((fixnum bignum)
(bignum-gcd (make-small-bignum u) v))))))
-;;;; from Robert Smith; slightly changed not to cons unnecessarily.
+;;; from Robert Smith; changed not to cons unnecessarily, and tuned for
+;;; faster operation on fixnum inputs by compiling the central recursive
+;;; algorithm twice, once using generic and once fixnum arithmetic, and
+;;; dispatching on function entry into the applicable part. For maximum
+;;; speed, the fixnum part recurs into itself, thereby avoiding further
+;;; type dispatching. This pattern is not supported by NUMBER-DISPATCH
+;;; thus some special-purpose macrology is needed.
(defun isqrt (n)
"Return the greatest integer less than or equal to the square root of N."
(declare (type unsigned-byte n))
- (cond
- ((> n 24)
- (let* ((n-fourth-size (ash (1- (integer-length n)) -2))
- (n-significant-half (ash n (- (ash n-fourth-size 1))))
- (n-significant-half-isqrt (isqrt n-significant-half))
- (zeroth-iteration (ash n-significant-half-isqrt n-fourth-size)))
- (multiple-value-bind (quot rem)
- (floor n zeroth-iteration)
- (let ((first-iteration (ash (+ zeroth-iteration quot) -1)))
- (cond ((oddp quot)
- first-iteration)
- ((> (expt (- first-iteration zeroth-iteration) 2) rem)
- (1- first-iteration))
- (t
- first-iteration))))))
- ((> n 15) 4)
- ((> n 8) 3)
- ((> n 3) 2)
- ((> n 0) 1)
- ((= n 0) 0)))
+ (macrolet
+ ((isqrt-recursion (arg recurse fixnum-p)
+ ;; Expands into code for the recursive step of the ISQRT
+ ;; calculation. ARG is the input variable and RECURSE the name
+ ;; of the function to recur into. If FIXNUM-P is true, some
+ ;; type declarations are added that, together with ARG being
+ ;; declared as a fixnum outside of here, make the resulting code
+ ;; compile into fixnum-specialized code without any calls to
+ ;; generic arithmetic. Else, the code works for bignums, too.
+ ;; The input must be at least 16 to ensure that RECURSE is called
+ ;; with a strictly smaller number and that the result is correct
+ ;; (provided that RECURSE correctly implements ISQRT, itself).
+ `(macrolet ((if-fixnum-p-truly-the (type expr)
+ ,@(if fixnum-p
+ '(`(truly-the ,type ,expr))
+ '((declare (ignore type))
+ expr))))
+ (let* ((fourth-size (ash (1- (integer-length ,arg)) -2))
+ (significant-half (ash ,arg (- (ash fourth-size 1))))
+ (significant-half-isqrt
+ (if-fixnum-p-truly-the
+ (integer 1 #.(isqrt sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum))
+ (,recurse significant-half)))
+ (zeroth-iteration (ash significant-half-isqrt
+ fourth-size)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (quot rem)
+ (floor ,arg zeroth-iteration)
+ (let ((first-iteration (ash (+ zeroth-iteration quot) -1)))
+ (cond ((oddp quot)
+ first-iteration)
+ ((> (if-fixnum-p-truly-the
+ fixnum
+ (expt (- first-iteration zeroth-iteration) 2))
+ rem)
+ (1- first-iteration))
+ (t
+ first-iteration))))))))
+ (typecase n
+ (fixnum (labels ((fixnum-isqrt (n)
+ (declare (type fixnum n))
+ (cond ((> n 24)
+ (isqrt-recursion n fixnum-isqrt t))
+ ((> n 15) 4)
+ ((> n 8) 3)
+ ((> n 3) 2)
+ ((> n 0) 1)
+ ((= n 0) 0))))
+ (fixnum-isqrt n)))
+ (bignum (isqrt-recursion n isqrt nil)))))
;;;; miscellaneous number predicates