--- /dev/null
+(cl:in-package :cl-user)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 2) (space 1)))
+;;; Until version 0.6.9 or so, SBCL's version of Python couldn't this
+;;; correctly, due to the bug patched by Rob MacLachlan on the
+;;; cmucl-imp list 2000-06-21, and apply to SBCL by Martin Atzmueller.
+;;; (The effectiveness of the test also depends on the implicit
+;;; function typing of Python (where DEFUN is like DECLAIM FTYPE),
+;;; which violates the ANSI spec, and should be fixed. Once that
+;;; unrelated bug is fixed, this code will no longer test the type
+;;; inference behavior it's intended to test.)
+(defun emptyvalues (&rest rest) (declare (ignore rest)) (values))
+(defstruct foo x y)
+(defun bar ()
+ (let ((res (emptyvalues)))
+ (unless (typep res 'foo)
+ 'expected-value)))
+(assert (eq (bar) 'expected-value))
+(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104) ; success
--- /dev/null
+;;;; This file is for compiler tests which have side effects (e.g.
+;;;; executing DEFUN) but which don't need any special side-effecting
+;;;; environmental stuff (e.g. DECLAIM of particular optimization
+;;;; settings). Similar tests which *do* expect special settings may
+;;;; be in files compiler-1.impure.lisp, compiler-2.impure.lisp, etc.
+(cl:in-package :cl-user)
+(load "assertoid.lisp")
+;;; Old CMU CL code assumed that the names of "keyword" arguments are
+;;; necessarily self-evaluating symbols, but ANSI Common Lisp allows
+;;; them to be any symbols, not necessarily keywords, and thus not
+;;; necessarily self-evaluating. Make sure that this works.
+(defun newfangled-cons (&key ((left-thing x)) ((right-thing y)))
+ (cons x y))
+(assert (equal (cons 1 2) (newfangled-cons 'right-thing 2 'left-thing 1)))
+;;; success
+(quit :unix-status 104)
:arg-seqs (*list-2* *list-2* *vector-30*)
:arg-types (list list vector))
-(print "returning successfully")
+;;; success
(quit :unix-status 104)
;;; versions, and a string like "" is used for versions which
;;; aren't released but correspond only to CVS tags or snapshots.