;; better than nothing.
(get-mutex mutex value))))
-(defun condition-notify (queue)
+(defun condition-notify (queue &optional (n 1))
- "Notify one of the threads waiting on QUEUE."
- #!-sb-thread (declare (ignore queue))
+ "Notify N threads waiting on QUEUE."
+ #!-sb-thread (declare (ignore queue n))
#!-sb-thread (error "Not supported in unithread builds.")
+ (declare (type (and fixnum (integer 1)) n))
+ #!+sb-thread
(let ((me *current-thread*))
;; no problem if >1 thread notifies during the comment in
;; condition-wait: as long as the value in queue-data isn't the
;; XXX we should do something to ensure that the result of this setf
;; is visible to all CPUs
(setf (waitqueue-data queue) me)
- (futex-wake (waitqueue-data-address queue) 1)))
+ (futex-wake (waitqueue-data-address queue) n)))
(defun condition-broadcast (queue)
"Notify all threads waiting on QUEUE."
- #!-sb-thread (declare (ignore queue))
- #!-sb-thread (error "Not supported in unithread builds.")
- #!+sb-thread
- (let ((me *current-thread*))
- (setf (waitqueue-data queue) me)
- (futex-wake (waitqueue-data-address queue) (ash 1 30))))
+ (condition-notify queue most-positive-fixnum))
+;;;; semaphores
+(defstruct (semaphore (:constructor %make-semaphore))
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "Semaphore type."
+ (name nil :type (or null simple-string))
+ (count 0 :type (integer 0))
+ (mutex (make-mutex))
+ (queue (make-waitqueue)))
+(defun make-semaphore (&key name (count 0))
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "Create a semaphore with the supplied COUNT."
+ (%make-semaphore :name name :count count))
+(setf (sb!kernel:fdocumentation 'semaphore-name 'function)
+ "The name of the semaphore. Setfable.")
+(defun wait-on-semaphore (sem)
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "Decrement the count of SEM if the count would not be negative. Else
+block until the semaphore can be decremented."
+ ;; a more direct implementation based directly on futexes should be
+ ;; possible
+ (with-mutex ((semaphore-mutex sem))
+ (loop until (> (semaphore-count sem) 0)
+ do (condition-wait (semaphore-queue sem) (semaphore-mutex sem))
+ finally (decf (semaphore-count sem)))))
+(defun signal-semaphore (sem &optional (n 1))
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "Increment the count of SEM by N. If there are threads waiting on
+this semaphore, then N of them is woken up."
+ (declare (type (and fixnum (integer 1)) n))
+ (with-mutex ((semaphore-mutex sem))
+ (when (= n (incf (semaphore-count sem) n))
+ (condition-notify (semaphore-queue sem) n))))
;;;; job control, independent listeners
#!-sb-thread (error "Not supported in unithread builds.")
(let* ((thread (%make-thread :name name))
- (setup-p nil)
+ (setup-sem (make-semaphore :name "Thread setup semaphore"))
(real-function (coerce function 'function))
;; don't let the child inherit *CURRENT-THREAD* because that
(lambda ()
- ;; FIXME: use semaphores?
- (loop until setup-p)
;; in time we'll move some of the binding presently done in C
;; here too
(let ((*current-thread* thread)
(sb!kernel::*handler-clusters* nil)
(sb!kernel::*condition-restarts* nil)
(sb!impl::*descriptor-handlers* nil)) ; serve-event
+ (wait-on-semaphore setup-sem)
;; can't use handling-end-of-the-world, because that flushes
;; output streams, and we don't necessarily have any (or we
;; could be sharing them)
(push thread *all-threads*))
(with-session-lock (*session*)
(push thread (session-threads *session*)))
- (setq setup-p t)
+ (signal-semaphore setup-sem)
(sb!impl::finalize thread (lambda () (reap-dead-thread thread-sap)))
(in-package "SB-THREAD") ; this is white-box testing, really
+(use-package :test-util)
(defun wait-for-threads (threads)
(loop while (some #'sb-thread:thread-alive-p threads) do (sleep 0.01)))
(format t "contention ~A ~A~%" kid1 kid2)
(wait-for-threads (list kid1 kid2)))))
+;;; semaphores
+(defmacro raises-timeout-p (&body body)
+ `(handler-case (progn (progn ,@body) nil)
+ (sb-ext:timeout () t)))
+(with-test (:name (:semaphore :wait-forever))
+ (let ((sem (make-semaphore :count 0)))
+ (assert (raises-timeout-p
+ (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.1
+ (wait-on-semaphore sem))))))
+(with-test (:name (:semaphore :initial-count))
+ (let ((sem (make-semaphore :count 1)))
+ (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.1
+ (wait-on-semaphore sem))))
+(with-test (:name (:semaphore :wait-then-signal))
+ (let ((sem (make-semaphore))
+ (signalled-p nil))
+ (make-thread (lambda ()
+ (sleep 0.1)
+ (setq signalled-p t)
+ (signal-semaphore sem)))
+ (wait-on-semaphore sem)
+ (assert signalled-p)))
+(with-test (:name (:semaphore :signal-then-wait))
+ (let ((sem (make-semaphore))
+ (signalled-p nil))
+ (make-thread (lambda ()
+ (signal-semaphore sem)
+ (setq signalled-p t)))
+ (loop until signalled-p)
+ (wait-on-semaphore sem)
+ (assert signalled-p)))
+(with-test (:name (:semaphore :multiple-signals))
+ (let* ((sem (make-semaphore :count 5))
+ (threads (loop repeat 20
+ collect (make-thread (lambda ()
+ (wait-on-semaphore sem))))))
+ (flet ((count-live-threads ()
+ (count-if #'thread-alive-p threads)))
+ (sleep 0.5)
+ (assert (= 15 (count-live-threads)))
+ (signal-semaphore sem 10)
+ (sleep 0.5)
+ (assert (= 5 (count-live-threads)))
+ (signal-semaphore sem 3)
+ (sleep 0.5)
+ (assert (= 2 (count-live-threads)))
+ (signal-semaphore sem 4)
+ (sleep 0.5)
+ (assert (= 0 (count-live-threads))))))
+(format t "~&semaphore tests done~%")
(defun test-interrupt (function-to-interrupt &optional quit-p)
(let ((child (make-thread function-to-interrupt)))
;;(format t "gdb ./src/runtime/sbcl ~A~%attach ~A~%" child child)