;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; fill-column: 78 -*-
changes relative to sbcl-1.0.56:
+ * enhancement: FASL loading no longer grabs the world-lock.
* enhancement: GENCGC reclaims space more aggressively when objects being
allocated are a large fraction of the total available heap space.
(when (zerop (file-length stream))
(error "attempt to load an empty FASL file:~% ~S" (namestring stream)))
(maybe-announce-load stream verbose)
- (with-world-lock ()
- (let* ((*fasl-input-stream* stream)
- (*fop-table* (make-fop-vector 1000))
- (*fop-stack* (make-fop-vector 100)))
- (unwind-protect
- (loop while (load-fasl-group stream))
- ;; Nuke the table and stack to avoid keeping garbage on
- ;; conservatively collected platforms.
- (nuke-fop-vector *fop-table*)
- (nuke-fop-vector *fop-stack*))))
+ (let* ((*fasl-input-stream* stream)
+ (*fop-table* (make-fop-vector 1000))
+ (*fop-stack* (make-fop-vector 100)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (loop while (load-fasl-group stream))
+ ;; Nuke the table and stack to avoid keeping garbage on
+ ;; conservatively collected platforms.
+ (nuke-fop-vector *fop-table*)
+ (nuke-fop-vector *fop-stack*)))
(declaim (notinline read-byte)) ; Why is it even *declaimed* inline above?
(with-test (:name (load "empty.fasl"))
(assert (not (load-empty-file "fasl"))))
+(with-test (:name :parallel-fasl-load)
+ #+sb-thread
+ (let ((lisp #p"parallel-fasl-load-test.lisp")
+ (fasl nil)
+ (ready nil))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (multiple-value-bind (compiled warned failed)
+ (compile-file lisp)
+ (setf fasl compiled)
+ (assert (not warned))
+ (assert (not failed))
+ (labels ((load-loop ()
+ (let* ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
+ (*error-output* *standard-output*))
+ (sb-ext:wait-for ready)
+ (handler-case
+ (progn
+ (loop repeat 1000
+ do (load fasl)
+ (test-it))
+ t)
+ (error (e) e))))
+ (test-it ()
+ (assert (= 1 (one-fun)))
+ (assert (= 2 (two-fun)))
+ (assert (= 42 (symbol-value '*var*)))
+ (assert (= 13 (symbol-value '*quux*)))))
+ (let ((t1 (sb-thread:make-thread #'load-loop))
+ (t2 (sb-thread:make-thread #'load-loop))
+ (t3 (sb-thread:make-thread #'load-loop)))
+ (setf ready t)
+ (let ((r1 (sb-thread:join-thread t1))
+ (r2 (sb-thread:join-thread t2))
+ (r3 (sb-thread:join-thread t3)))
+ (unless (and (eq t r1) (eq t r2) (eq t r3))
+ (error "R1: ~A~2%R2: ~A~2%R2: ~A" r1 r2 r3))
+ ;; These ones cannot be tested while redefinitions are running:
+ ;; adding a method implies REMOVE-METHOD, so a call would be racy.
+ (assert (eq :ok (a-slot (make-instance 'a-class :slot :ok))))
+ (assert (eq 'cons (gen-fun '(foo))))
+ (assert (eq 'a-class (gen-fun (make-instance 'a-class)))))
+ (test-it)))))
+ (when fasl
+ (ignore-errors (delete-file fasl))))))
--- /dev/null
+(defun one-fun ()
+ 1)
+(defun two-fun ()
+ 2)
+(defvar *var* 42 "This is var.")
+(defparameter *quux* 13 "This is quux.")
+(defclass a-class ()
+ ((slot :initarg :slot :reader a-slot)))
+(defgeneric gen-fun (x)
+ (:method ((a cons)) 'cons))
+(defmethod gen-fun ((a a-class)) 'a-class)