(defpackage :gtk-demo
(:use :cl :gtk :gdk :gobject :iter)
- (:export #:test
+ (:export #:demo-all
+ #:test
(defparameter *src-location* (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system :cl-gtk2-gtk)))
(defun test ()
+ "A simple test of 'on-expose' event"
(let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :app-paintable t))
x y)
(push :pointer-motion-mask (gdk-window-events (widget-window window))))))
(defun test-entry ()
+ "Testing GtkTextEntry"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title "Testing entry" :border-width 10))
(box (make-instance 'v-box))
(widget-show window))))
(defun table-packing ()
+ "Simple test of packing widgets into GtkTable"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title "Table packing" :border-width 20))
(table (make-instance 'table :n-rows 2 :n-columns 2 :homogeneous t))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-pixbuf ()
+ "(not completed)"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "Test pixbuf" :request-width 600 :request-height 240))
(vbox (make-instance 'v-box))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-image ()
+ "Using GtkImage with stock icon"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "Test images"))
(image (make-instance 'image :icon-name "applications-development" :icon-size 6)))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-progress-bar ()
+ "Testing progress-bar"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "Test progress bar"))
(v-box (make-instance 'v-box))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-statusbar ()
+ "Test of GtkStatusbar"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "Text status bar"))
(v-box (make-instance 'v-box))
(setf (status-icon-screen icon) (gtk-window-screen window)))))
(defun test-scale-button ()
+ "Test of scale button with icons"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title "Testing scale button"))
(button (make-instance 'scale-button :icons (list "media-seek-backward" "media-seek-forward" "media-playback-stop" "media-playback-start") :adjustment (make-instance 'adjustment :lower -40 :upper 50 :value 20))))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-text-view ()
+ "Test of GtkTextView"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title "Testing text view" :width-request 400 :height-request 300))
(button (make-instance 'button :label "Do"))
(widget-show window))))
(defun demo-code-editor ()
+ "(unfinished)"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title "Code editor" :width-request 400 :height-request 400 :window-position :center))
(scrolled (make-instance 'scrolled-window :hscrollbar-policy :automatic :vscrollbar-policy :automatic))
(defstruct tvi title value)
(defun test-treeview-list ()
+ "Test of treeview with CL-GTK2-GTK:ARRAY-LIST-STORE"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title "Treeview (list)"))
(model (make-instance 'array-list-store))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-combo-box ()
+ "Testing GtkComboBox"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title "Treeview (list)"))
(model (make-instance 'array-list-store))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-ui-manager ()
+ "Testing GtkUIManager"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title "UI Manager" :default-width 200 :default-height 100 :window-position :center))
(ui-manager (make-instance 'ui-manager))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-color-button ()
+ "Test of GtkColorButton"
(let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "Color button" :type :toplevel :window-position :center :width-request 100 :height-request 100))
(button (make-instance 'color-button :title "Color button")))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-color-selection ()
+ "Test of GtkColorSelection"
(let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "Color selection" :type :toplevel :window-position :center))
(selection (make-instance 'color-selection :has-opacity-control t)))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-file-chooser ()
+ "Test of GtkFileChooser"
(let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "file chooser" :type :toplevel :window-position :center :default-width 100 :default-height 100))
(v-box (make-instance 'v-box))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-font-chooser ()
+ "GtkFontChooser"
(let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "fonts" :type :toplevel :window-position :center :default-width 100 :default-height 100))
(v-box (make-instance 'v-box))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-notebook ()
+ "Test GtkNotebook"
(let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "Notebook" :type :toplevel :window-position :center :default-width 100 :default-height 100))
(expander (make-instance 'expander :expanded t :label "notebook"))
(defun test-calendar ()
+ "Test of GtkCalendar"
(let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "Calendar" :type :toplevel :window-position :center :default-width 100 :default-height 100))
(calendar (make-instance 'calendar :detail-function #'calendar-detail)))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-box-child-property ()
+ "Test of child-property usage"
(let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :title "Text box child property" :type :toplevel :window-position :center :width-request 200 :height-request 200))
(box (make-instance 'h-box))
(widget-show window))))
(defun test-builder ()
+ "Test of GtkBuilder"
(let ((builder (make-instance 'builder)))
(builder-add-from-file builder (namestring (merge-pathnames "demo/demo1.ui" *src-location*)))
do (write-string line str)))))
(defun demo-text-editor ()
+ "More advanced example: text editor with ability to evaluate lisp expressions"
(let* ((builder (let ((builder (make-instance 'builder)))
(builder-add-from-file builder (namestring (merge-pathnames "demo/text-editor.ui" *src-location*)))
(widget-show window)))))
(defun demo-class-browser ()
+ "Show slots of a given class"
(let ((output *standard-output*))
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window
(defun demo-treeview-tree ()
+ "Advanced demo: show s-expression tree structure"
(let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title "Treeview (tree)"))
(model (make-instance 'tree-lisp-store))
(format nil "Now is: ~A~%" (get-internal-run-time))))
(defun test-custom-window ()
+ "Simple test of non-GObject subclass of GtkWindow"
(let ((w (make-instance 'custom-window)))
(widget-show w))))
(defun test-assistant ()
+ "Simple test of GtkAssistant wizard"
(let ((output *standard-output*))
(let ((d (make-instance 'assistant :title "Username wizard"))
(widget-show d)))))
(defun test-entry-completion ()
+ "Not working example of GtkEntryCompletion"
(let* ((w (make-instance 'gtk-window))
(model (make-instance 'tree-lisp-store)))
(e (make-instance 'entry :completion completion)))
(setf (entry-completion-text-column completion) 0)
(container-add w e))
- (widget-show w))))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (widget-show w))))
+(defun demo-all ()
+ (within-main-loop
+ (let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window
+ :title "cl-gtk2-gtk demo"
+ :window-position :center
+ :default-width 500
+ :default-height 500))
+ (scrolled (make-instance 'scrolled-window
+ :hscrollbar-policy :automatic
+ :vscrollbar-policy :automatic))
+ (viewport (make-instance 'viewport))
+ (v-box-buttons (make-instance 'v-box))
+ (v-box-top (make-instance 'v-box)))
+ (container-add window v-box-top)
+ (box-pack-start v-box-top (make-instance 'label :label "These are the demos of cl-gtk2-gtk:") :expand nil)
+ (box-pack-start v-box-top scrolled)
+ (container-add scrolled viewport)
+ (container-add viewport v-box-buttons)
+ (iter (for s in-package :gtk-demo :external-only t)
+ (for fn = (fdefinition s))
+ (unless fn (continue))
+ (when (eq s 'demo-all) (continue))
+ (for docstring = (documentation fn t))
+ (for description = (format nil "~A~@[~%~A~]" (string-downcase (symbol-name s)) docstring))
+ (for label = (make-instance 'label :label description :justify :center))
+ (for button = (make-instance 'button))
+ (container-add button label)
+ (connect-signal button "clicked"
+ (let ((fn fn))
+ (lambda (b)
+ (declare (ignore b))
+ (funcall fn))))
+ (box-pack-start v-box-buttons button :expand nil))
+ (widget-show window))))