(declare (fixnum old-count))
(setf (cache-vector-lock-count ,cache-vector)
(if (= old-count most-positive-fixnum)
- 1
+ 1
(1+ old-count)))))))
(deftype field-type ()
'(mod #.layout-clos-hash-length))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) (values (and unsigned-byte fixnum) &optional))
+ (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) (values (and unsigned-byte fixnum) &optional))
(defun power-of-two-ceiling (x)
;; (expt 2 (ceiling (log x 2)))
(overflow nil :type list))
#-sb-fluid (declaim (sb-ext:freeze-type cache))
-(defmacro cache-lock-count (cache)
- `(cache-vector-lock-count (cache-vector ,cache)))
;;;; wrapper cache numbers
(defmacro wrapper-no-of-instance-slots (wrapper)
`(layout-length ,wrapper))
-;;; FIXME: Why are these macros?
-(defmacro wrapper-instance-slots-layout (wrapper)
- `(%wrapper-instance-slots-layout ,wrapper))
-(defmacro wrapper-class-slots (wrapper)
- `(%wrapper-class-slots ,wrapper))
;;; This is called in BRAID when we are making wrappers for classes
;;; whose slots are not initialized yet, and which may be built-in
;;; classes. We pass in the class name in addition to the class.
(dotimes (i layout-clos-hash-length)
(setf (cache-number-vector-ref owrapper i) 0))
+ ;; FIXME: We could save a whopping cons by using (STATE . WRAPPER)
+ ;; instead
(push (setf (layout-invalid owrapper) (list state nwrapper))
(declare (fixnum nkeys))
(if (= nkeys 1)
(let* ((line-size (if valuep 2 1))
- (cache-size (if (typep nlines-or-cache-vector 'fixnum)
- (* line-size
- (power-of-two-ceiling nlines-or-cache-vector))
- (cache-vector-size nlines-or-cache-vector))))
+ (cache-size (etypecase nlines-or-cache-vector
+ (fixnum
+ (* line-size
+ (power-of-two-ceiling nlines-or-cache-vector)))
+ (vector
+ (cache-vector-size nlines-or-cache-vector)))))
(declare (type (and unsigned-byte fixnum) line-size cache-size))
(values (logxor (1- cache-size) (1- line-size))
(floor cache-size line-size)))
(let* ((line-size (power-of-two-ceiling (if valuep (1+ nkeys) nkeys)))
- (cache-size (if (typep nlines-or-cache-vector 'fixnum)
- (* line-size
- (power-of-two-ceiling nlines-or-cache-vector))
- (1- (cache-vector-size nlines-or-cache-vector)))))
+ (cache-size (etypecase nlines-or-cache-vector
+ (fixnum
+ (* line-size
+ (power-of-two-ceiling nlines-or-cache-vector)))
+ (vector
+ (1- (cache-vector-size nlines-or-cache-vector))))))
(declare (fixnum line-size cache-size))
(values (logxor (1- cache-size) (1- line-size))
(1+ cache-size)
(defun compute-primary-cache-location (field mask wrappers)
(declare (type field-type field) (fixnum mask))
(if (not (listp wrappers))
- (logand mask
+ (logand mask
(the fixnum (wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref wrappers field)))
- (let ((location 0)
+ (let ((location 0)
(i 0))
(declare (fixnum location i))
(dolist (wrapper wrappers)
(dotimes-fixnum (i nkeys)
(let* ((wrapper (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ i from-location)))
(wcn (wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref wrapper field)))
- (declare (fixnum wcn))
+ (declare (fixnum wcn))
(incf result wcn))
(when (and (not (zerop i))
(zerop (mod i wrapper-cache-number-adds-ok)))
;;;; symbols because we don't capture any user code in the scope in which
;;;; these symbols are bound.
+(declaim (list *dfun-arg-symbols*))
(defvar *dfun-arg-symbols* '(.ARG0. .ARG1. .ARG2. .ARG3.))
(defun dfun-arg-symbol (arg-number)
- (or (nth arg-number (the list *dfun-arg-symbols*))
+ (or (nth arg-number *dfun-arg-symbols*)
(format-symbol *pcl-package* ".ARG~A." arg-number)))
+(declaim (list *slot-vector-symbols*))
(defvar *slot-vector-symbols* '(.SLOTS0. .SLOTS1. .SLOTS2. .SLOTS3.))
