* Avoid bignum computations, and cache the final result for reuse.
documented as unsafe.
* documentation: SB-SYS:WITHOUT-GCING has been documented as unsafe
in multithreaded application code.
+ * optimization: GET-INTERNAL-REAL-TIME has been optimized on POSIX
+ platforms. (thanks to James Anderson for the optimization hint)
* bug fix: number of characters that can be written onto a single
line in a file is unlimited.
* bug fix: GC deadlocks from asynchronous interrupts has been fixed
;; FIXME: STRUCTURE!OBJECT stuff probably belongs in SB!KERNEL.
(in-package "SB!IMPL")
-;;; Internal epoch, used as base for real-time.
-(declaim (unsigned-byte *internal-epoch*))
-(defvar *internal-epoch* 0)
(defun time-reinit ()
- (setf *internal-epoch* (system-internal-real-time)))
+ (reinit-internal-real-time))
-(defun get-internal-real-time ()
- #!+sb-doc
- "Return the real time (\"wallclock time\") since startup in the internal
- (- (system-internal-real-time) *internal-epoch*))
+;;; Implemented in unix.lisp and win32.lisp.
+(setf (fdocumentation 'get-internal-real-time 'function)
+ "Return the real time (\"wallclock time\") since startup in the internal
(defun get-internal-run-time ()
(defconstant micro-seconds-per-internal-time-unit
(/ 1000000 sb!xc:internal-time-units-per-second))
- (declaim (inline system-internal-real-time system-internal-run-time))
- (defun system-internal-real-time ()
+ (declaim (inline system-internal-run-time
+ internal-real-time-values))
+ (defun internal-real-time-values ()
(multiple-value-bind (ignore seconds useconds) (unix-gettimeofday)
(declare (ignore ignore) (type (unsigned-byte 32) seconds useconds))
- (let ((uint (truncate useconds
- micro-seconds-per-internal-time-unit)))
- (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) uint))
- (+ (* seconds sb!xc:internal-time-units-per-second)
- uint))))
+ (values seconds (truncate useconds micro-seconds-per-internal-time-unit))))
+ ;; There are two optimizations here that actually matter (on 32-bit
+ ;; systems): substract the epoch from seconds and milliseconds
+ ;; separately, as those should remain fixnums for the first 17 years
+ ;; or so of runtime. Also, avoid doing consing a new bignum if the
+ ;; result would be = to the last result given.
+ ;;
+ ;; Note: the next trick would be to spin a separate thread to update
+ ;; a global value once per internal tick, so each individual call to
+ ;; get-internal-real-time would be just a memory read... but that is
+ ;; probably best left for user-level code. ;)
+ ;;
+ ;; Thanks to James Anderson for the optimization hint.
+ ;;
+ ;; Yes, it is possible to a computation to be GET-INTERNAL-REAL-TIME
+ ;; bound.
+ ;;
+ ;; --NS 2007-04-05
+ (let ((e-sec 0)
+ (e-msec 0)
+ (c-sec 0)
+ (c-msec 0)
+ (now 0))
+ (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) e-sec c-sec)
+ (type fixnum e-msec c-msec)
+ (type unsigned-byte now))
+ (defun reinit-internal-real-time ()
+ (setf (values e-sec e-msec) (internal-real-time-values)
+ c-sec 0
+ c-msec 0))
+ ;; If two threads call this at the same time, we're still safe, I believe,
+ ;; as long as NOW is updated before either of C-MSEC or C-SEC. --NS
+ (defun get-internal-real-time ()
+ (multiple-value-bind (sec msec) (internal-real-time-values)
+ (unless (and (= msec c-msec) (= sec c-sec))
+ (setf now (+ (* (- sec e-sec) sb!xc:internal-time-units-per-second)
+ (- msec e-msec))
+ c-msec msec
+ c-sec sec))
+ now)))
(defun system-internal-run-time ()
(multiple-value-bind (ignore utime-sec utime-usec stime-sec stime-usec)
(addr ,user-time))))
(declaim (inline system-internal-real-time system-internal-run-time))
-(defun system-internal-real-time ()
- (with-alien ((system-time filetime))
- (syscall (("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime" 4) void (* filetime))
- (values (floor system-time 100ns-per-internal-time-unit))
- (addr system-time))))
+(let ((epoch 0))
+ (declare (unsigned-byte epoch))
+ ;; FIXME: For optimization ideas see the unix implementation.
+ (defun reinit-internal-real-time ()
+ (setf epoch 0
+ epoch (system-internal-real-time)))
+ (defun get-internal-real-time ()
+ (- (with-alien ((system-time filetime))
+ (syscall (("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime" 4) void (* filetime))
+ (values (floor system-time 100ns-per-internal-time-unit))
+ (addr system-time)))
+ epoch)))
(defun system-internal-run-time ()
(with-process-times (creation-time exit-time kernel-time user-time)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)