(localy (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
(ignore-errors (progn (values-list (car (list '(1 . 2)))) t)))
-226: "AVER failure in COMPILE-FILE of clocc-ansi-test/tests.lisp"
- (APD points out that this seems to be another symptom of bug #115.)
- sbcl- dies with failed AVER "(EQ (TN-PHYSENV TN) TN-ENV)" when
- trying to compile clocc-ansi-test/tests.lisp. sbcl- was able to
- to compile it. A smaller test case exhibiting the same problem is
- (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
- (defun c-a-p ()
- (flet ((safe-format (stream string &rest r)
- (unless (ignore-errors (progn
- (apply #'format stream string r)
- t))
- (format stream "~&foo ~S" string))))
- (cond
- ((eq my-result :ERROR)
- (cond
- ((ignore-errors (typep condition result))
- (safe-format t "~&bar ~S" result))
- (t
- (safe-format t "~&baz ~S (~A) ~S" condition condition result)))))))
+227: "compiler bewilderment with adjustable vectors and COPY-SEQ"
+ In sbcl- on x86,
+ (let ((v (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0)))
+ (vector-push-extend 1 v) (copy-seq v))
+ fails with
+ The value 336206758 is not of type VECTOR.
+ More excitement follows from
+ (defun argh2 (x)
+ (let ((v (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0)))
+ (vector-push-extend x v)
+ (format t
+ "~&~<~;/after VPE ~_~<V=~:_=~S~:>~;~:>~%"
+ (list
+ (let* ((xx1871 v) (nn1872 (/nn xx1871)))
+ (list (if nn1872 nn1872 xx1871)))))
+ (copy-seq v)))
+ where (ARGH2 2) loops endlessly printing "/after VPE V==#(3)".
be useful to suppress notes about code which is known to be
unavoidably inefficient. (For example, the compiler issues notes about
having to use generic arithmetic instead of fixnum arithmetic, which
-is not useful for code which truly can't guarantee that its arguments
-will always be fixnums.)</para>
+is not helpful for code which by design supports arbitrary-sized
+integers instead of being limited to fixnums.)</para>
<note><para>The basic functionality of the <parameter>optimize
inhibit-warnings</> extension will probably be supported in all future