... used by timers.
Thanks to Ole Arndt for the patch.
;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; fill-column: 78 -*-
+changes in sbcl-1.0.28 relative to 1.0.27:
+ * bug fix: timers could go off in the wrong order, be delayed indefinitely
+ (thanks to Ole Arndt for the patch)
changes in sbcl-1.0.27 relative to 1.0.26:
* new port: support added for x86-64 OpenBSD. (thanks to Josh Elsasser)
* new port: support added for x86-64 Solaris. (thanks to Alex Viskovatoff)
(declaim (inline heap-parent heap-left heap-right))
(defun heap-parent (i)
- (ash i -1))
+ (ash (1- i) -1))
(defun heap-left (i)
(1+ (ash i 1)))
(use-package :test-util)
+(with-test (:name :heap)
+ (let* ((size 1000)
+ (heap (make-array size :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
+ (unsorted (loop for i below size collect (random size)))
+ (sorted (sort (copy-list unsorted) #'>=))
+ heap-sorted)
+ (map nil #'(lambda (val) (sb-impl::heap-insert heap val)) unsorted)
+ (setf heap-sorted (loop for i below size
+ collect (sb-impl::heap-extract-maximum heap)))
+ (unless (equal sorted heap-sorted)
+ (error "Heap sort failure ~S" heap-sorted))))
(sb-alien:define-alien-routine "check_deferrables_blocked_or_lose"
(where sb-alien:unsigned-long))
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)