;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
(load "compat")
(load "utils")
(load "read")
(load "compiler"))
-;;; Once we have the compiler, we define the runtime environment and
-;;; interactive development (eval), which works calling the compiler
-;;; and evaluating the Javascript result globally.
- (defun eval (x)
- (js-eval (ls-compile-toplevel x t)))
- (defvar * nil)
- (defvar ** nil)
- (defvar *** nil)
- (defvar / nil)
- (defvar // nil)
- (defvar /// nil)
- (defvar + nil)
- (defvar ++ nil)
- (defvar +++ nil)
- (defvar - nil)
- (defun eval-interactive (x)
- (setf - x)
- (let ((results (multiple-value-list (eval x))))
- (setf /// //
- // /
- / results
- *** **
- ** *
- * (car results)))
- (setf +++ ++
- ++ +
- + -)
- (values-list /))
- (export '(&body &key &optional &rest * *gensym-counter* *package* + - / 1+ 1- <
- <= = = > >= and append apply aref arrayp assoc atom block
- boundp boundp butlast caar cadddr caddr cadr car car case
- catch cdar cdddr cddr cdr cdr char char-code char=
- code-char cond cons consp constantly copy-list decf
- declaim defconstant define-setf-expander
- define-symbol-macro defmacro defparameter defun defvar
- digit-char digit-char-p disassemble do do* documentation
- dolist dotimes ecase eq eql equal error eval every export
- fdefinition find-package find-symbol first flet fourth
- fset funcall function functionp gensym get-setf-expansion
- get-universal-time go identity if in-package incf integerp
- integerp intern keywordp labels lambda last length let
- let* list list* list-all-packages listp loop make-array
- make-package make-symbol mapcar member minusp mod
- multiple-value-bind multiple-value-call
- multiple-value-list multiple-value-prog1 nconc nil not
- nreconc nth nthcdr null numberp or package-name
- package-use-list packagep parse-integer plusp
- prin1-to-string print proclaim prog1 prog2 progn psetq
- push quote remove remove-if remove-if-not return
- return-from revappend reverse rplaca rplacd second set
- setf setq some string string-upcase string= stringp subseq
- symbol-function symbol-name symbol-package symbol-plist
- symbol-value symbolp t tagbody third throw truncate unless
- unwind-protect values values-list variable warn when
- write-line write-string zerop ** *** // /// ++ +++))
- (setq *package* *user-package*)
- (js-eval "var lisp")
- (%js-vset "lisp" (new))
- (%js-vset "lisp.read" #'ls-read-from-string)
- (%js-vset "lisp.print" #'prin1-to-string)
- (%js-vset "lisp.eval" #'eval)
- (%js-vset "lisp.compile" (lambda (s) (ls-compile-toplevel s t)))
- (%js-vset "lisp.evalString" (lambda (str) (eval (ls-read-from-string str))))
- (%js-vset "lisp.evalInput" (lambda (str) (eval-interactive (ls-read-from-string str))))
- (%js-vset "lisp.compileString" (lambda (str) (ls-compile-toplevel (ls-read-from-string str) t)))
- ;; Set the initial global environment to be equal to the host global
- ;; environment at this point of the compilation.
- (eval-when-compile
- (toplevel-compilation
- (ls-compile `(setq *environment* ',*environment*))))
- (eval-when-compile
- (toplevel-compilation
- (ls-compile
- `(progn
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (s) `(%intern-symbol (%js-vref ,(cdr s))))
- *literal-symbols*)
- (setq *literal-symbols* ',*literal-symbols*)
- (setq *variable-counter* ,*variable-counter*)
- (setq *gensym-counter* ,*gensym-counter*)
- (setq *block-counter* ,*block-counter*)))))
- (eval-when-compile
- (toplevel-compilation
- (ls-compile
- `(setq *literal-counter* ,*literal-counter*)))))
-;;; Finally, we provide a couple of functions to easily bootstrap
-;;; this. It just calls the compiler with this file as input.
