--- /dev/null
+1) GBoxed - это структуры, у которых нет идентичности
+2) При передаче ссылок, ссылки всегда имеют ограниченное время действия
+3) Структуры могут быть открытыми и закрытыми (opaque)
+Основной критерий: лисповский код не должен заботиться о владении структурами. Идентичности нет.
+1) Все GBoxed, созданные в лиспе, удаляются только лиспом (при необходимости делается копия)
+2) Если foreign-функции возвращают GBoxed, то им владеет лисп (при необходимости делается копия)
+3) В callback'и возможна передача по ссылке (в том случае, если не знаем, как присвоить значение исходной структуре);
+в этом случае после выхода из callback'а лисповский прокси помечается как невалидный и операции с ним приводят к исключению
+Для реализации надо, чтобы CFFI позволяло совершать действия по очистке в конце callback'а.
+(defclass g-boxed-type ()
+ ((g-type-designator :initarg :g-type
+ :initform ":G-TYPE must be specified"
+ :accessor g-boxed-type-type)))
+;;Some terminology:
+;; * native structure - a C structure in foreign memory that
+;; has the data and is expected to be passed/received by foreign functions
+;; * proxy - a Lisp object (class or a structure) that is
+;; equivalent to native structure (has the same data in it). Its lifetime is indefinite
+;; and it is not affected by foreign code.
+;; A proxy may (but not required to) contain pointer to its own copy of a
+;; native structure.
+;; * reference proxy - a proxy that is whose lifetime is equal to a duration
+;; of a callback. Reference proxies can only be used during a callback that created them.
+;(defgeneric create-proxy (type)
+; "Creates a new proxy of a specified TYPE.")
+(defgeneric create-proxy-for-native (type native-ptr)
+ (:documentation "Creates a proxy that is initialized by data contained in native
+structured pointed to by NATIVE-PTR.
+Created proxy should not be linked to NATIVE-PTR and should have
+indefinite lifetime (until garbage collector collects it). Specifically,
+if proxy need a pointer to native structure, it should make a copy of
+a structure.
+If proxy requires finalization, finalizers should be added."))
+(defgeneric create-temporary-native (type proxy)
+ (:documentation "Creates a native structure (or passes a pointer to copy contained in PROXY)
+that contains the same data that the PROXY contains and returns a pointer to it.
+This call is always paired by call to FREE-TEMPORARY-NATIVE and calls may be nested."))
+(defgeneric free-temporary-native (type proxy native-ptr)
+ (:documentation "Frees the native structure that was previously created
+Also reads data from native structure pointer to by NATIVE-PTR
+and sets the PROXY to contain the same data.
+This call is always paired by call to CREATE-TEMPORARY-NATIVE and calls may be nested."))
+(defgeneric create-reference-proxy (type native-ptr)
+ (:documentation "Creates a reference proxy for a native structure pointed to by NATIVE-PTR.
+Reference proxy's lifetime is bound to duration of a callback. When the
+callback returns the reference proxy is declared invalid and operations on it are errors.
+This call is always paired by call to FREE-REFERENCE-PROXY and calls will not nest."))
+(defgeneric free-reference-proxy (type proxy native-ptr)
+ (:documentation "Frees a reference proxy PROXY previously created by call to
+CREATE-REFERENCE-PROXY. This call should ensure that all changes on PROXY are
+reflected in native structure pointed to by NATIVE-PTR.
+After a call to FREE-REFERENCE-PROXY, PROXY is declared invalid and using it is an error,
+operations on it should signal erros.
+This call is always paired by call to CREATE-REFERENCE-PROXY."))
