(defctype g-type gsize)
+(defstruct gtype name %id)
+(defvar *name-to-gtype* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defvar *id-to-gtype* (make-hash-table))
+(defvar *gtype-lock* (bt:make-lock "gtype lock"))
+(defun invalidate-gtypes ()
+ (bt:with-lock-held (*gtype-lock*)
+ (clrhash *id-to-gtype*)
+ (iter (for (name gtype) in-hashtable *name-to-gtype*)
+ (setf (gtype-%id gtype) nil))))
+(at-finalize () (invalidate-gtypes))
+(defcfun (%g-type-from-name "g_type_from_name") g-type
+ (name :string))
+(defcfun (%g-type-name "g_type_name") (:string :free-from-foreign nil)
+ (type g-type))
+(defun gtype-from-name (name)
+ (when (null name) (return-from gtype-from-name nil))
+ (bt:with-lock-held (*gtype-lock*)
+ (let ((type (gethash name *name-to-gtype*)))
+ (when type
+ (when (null (gtype-%id type))
+ (let ((n (%g-type-from-name name)))
+ (if (zerop n)
+ (warn "GType ~A is not known to GObject" name)
+ (progn
+ (setf (gtype-%id type) n
+ (gethash n *id-to-gtype*) type)))))
+ (return-from gtype-from-name type)))
+ (let ((n (%g-type-from-name name)))
+ (when (zerop n)
+ (warn "GType ~A is not known to GObject" name)
+ (setf n nil))
+ (let ((type (make-gtype :name (copy-seq name) :%id n)))
+ (setf (gethash n *id-to-gtype*) type
+ (gethash name *name-to-gtype*) type)
+ (return-from gtype-from-name type)))))
+(defun gtype-from-id (id)
+ (when (zerop id) (return-from gtype-from-id nil))
+ (bt:with-lock-held (*gtype-lock*)
+ (let ((type (gethash id *id-to-gtype*)))
+ (when type
+ (return-from gtype-from-id type)))
+ (let ((name (%g-type-name id)))
+ (unless name
+ (error "GType with ~A is not known to GObject" id))
+ (let ((type (gethash name *name-to-gtype*)))
+ (when type
+ (setf (gtype-%id type) id
+ (gethash id *id-to-gtype*) type)
+ (return-from gtype-from-id type))
+ (let ((type (make-gtype :name name :%id id)))
+ (setf (gethash id *id-to-gtype*) type
+ (gethash name *name-to-gtype*) type)
+ (return-from gtype-from-id type))))))
+(defun gtype-id (gtype)
+ (when (null gtype) (return-from gtype-id 0))
+ (when (gtype-%id gtype) (return-from gtype-id (gtype-%id gtype)))
+ (bt:with-lock-held (*gtype-lock*)
+ (let ((n (%g-type-from-name (gtype-name gtype))))
+ (when (zerop n)
+ (warn "GType ~A is not known to GObject" (gtype-name gtype))
+ (return-from gtype-id 0))
+ (setf (gtype-%id gtype) n
+ (gethash n *id-to-gtype*) gtype)
+ n)))
+(defun gtype (thing)
+ (etypecase thing
+ (null nil)
+ (gtype thing)
+ (string (gtype-from-name thing))
+ (integer (gtype-from-id thing))))
(define-foreign-type g-type-designator ()
((mangled-p :initarg :mangled-p
:reader g-type-designator-mangled-p
--- /dev/null
+(defpackage #:gtype-tests
+ (:use #:cl #:iter #:gobject #:gobject.ffi #:5am)
+ (:export #:run-all-tests)
+ (:import-from #:gobject.ffi #:gtype #:gtype-name #:gtype-%id #:gtype-id #:invalidate-gtypes))
+(in-package #:gtype-tests)
+(def-suite gtype)
+(in-suite gtype)
+(defun run-all-tests ()
+ (run! 'gtype))
+;; Normal things
+(test normal.1
+ (finishes (gtype "gint"))
+ (finishes (gtype "glong"))
+ (finishes (gtype +g-type-pointer+)))
+(test normal.eq
+ (is (eq (gtype "gint") (gtype "gint")))
+ (is (eq (gtype "GObject") (gtype "GObject")))
+ (is (not (eq (gtype "gint") (gtype "GObject"))))
+ (is (eq (gtype "gchararray") (gtype +g-type-string+))))
+(test normal.boundary
+ (is (null (gtype 0)))
+ (is (null (gtype nil)))
+ (signals warning (gtype "foobarbaz"))
+ (signals error (gtype 1)))
+(test normal.trans
+ (is (string= (gtype-name (gtype "gint")) "gint"))
+ (is (eql (gtype-id (gtype "gint")) +g-type-int+)))
+;; Clear mappings
+(test clear.simple
+ (let ((type (gtype "gint")))
+ (is (eql (gtype-id type) +g-type-int+))
+ (invalidate-gtypes)
+ (is (null (gtype-%id type)))
+ (is (eql (gtype-id type) +g-type-int+))
+ (invalidate-gtypes)
+ (is (eq type (gtype "gint")))
+ (invalidate-gtypes)
+ (is (eq type (gtype +g-type-int+)))))
+(test clear.1
+ (let ((type (gtype "gint")))
+ (invalidate-gtypes)
+ (is (null (gtype-%id type)))
+ (gtype +g-type-int+)
+ (is (not (null (gethash +g-type-int+ gobject.ffi::*id-to-gtype*))))
+ (is (not (null (gtype-%id type))))))
+;; Core saving
+(defvar *gi* (gtype +g-type-int+))
+(test core.saving
+ (is (eq *gi* (gtype +g-type-int+))))