else immediate)
+ (load-immediate res else)
+ (move res else))
+ (when (sc-is then immediate)
+ (load-immediate temp then (sc-name (tn-sc res)))
+ (setf then temp))
+ (inst cmov (first flags) res then))))
+(macrolet ((def-move-if (name type reg &optional stack)
+ (when stack (setf stack (list stack)))
+ `(define-vop (,name move-if)
+ (:args (then :scs (immediate ,reg ,@stack) :to :eval
+ :target temp
+ :load-if (not (or (sc-is then immediate)
+ (and (sc-is then ,@stack)
+ (not (location= else res))))))
+ (else :scs (immediate ,reg ,@stack) :target res
+ :load-if (not (sc-is else immediate ,@stack))))
+ (:arg-types ,type ,type)
+ (:results (res :scs (,reg)
+ :from (:argument 1)))
+ (:result-types ,type))))
+ (def-move-if move-if/t
+ t descriptor-reg control-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/fx
+ tagged-num any-reg control-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/unsigned
+ unsigned-num unsigned-reg unsigned-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/signed
+ signed-num signed-reg signed-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/char
+ character character-reg character-stack)
+ (def-move-if move-if/sap
+ system-area-pointer sap-reg sap-stack))
;;;; conditional VOPs
(y :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg immediate)
:load-if (not (and (sc-is x any-reg descriptor-reg immediate)
(sc-is y control-stack constant)))))
- (:conditional)
- (:info target not-p)
+ (:conditional :e)
+ (:info)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:translate eq)
(:generator 3
;; An encoded value (literal integer) has to be the second argument.
((sc-is x immediate) (inst cmp y x-val))
- (t (inst cmp x y-val))))
- (inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target)))
+ (t (inst cmp x y-val))))))
(define-vop (fixnump/unsigned-byte-32 simple-type-predicate)
(:args (value :scs (unsigned-reg)))
+ (:info)
+ (:conditional :be)
(:arg-types unsigned-num)
(:translate fixnump)
(:generator 5
- (inst cmp value #.sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum)
- (inst jmp (if not-p :a :be) target)))
+ (inst cmp value #.sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum)))
;;; A (SIGNED-BYTE 32) can be represented with either fixnum or a bignum with
;;; exactly one digit.
(typep ch 'base-char))
+;;; Attempt to test a decent cross section of conditions
+;;; and values types to move conditionally.
+ ((test-comparison (comparator type x y)
+ `(progn
+ ,@(loop for (result-type a b)
+ in '((nil t nil)
+ (nil 0 1)
+ (nil 0.0 1.0)
+ (nil 0d0 0d0)
+ (nil 0.0 0d0)
+ (nil #c(1.0 1.0) #c(2.0 2.0))
+ (t t nil)
+ (fixnum 0 1)
+ ((unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits)
+ (1+ most-positive-fixnum)
+ (+ 2 most-positive-fixnum))
+ ((signed-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits)
+ -1 (* 2 most-negative-fixnum))
+ (single-float 0.0 1.0)
+ (double-float 0d0 1d0))
+ for lambda = (if result-type
+ `(lambda (x y a b)
+ (declare (,type x y)
+ (,result-type a b))
+ (if (,comparator x y)
+ a b))
+ `(lambda (x y)
+ (declare (,type x y))
+ (if (,comparator x y)
+ ,a ,b)))
+ for args = `(,x ,y ,@(and result-type
+ `(,a ,b)))
+ collect
+ `(progn
+ (eql (funcall (compile nil ',lambda)
+ ,@args)
+ (eval '(,lambda ,@args))))))))
+ (sb-vm::with-float-traps-masked
+ (:divide-by-zero :overflow :inexact :invalid)
+ (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
+ (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions style-warning))
+ (test-comparison eql t t nil)
+ (test-comparison eql t t t)
+ (test-comparison = t 1 0)
+ (test-comparison = t 1 1)
+ (test-comparison = t (1+ most-positive-fixnum) (+ 2 most-positive-fixnum))
+ (test-comparison = fixnum 1 0)
+ (test-comparison = fixnum 0 0)
+ (test-comparison = (unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 1 0)
+ (test-comparison = (unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 0 0)
+ (test-comparison = (signed-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 1 0)
+ (test-comparison = (signed-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 1 1)
+ (test-comparison = single-float 0.0 1.0)
+ (test-comparison = single-float 1.0 1.0)
+ (test-comparison = single-float (/ 1.0 0.0) (/ 1.0 0.0))
+ (test-comparison = single-float (/ 1.0 0.0) 1.0)
