RASSOC, RASSOC-IF, and RASSOC-IF-NOT are now equally efficient
+ * optimization: enhanced derivation of DOLIST iteration variable type
+ for constant lists.
+ * optimization: constant folding of simple (LIST ...) forms as DOLIST
+ arguments.
* optimization: runtime lookup of function definitions can be
elided in more cases, eg: (let ((x 'foo)) (funcall foo)).
* optimization: compiler is able to derive the return type of
(type integer ,c))
-(defmacro-mundanely dolist ((var list &optional (result nil)) &body body)
+(defmacro-mundanely dolist ((var list &optional (result nil)) &body body &environment env)
;; We repeatedly bind the var instead of setting it so that we never
;; have to give the var an arbitrary value such as NIL (which might
;; conflict with a declaration). If there is a result form, we
;; since we don't want to use IGNORABLE on what might be a special
;; var.
(multiple-value-bind (forms decls) (parse-body body :doc-string-allowed nil)
- (let ((n-list (gensym "N-LIST"))
- (start (gensym "START")))
- `(block nil
- (let ((,n-list ,list))
- (tagbody
- ,start
- (unless (endp ,n-list)
- (let ((,var (car ,n-list)))
- ,@decls
- (setq ,n-list (cdr ,n-list))
- (tagbody ,@forms))
- (go ,start))))
- ,(if result
- `(let ((,var nil))
- ;; Filter out TYPE declarations (VAR gets bound to NIL,
- ;; and might have a conflicting type declaration) and
- ;; IGNORE (VAR might be ignored in the loop body, but
- ;; it's used in the result form).
- ,@(filter-dolist-declarations decls)
- ,var
- ,result)
- nil)))))
+ (let* ((n-list (gensym "N-LIST"))
+ (start (gensym "START"))
+ (tmp (gensym "TMP")))
+ (multiple-value-bind (clist members clist-ok)
+ (cond ((sb!xc:constantp list env)
+ (let ((value (constant-form-value list env)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (all dot) (list-members value)
+ (when dot
+ ;; Full warning is too much: the user may terminate the loop
+ ;; early enough. Contents are still right, though.
+ (style-warn "Dotted list ~S in DOLIST." value))
+ (values value all t))))
+ ((and (consp list) (eq 'list (car list))
+ (every (lambda (arg) (sb!xc:constantp arg env)) (cdr list)))
+ (let ((values (mapcar (lambda (arg) (constant-form-value arg env)) (cdr list))))
+ (values values values t)))
+ (t
+ (values nil nil nil)))
+ `(block nil
+ (let ((,n-list ,(if clist-ok (list 'quote clist) list)))
+ (tagbody
+ ,start
+ (unless (endp ,n-list)
+ (let* (,@(if clist-ok
+ `((,tmp (truly-the (member ,@members) (car ,n-list)))
+ (,var ,tmp))
+ `((,var (car ,n-list)))))
+ ,@decls
+ (setq ,n-list (cdr ,n-list))
+ (tagbody ,@forms))
+ (go ,start))))
+ ,(if result
+ `(let ((,var nil))
+ ;; Filter out TYPE declarations (VAR gets bound to NIL,
+ ;; and might have a conflicting type declaration) and
+ ;; IGNORE (VAR might be ignored in the loop body, but
+ ;; it's used in the result form).
+ ,@(filter-dolist-declarations decls)
+ ,var
+ ,result)
+ nil))))))
;;;; conditions, handlers, restarts
(*print-length* (or (true *print-length*) 12)))
(funcall function))))
+;;; Returns a list of members of LIST. Useful for dealing with circular lists.
+;;; For a dotted list returns a secondary value of T -- in which case the
+;;; primary return value does not include the dotted tail.
+(defun list-members (list)
+ (when list
+ (do ((tail (cdr list) (cdr tail))
+ (members (list (car list)) (cons (car tail) members)))
+ ((or (not (consp tail)) (eq tail list))
+ (values members (not (listp tail)))))))
;;; Default evaluator mode (interpeter / compiler)
(declaim (type (member :compile #!+sb-eval :interpret) *evaluator-mode*))
'(lambda (s)
(sb-c::compiler-derived-type (aref (the base-string s) 0))))
(coerce "foo" 'base-string)))))
+(with-test (:name :dolist-constant-type-derivation)
+ (assert (equal '(integer 1 3)
+ (funcall (compile nil
+ '(lambda (x)
+ (dolist (y '(1 2 3))
+ (when x
+ (return (sb-c::compiler-derived-type y))))))
+ t))))
+(with-test (:name :dolist-simple-list-type-derivation)
+ (assert (equal '(integer 1 3)
+ (funcall (compile nil
+ '(lambda (x)
+ (dolist (y (list 1 2 3))
+ (when x
+ (return (sb-c::compiler-derived-type y))))))
+ t))))
+(with-test (:name :dolist-dotted-constant-list-type-derivation)
+ (let* ((warned nil)
+ (fun (handler-bind ((style-warning (lambda (c) (push c warned))))
+ (compile nil
+ '(lambda (x)
+ (dolist (y '(1 2 3 . 4) :foo)
+ (when x
+ (return (sb-c::compiler-derived-type y)))))))))
+ (assert (equal '(integer 1 3) (funcall fun t)))
+ (assert (= 1 (length warned)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (res err) (ignore-errors (funcall fun nil))
+ (assert (not res))
+ (assert (typep err 'type-error)))))