+(define-foreign-type g-boxed-foreign ()
+ ((g-type :initarg :g-type
+ :initform (error ":G-TYPE must be specified")
+ :reader g-boxed-foreign-g-type)
+ (pass-type :initarg :pass-type
+ :reader g-boxed-foreign-g-type
+ :type (member :callback :normal)
+ :initform :normal))
+ (:actual-type :pointer))
+(defun g-boxed-foreign->boxed-type (type)
+ nil)
+(defmethod translate-to-foreign (proxy (type g-boxed-foreign))
+ (let* ((boxed-type (g-boxed-foreign->boxed-type type))
+ (native-ptr (create-temporary-native boxed-type proxy)))
+ (values native-ptr proxy)))
+(defmethod free-translated-object (native-ptr (type g-boxed-foreign) proxy)
+ (let ((boxed-type (g-boxed-foreign->boxed-type type)))
+ (free-temporary-native boxed-type proxy native-ptr)))
+(defmethod translate-from-foreign (native-ptr (type g-boxed-foreign))
+ (let ((boxed-type (g-boxed-foreign->boxed-type type)))
+ (ecase )
+ (create-proxy-for-native boxed-type native-ptr)))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package :gobject)
+(define-g-boxed-cstruct rectangle "GdkRectangle"
+ (left :int :initform 0)
+ (top :int :initform 0)
+ (width :int :initform 0)
+ (height :int :initform 0))
+(at-init () (eval (type-initializer-call "gdk_rectangle_get_type")))
+(define-g-boxed-cstruct point nil
+ (x :int :initform 0)
+ (y :int :initform 0))
+(defun mem-copy (source destination count)
+ (iter (for i from 0 below count)
+ (setf (mem-aref destination :uchar i)
+ (mem-aref source :uchar i))))
+(defmethod boxed-copy-fn ((type-info (eql (get 'point 'g-boxed-foreign-info))) native)
+ (let ((native-copy (foreign-alloc (generated-cstruct-name (g-boxed-info-name type-info)))))
+ (mem-copy native native-copy (foreign-type-size (generated-cstruct-name (g-boxed-info-name type-info))))
+ native-copy))
+(defmethod boxed-free-fn ((type-info (eql (get 'point 'g-boxed-foreign-info))) native)
+ (foreign-free native))
+(defcallback make-rect-cb (g-boxed-foreign rectangle :return)
+ ((a (g-boxed-foreign point)) (b (g-boxed-foreign point)))
+ (make-rectangle :left (min (point-x a) (point-x b))
+ :top (min (point-y a) (point-y b))
+ :width (abs (- (point-x a) (point-x b)))
+ :height (abs (- (point-y a) (point-y b)))))
+(defun call-make-rect-cb (a b)
+ (foreign-funcall-pointer (callback make-rect-cb) ()
+ (g-boxed-foreign point) a
+ (g-boxed-foreign point) b
+ (g-boxed-foreign rectangle :return)))
+(define-g-boxed-cstruct vector4 nil
+ (coords :double :count 4 :initform (vector 0d0 0d0 0d0 0d0)))
+(define-g-boxed-cstruct segment nil
+ (a point :inline t :initform (make-point))
+ (b point :inline t :initform (make-point)))
+(define-g-boxed-variant-cstruct var-segment nil
+ (deep :boolean :initform t)
+ (a point :inline t :initform (make-point))
+ (b point :inline t :initform (make-point))
+ (:variant deep
+ (t deep-segment
+ (depth point :inline t :initform (make-point)))))
+(define-g-boxed-variant-cstruct event nil
+ (type :int :initform 0)
+ (time :int :initform 0)
+ (:variant type
+ (0 zero-event
+ (x :int :initform 0))
+ (1 one-event
+ (x :double :initform 0.0d0))
+ (2 three-event
+ (three-type :int :initform 0)
+ (:variant three-type
+ (1 three-one-event
+ (y :uchar :initform 0))
+ (2 three-two-event
+ (z :double :initform 0.0d0))
+ (3 segment-event
+ (segment segment :inline t :initform (make-segment)))))))
+(defcallback copy-event-cb (g-boxed-foreign event :return)
+ ((event (g-boxed-foreign event)))
+ (let ((new-event (copy-event event)))
+ (incf (event-time new-event) (random 100))
+ new-event))
+(defun call-copy-event (e)
+ (foreign-funcall-pointer (callback copy-event-cb) ()
+ (g-boxed-foreign event) e
+ (g-boxed-foreign event :return)))