+ (test-comparison = single-float (/ 0.0 0.0) (/ 0.0 0.0))
+ (test-comparison = single-float (/ 0.0 0.0) 0.0)
+ (test-comparison = double-float 0d0 1d0)
+ (test-comparison = double-float 1d0 1d0)
+ (test-comparison = double-float (/ 1d0 0d0) (/ 1d0 0d0))
+ (test-comparison = double-float (/ 1d0 0d0) 1d0)
+ (test-comparison = double-float (/ 0d0 0d0) (/ 0d0 0d0))
+ (test-comparison = double-float (/ 0d0 0d0) 0d0)
+ (test-comparison < t 1 0)
+ (test-comparison < t 0 1)
+ (test-comparison < t 1 1)
+ (test-comparison < t (1+ most-positive-fixnum) (+ 2 most-positive-fixnum))
+ (test-comparison < t (+ 2 most-positive-fixnum) (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
+ (test-comparison < fixnum 1 0)
+ (test-comparison < fixnum 0 1)
+ (test-comparison < fixnum 0 0)
+ (test-comparison < (unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 1 0)
+ (test-comparison < (unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 0 1)
+ (test-comparison < (unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 0 0)
+ (test-comparison < (signed-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 1 0)
+ (test-comparison < (signed-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 0 1)
+ (test-comparison < (signed-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 1 1)
+ (test-comparison < single-float 0.0 1.0)
+ (test-comparison < single-float 1.0 0.0)
+ (test-comparison < single-float 1.0 1.0)
+ (test-comparison < single-float (/ 1.0 0.0) (/ 1.0 0.0))
+ (test-comparison < single-float (/ 1.0 0.0) 1.0)
+ (test-comparison < single-float 1.0 (/ 1.0 0.0))
+ (test-comparison < single-float (/ 0.0 0.0) (/ 0.0 0.0))
+ (test-comparison < single-float (/ 0.0 0.0) 0.0)
+ (test-comparison < double-float 0d0 1d0)
+ (test-comparison < double-float 1d0 0d0)
+ (test-comparison < double-float 1d0 1d0)
+ (test-comparison < double-float (/ 1d0 0d0) (/ 1d0 0d0))
+ (test-comparison < double-float (/ 1d0 0d0) 1d0)
+ (test-comparison < double-float 1d0 (/ 1d0 0d0))
+ (test-comparison < double-float (/ 0d0 0d0) (/ 0d0 0d0))
+ (test-comparison < double-float (/ 0d0 0d0) 0d0)
+ (test-comparison < double-float 0d0 (/ 0d0 0d0))
+ (test-comparison > t 1 0)
+ (test-comparison > t 0 1)
+ (test-comparison > t 1 1)
+ (test-comparison > t (1+ most-positive-fixnum) (+ 2 most-positive-fixnum))
+ (test-comparison > t (+ 2 most-positive-fixnum) (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
+ (test-comparison > fixnum 1 0)
+ (test-comparison > fixnum 0 1)
+ (test-comparison > fixnum 0 0)
+ (test-comparison > (unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 1 0)
+ (test-comparison > (unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 0 1)
+ (test-comparison > (unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 0 0)
+ (test-comparison > (signed-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 1 0)
+ (test-comparison > (signed-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 0 1)
+ (test-comparison > (signed-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) 1 1)
+ (test-comparison > single-float 0.0 1.0)
+ (test-comparison > single-float 1.0 0.0)
+ (test-comparison > single-float 1.0 1.0)
+ (test-comparison > single-float (/ 1.0 0.0) (/ 1.0 0.0))
+ (test-comparison > single-float (/ 1.0 0.0) 1.0)
+ (test-comparison > single-float 1.0 (/ 1.0 0.0))
+ (test-comparison > single-float (/ 0.0 0.0) (/ 0.0 0.0))
+ (test-comparison > single-float (/ 0.0 0.0) 0.0)
+ (test-comparison > double-float 0d0 1d0)
+ (test-comparison > double-float 1d0 0d0)
+ (test-comparison > double-float 1d0 1d0)
+ (test-comparison > double-float (/ 1d0 0d0) (/ 1d0 0d0))
+ (test-comparison > double-float (/ 1d0 0d0) 1d0)
+ (test-comparison > double-float 1d0 (/ 1d0 0d0))
+ (test-comparison > double-float (/ 0d0 0d0) (/ 0d0 0d0))
+ (test-comparison > double-float (/ 0d0 0d0) 0d0)
+ (test-comparison > double-float 0d0 (/ 0d0 0d0)))))
(defun test-step-into ()
(let* ((results nil)
- (expected '(("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (1- X))" (2))
- ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (1- X))" (1))
- ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (- X 2))" (0))
- ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)
- ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (- X 2))" (1))
- ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)))
+ ;; The generic-< VOP on x86oids doesn't emit a full call
+ (expected
+ #-(or x86 x86-64)
+ '(("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (2))
+ ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (1))
+ ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (0))
+ ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (1))
+ ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown))
+ #+(or x86 x86-64)
+ '(("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (2))
+ ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (1))
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (0))
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (1))
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)))
(*stepper-hook* (lambda (condition)
(typecase condition
(defun test-step-next ()
(let* ((results nil)
- (expected '(("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (1- X))" (2))
- ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (1- X))" (1))
- ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (- X 2))" (0))
- ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)
- ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (- X 2))" (1))
- ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)))
+ (expected
+ #-(or x86 x86-64)
+ '(("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (2))
+ ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (1))
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (0))
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (1))
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown))
+ #+(or x86 x86-64)
+ '(("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (2))
+ ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (1))
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (0))
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (1))
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)))
(count 0)
(*stepper-hook* (lambda (condition)
(typecase condition
(defun test-step-out ()
(let* ((results nil)
- (expected '(("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (1- X))" (2))
- ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB (- X 2))" (1))
- ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)))
+ (expected
+ #-(or x86 x86-64)
+ '(("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (2))
+ ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (1))
+ ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown))
+ #+(or x86 x86-64)
+ '(("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (2))
+ ("(- X 1)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (1- X))" (1))
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB (- X 2))" (1))
+ ("(+ (FIB (1- X)) (FIB (- X 2)))" :unknown)))
(count 0)
(*stepper-hook* (lambda (condition)
(typecase condition
(defun test-step-start-from-break ()
(let* ((results nil)
- (expected '(("(- X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB-BREAK (- X 2))" (0))
- ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(+ (FIB-BREAK (1- X)) (FIB-BREAK (- X 2)))" :unknown)
- ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(FIB-BREAK (- X 2))" (1))
- ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
- ("(+ (FIB-BREAK (1- X)) (FIB-BREAK (- X 2)))" :unknown)))
+ (expected
+ #-(or x86 x86-64)
+ '(("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB-BREAK (- X 2))" (0))
+ ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(+ (FIB-BREAK (1- X)) (FIB-BREAK (- X 2)))" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB-BREAK (- X 2))" (1))
+ ("(< X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(+ (FIB-BREAK (1- X)) (FIB-BREAK (- X 2)))" :unknown))
+ #+(or x86 x86-64)
+ '(("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB-BREAK (- X 2))" (0))
+ ("(+ (FIB-BREAK (1- X)) (FIB-BREAK (- X 2)))" :unknown)
+ ("(- X 2)" :unknown)
+ ("(FIB-BREAK (- X 2))" (1))
+ ("(+ (FIB-BREAK (1- X)) (FIB-BREAK (- X 2)))" :unknown)))
(count 0)
(*stepper-hook* (lambda (condition)
(typecase condition
(incf count)
(invoke-restart 'step-next)))))))
(step (fib 3))
- (assert (= count 6))))
+ (assert (= count #-(or x86 x86-64) 6 #+(or x86 x86-64) 5))))
(defun test-step-backtrace ()
(let* ((*stepper-hook* (lambda (condition)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)