(defun slot-vector-symbol (arg-number)
- (or (nth arg-number (the list *slot-vector-symbols*))
+ (or (nth arg-number *slot-vector-symbols*)
(format-symbol *pcl-package* ".SLOTS~A." arg-number)))
-;; FIXME: There ought to be a good way to factor out the idiom:
-;; (dotimes (i (length metatypes))
-;; (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) lambda-list))
-;; used in the following four functions into common code that we can
-;; declare inline or something. --njf 2001-12-20
+(declaim (inline make-dfun-required-args))
+(defun make-dfun-required-args (metatypes)
+ ;; Micro-optimizations 'R Us
+ (labels ((rec (types i)
+ (declare (fixnum i))
+ (when types
+ (cons (dfun-arg-symbol i)
+ (rec (cdr types) (1+ i))))))
+ (rec metatypes 0)))
(defun make-dfun-lambda-list (metatypes applyp)
- (let ((lambda-list nil))
- (dotimes (i (length metatypes))
- (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) lambda-list))
- (when applyp
- ;; Use &MORE arguments to avoid consing up an &REST list that we
- ;; might not need at all. See MAKE-EMF-CALL and
- ;; INVOKE-EFFECTIVE-METHOD-FUNCTION for the other pieces.
- (push '&more lambda-list)
- (push '.dfun-more-context. lambda-list)
- (push '.dfun-more-count. lambda-list))
- (nreverse lambda-list)))
+ (let ((required (make-dfun-required-args metatypes)))
+ (if applyp
+ (nconc required
+ ;; Use &MORE arguments to avoid consing up an &REST list
+ ;; that we might not need at all. See MAKE-EMF-CALL and
+ ;; pieces.
+ '(&more .dfun-more-context. .dfun-more-count.))
+ required)))
(defun make-dlap-lambda-list (metatypes applyp)
- (let ((args nil)
- (lambda-list nil))
- (dotimes (i (length metatypes))
- (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) args)
- (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) lambda-list))
- (when applyp
- (push '&more lambda-list)
- (push '.more-context. lambda-list)
- (push '.more-count. lambda-list))
+ (let* ((required (make-dfun-required-args metatypes))
+ (lambda-list (if applyp
+ (append required '(&more .more-context. .more-count.))
+ required)))
;; Return the full lambda list, the required arguments, a form
;; that will generate a rest-list, and a list of the &MORE
;; parameters used.
- (values (nreverse lambda-list)
- (nreverse args)
+ (values lambda-list
+ required
(when applyp
'(.more-context. .more-count.)))))
(defun make-emf-call (metatypes applyp fn-variable &optional emf-type)
- (let ((required
- (let ((required nil))
- (dotimes (i (length metatypes))
- (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) required))
- (nreverse required))))
+ (let ((required (make-dfun-required-args metatypes)))
`(,(if (eq emf-type 'fast-method-call)
'(.dfun-more-context. .dfun-more-count.)))))
(defun make-fast-method-call-lambda-list (metatypes applyp)
- (let ((lambda-list (make-dfun-lambda-list metatypes applyp)))
- ;; Reverse order
- (push '.next-method-call. lambda-list)
- (push '.pv-cell. lambda-list)
- lambda-list))
+ (list* '.pv-cell. '.next-method-call.
+ (make-dfun-lambda-list metatypes applyp)))
(defmacro with-local-cache-functions ((cache) &body body)
(defun fill-cache (cache wrappers value)
;; FILL-CACHE won't return if WRAPPERS is nil, might as well check..
(aver wrappers)
(or (fill-cache-p nil cache wrappers value)
(and (< (ceiling (* (cache-count cache) *cache-expand-threshold*))
(if (= (cache-nkeys cache) 1)
(setq location (next-location location))))))
(defun probe-cache (cache wrappers &optional default limit-fn)
- ;;(declare (values value))
(aver wrappers)
(with-local-cache-functions (cache)
(let* ((location (compute-primary-cache-location (field) (mask) wrappers))
(unless (or (line-reserved-p i) (not (line-valid-p i nil)))
(let ((value (funcall function (line-wrappers i) (line-value i))))
(when set-p
+ ;; FIXME: Cache modification: should we not be holding a lock?
(setf (cache-vector-ref (c-vector) (+ (line-location i) (nkeys)))
(dolist (entry (overflow))
(return t))))))
;;; returns T or NIL
+;;; FIXME: Deceptive name as this has side-effects.
(defun fill-cache-p (forcep cache wrappers value)
(with-local-cache-functions (cache)
(let* ((location (compute-primary-cache-location (field) (mask) wrappers))
(when (not emptyp)
(push (cons (line-wrappers free) (line-value free))
(cache-overflow cache)))
- ;;(fill-line free wrappers value)
+ ;; (fill-line free wrappers value)
(let ((line free))
(declare (fixnum line))
(when (line-reserved-p line)
(let ((loc (line-location line))
(cache-vector (c-vector)))
(declare (fixnum loc) (simple-vector cache-vector))
+ ;; FIXME: Cache modifications: should we not be holding
+ ;; a lock?
(cond ((= (nkeys) 1)
(setf (cache-vector-ref cache-vector loc) wrappers)
(when (valuep)
(maybe-check-cache cache))))))))
+;;; FIXME: Deceptive name as this has side-effects
(defun fill-cache-from-cache-p (forcep cache from-cache from-line)
(declare (fixnum from-line))
(with-local-cache-functions (cache)