;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with JSCL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-(defmacro do-sequence (iteration &body body)
- (let ((seq (gensym))
- (index (gensym)))
- `(let ((,seq ,(second iteration)))
- (cond
- ;; Strings
- ((stringp ,seq)
- (let ((,index 0))
- (dotimes (,index (length ,seq))
- (let ((,(first iteration)
- (char ,seq ,index)))
- ,@body))))
- ;; Lists
- ((listp ,seq)
- (dolist (,(first iteration) ,seq)
- ,@body))
- (t
- (error "type-error!"))))))
-(defmacro doseq ((elt seq &optional index) &body body)
- (let* ((nseq (gensym "seq"))
- (i (or index (gensym "i")))
- (list-body (if index
- `(let ((,i -1))
- (dolist (,elt ,nseq)
- (incf ,i)
- ,@body))
- `(dolist (,elt ,nseq)
- ,@body))))
+(defmacro do-sequence ((elt seq &optional (index (gensym "i") index-p)) &body body)
+ (let ((nseq (gensym "seq")))
+ (unless (symbolp elt)
+ (error "`~S' must be a symbol." elt))
`(let ((,nseq ,seq))
(if (listp ,nseq)
- ,list-body
- (dotimes (,i (length ,nseq))
- (let ((,elt (aref ,nseq ,i)))
+ ,(if index-p
+ `(let ((,index -1))
+ (dolist (,elt ,nseq)
+ (incf ,index)
+ ,@body))
+ `(dolist (,elt ,nseq)
+ ,@body))
+ (dotimes (,index (length ,nseq))
+ (let ((,elt (aref ,nseq ,index)))
(defun find (item seq &key key (test #'eql))
(if key
- (doseq (x seq)
+ (do-sequence (x seq)
(when (funcall test (funcall key x) item)
(return x)))
- (doseq (x seq)
+ (do-sequence (x seq)
(when (funcall test x item)
(return x)))))
((listp seq)
(let* ((head (cons nil nil))
(tail head))
- (doseq (elt seq)
+ (do-sequence (elt seq)
(unless (eql x elt)
(let ((new (list elt)))
(rplacd tail new)
(cdr head)))
(let (vector)
- (doseq (elt seq index)
+ (do-sequence (elt seq index)
(if (eql x elt)
;; Copy the beginning of the vector only when we find an element
;; that does not match.