(defclass slot-class (pcl-class)
:initform ()
- :accessor class-direct-slots)
+ :reader class-direct-slots)
:initform ()
- :accessor class-slots)
+ :reader class-slots)
:initform #(nil)
:reader class-slot-vector)))
-;;; Make the slot-vector accessed by the after-fixup FIND-SLOT-DEFINITION.
-;;; The slot vector is a simple-vector containing plists of slot-definitions
-;;; keyd by their names. Slot definitions are put in the position indicated
-;;; We make the vector slightly longer then the number of slots both
-;;; to reduce collisions (but we're not too picky, really) and to
-;;; allow FIND-SLOT-DEFINTIONS work on slotless classes without
-;;; needing to check for zero-length vectors.
-(defun make-slot-vector (slots)
- (let* ((n (+ (length slots) 2))
- (vector (make-array n :initial-element nil)))
- (flet ((add-to-vector (name slot)
- (setf (svref vector (rem (sxhash name) n))
- (list* name slot (svref vector (rem (sxhash name) n))))))
- (if (eq 'complete *boot-state*)
- (dolist (slot slots)
- (add-to-vector (slot-definition-name slot) slot))
- (dolist (slot slots)
- (add-to-vector (early-slot-definition-name slot) slot))))
- vector))
;;; The class STD-CLASS is an implementation-specific common
;;; superclass of the classes STANDARD-CLASS and
(declare (ignore depth))
(print-object instance stream))
-;;; Access the slot-vector created by MAKE-SLOT-VECTOR.
-(defun find-slot-definition (class slot-name)
- (declare (symbol slot-name) (inline getf))
- (let* ((vector (class-slot-vector class))
- (index (rem (sxhash slot-name) (length vector))))
- (declare (simple-vector vector) (index index))
- (do ((plist (svref vector index) (cdr plist)))
- ((not plist))
- (let ((key (car plist)))
- (setf plist (cdr plist))
- (when (eq key slot-name)
- (return (car plist)))))))
(setf (getf (getf initargs 'plist) :slot-name-lists)
(list (list nil slot-name)))
+;;; Historical PCL found slot definitions by iterating over
+;;; CLASS-SLOTS, which is O(N) for number of slots, and moreover
+;;; requires a GF call (for SLOT-DEFINITION-NAME) for each slot in
+;;; list up to the desired one.
+;;; As of SBCL hashes the effective slot definitions into a
+;;; simple-vector, with bucket chains made out of plists keyed by the
+;;; slot names. This fixes gives O(1) performance, and avoid the GF
+;;; calls.
+;;; MAKE-SLOT-VECTOR constructs the hashed vector out of a list of
+;;; effective slot definitions, and FIND-SLOT-DEFINITION knows how to
+;;; look up slots in that vector.
+;;; The only bit of cleverness in the implementation is to make the
+;;; vectors fairly tight, but always longer then 0 elements:
+;;; -- We don't want to waste huge amounts of space no these vectors,
+;;; which are mostly required by things like SLOT-VALUE with a
+;;; variable slot name, so a constant extension over the minimum
+;;; size seems like a good choise.
+;;; -- As long as the vector always has a length > 0
+;;; FIND-SLOT-DEFINITION doesn't need to handle the rare case of an
+;;; empty vector separately: it just returns a NIL.
+(defun find-slot-definition (class slot-name)
+ (declare (symbol slot-name) (inline getf))
+ (let* ((vector (class-slot-vector class))
+ (index (rem (sxhash slot-name) (length vector))))
+ (declare (simple-vector vector) (index index)
+ (optimize (sb-c::insert-array-bounds-checks 0)))
+ (do ((plist (the list (svref vector index)) (cdr plist)))
+ ((not (consp plist)))
+ (let ((key (car plist)))
+ (setf plist (cdr plist))
+ (when (eq key slot-name)
+ (return (car plist)))))))
+(defun make-slot-vector (slots)
+ (let* ((n (+ (length slots) 2))
+ (vector (make-array n :initial-element nil)))
+ (flet ((add-to-vector (name slot)
+ (declare (symbol name)
+ (optimize (sb-c::insert-array-bounds-checks 0)))
+ (setf (svref vector (rem (sxhash name) n))
+ (list* name slot (svref vector (rem (sxhash name) n))))))
+ (if (eq 'complete *boot-state*)
+ (dolist (slot slots)
+ (add-to-vector (slot-definition-name slot) slot))
+ (dolist (slot slots)
+ (add-to-vector (early-slot-definition-name slot) slot))))
+ vector))
(error "unrecognized instance type")))))
-(defun early-find-slot-definition (class slot-name)
- (dolist (slot (class-slots class) nil)
- (when (eql slot-name (slot-definition-name slot))
- (return slot))))
-(setf (fdefinition 'find-slot-definition) #'early-find-slot-definition)
(declaim (ftype (sfunction (t symbol) t) slot-value))
(defun slot-value (object slot-name)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)