- (defun read-whole-file (filename)
- (with-open-file (in filename)
- (let ((seq (make-array (file-length in) :element-type 'character)))
- (read-sequence seq in)
- seq)))
- (defun ls-compile-file (filename out &key print)
- (let ((*compiling-file* t)
- (*compile-print-toplevels* print))
- (let* ((source (read-whole-file filename))
- (in (make-string-stream source)))
- (format t "Compiling ~a...~%" filename)
- (loop
- for x = (ls-read in)
- until (eq x *eof*)
- for compilation = (ls-compile-toplevel x)
- when (plusp (length compilation))
- do (write-string compilation out)))))
- (defun bootstrap ()
- (setq *environment* (make-lexenv))
- (setq *literal-symbols* nil)
- (setq *variable-counter* 0
- *gensym-counter* 0
- *literal-counter* 0
- *block-counter* 0)
- (with-open-file (out "ecmalisp.js" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
- (write-string (read-whole-file "prelude.js") out)
- (dolist (file '("boot.lisp"
- "utils.lisp"
- "print.lisp"
- "read.lisp"
- "compiler.lisp"
- "ecmalisp.lisp"))
- (ls-compile-file file out)))))
+(defun read-whole-file (filename)
+ (with-open-file (in filename)
+ (let ((seq (make-array (file-length in) :element-type 'character)))
+ (read-sequence seq in)
+ seq)))
+(defun ls-compile-file (filename out &key print)
+ (let ((*compiling-file* t)
+ (*compile-print-toplevels* print))
+ (let* ((source (read-whole-file filename))
+ (in (make-string-stream source)))
+ (format t "Compiling ~a...~%" filename)
+ (loop
+ for x = (ls-read in)
+ until (eq x *eof*)
+ for compilation = (ls-compile-toplevel x)
+ when (plusp (length compilation))
+ do (write-string compilation out)))))
+(defun bootstrap ()
+ (setq *environment* (make-lexenv))
+ (setq *literal-symbols* nil)
+ (setq *variable-counter* 0
+ *gensym-counter* 0
+ *literal-counter* 0
+ *block-counter* 0)
+ (with-open-file (out "ecmalisp.js" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (write-string (read-whole-file "prelude.js") out)
+ (dolist (file '("boot.lisp"
+ "utils.lisp"
+ "print.lisp"
+ "read.lisp"
+ "compiler.lisp"
+ "toplevel.lisp"))
+ (ls-compile-file file out))))
--- /dev/null
+(defun eval (x)
+ (js-eval (ls-compile-toplevel x t)))
+(defvar * nil)
+(defvar ** nil)
+(defvar *** nil)
+(defvar / nil)
+(defvar // nil)
+(defvar /// nil)
+(defvar + nil)
+(defvar ++ nil)
+(defvar +++ nil)
+(defvar - nil)
+(defun eval-interactive (x)
+ (setf - x)
+ (let ((results (multiple-value-list (eval x))))
+ (setf /// //
+ // /
+ / results
+ *** **
+ ** *
+ * (car results)))
+ (setf +++ ++
+ ++ +
+ + -)
+ (values-list /))
+(export '(&body &key &optional &rest * *gensym-counter* *package* + - / 1+ 1- <
+ <= = = > >= and append apply aref arrayp assoc atom block
+ boundp boundp butlast caar cadddr caddr cadr car car case
+ catch cdar cdddr cddr cdr cdr char char-code char=
+ code-char cond cons consp constantly copy-list decf
+ declaim defconstant define-setf-expander
+ define-symbol-macro defmacro defparameter defun defvar
+ digit-char digit-char-p disassemble do do* documentation
+ dolist dotimes ecase eq eql equal error eval every export
+ fdefinition find-package find-symbol first flet fourth
+ fset funcall function functionp gensym get-setf-expansion
+ get-universal-time go identity if in-package incf integerp
+ integerp intern keywordp labels lambda last length let
+ let* list list* list-all-packages listp loop make-array
+ make-package make-symbol mapcar member minusp mod
+ multiple-value-bind multiple-value-call
+ multiple-value-list multiple-value-prog1 nconc nil not
+ nreconc nth nthcdr null numberp or package-name
+ package-use-list packagep parse-integer plusp
+ prin1-to-string print proclaim prog1 prog2 progn psetq
+ push quote remove remove-if remove-if-not return
+ return-from revappend reverse rplaca rplacd second set
+ setf setq some string string-upcase string= stringp subseq
+ symbol-function symbol-name symbol-package symbol-plist
+ symbol-value symbolp t tagbody third throw truncate unless
+ unwind-protect values values-list variable warn when
+ write-line write-string zerop ** *** // /// ++ +++))
+(setq *package* *user-package*)
+(js-eval "var lisp")
+(%js-vset "lisp" (new))
+(%js-vset "lisp.read" #'ls-read-from-string)
+(%js-vset "lisp.print" #'prin1-to-string)
+(%js-vset "lisp.eval" #'eval)
+(%js-vset "lisp.compile" (lambda (s) (ls-compile-toplevel s t)))
+(%js-vset "lisp.evalString" (lambda (str) (eval (ls-read-from-string str))))
+(%js-vset "lisp.evalInput" (lambda (str) (eval-interactive (ls-read-from-string str))))
+(%js-vset "lisp.compileString" (lambda (str) (ls-compile-toplevel (ls-read-from-string str) t)))
+;; Set the initial global environment to be equal to the host global
+;; environment at this point of the compilation.
+ (toplevel-compilation
+ (ls-compile `(setq *environment* ',*environment*))))
+ (toplevel-compilation
+ (ls-compile
+ `(progn
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (s) `(%intern-symbol (%js-vref ,(cdr s))))
+ *literal-symbols*)
+ (setq *literal-symbols* ',*literal-symbols*)
+ (setq *variable-counter* ,*variable-counter*)
+ (setq *gensym-counter* ,*gensym-counter*)
+ (setq *block-counter* ,*block-counter*)))))
+ (toplevel-compilation
+ (ls-compile
+ `(setq *literal-counter* ,*literal-counter*))))