;;;; specification.
(in-package "SB-PCL")
+;;;; Up to SBCL used to have a sketched out implementation
+;;;; for optimizing GF calls inside method bodies using a PV approach,
+;;;; inherited from the original PCL. This was never completed, and
+;;;; was removed at that point to make the code easier to understand
+;;;; -- but:
+;;;; FIXME: It would be possible to optimize GF calls inside method
+;;;; bodies using permutation vectors: if all the arguments to the
+;;;; GF are specializers parameters, we can assign a permutation index
+;;;; to each such (GF . ARGS) tuple inside a method body, and use this
+;;;; to cache effective method functions.
(defmacro instance-slot-index (wrapper slot-name)
`(let ((pos 0))
(defstruct (pv-table (:predicate pv-tablep)
(:constructor make-pv-table-internal
- (slot-name-lists call-list))
+ (slot-name-lists))
(:copier nil))
(cache nil :type (or cache null))
(pv-size 0 :type fixnum)
- (slot-name-lists nil :type list)
- (call-list nil :type list))
+ (slot-name-lists nil :type list))
#-sb-fluid (declaim (sb-ext:freeze-type pv-table))
;;; (defvar *all-pv-table-list* nil)
(declaim (inline make-pv-table))
-(defun make-pv-table (&key slot-name-lists call-list)
- (make-pv-table-internal slot-name-lists call-list))
+(defun make-pv-table (&key slot-name-lists)
+ (make-pv-table-internal slot-name-lists))
(defun make-pv-table-type-declaration (var)
`(type pv-table ,var))
;;; Entries in this are lists of (table . pv-offset-list).
(defvar *pv-key-to-pv-table-table* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
-(defun intern-pv-table (&key slot-name-lists call-list)
+(defun intern-pv-table (&key slot-name-lists)
(let ((new-p nil))
- (flet ((inner (x)
- (or (gethash x *slot-name-lists-inner*)
- (setf (gethash x *slot-name-lists-inner*) (copy-list x))))
- (outer (x)
- (or (gethash x *slot-name-lists-outer*)
- (setf (gethash x *slot-name-lists-outer*)
- (let ((snl (copy-list (cdr x)))
- (cl (car x)))
+ (flet ((inner (slot-names)
+ (or (gethash slot-names *slot-name-lists-inner*)
+ (setf (gethash slot-names *slot-name-lists-inner*) slot-names)))
+ (outer (snl)
+ (or (gethash snl *slot-name-lists-outer*)
+ (setf (gethash snl *slot-name-lists-outer*)
+ (progn
(setq new-p t)
- (make-pv-table :slot-name-lists snl
- :call-list cl))))))
- (let ((pv-table
- (outer (mapcar #'inner (cons call-list slot-name-lists)))))
+ (make-pv-table :slot-name-lists snl))))))
+ (let ((pv-table (outer (mapcar #'inner slot-name-lists))))
(when new-p
(let ((pv-index 0))
(dolist (slot-name-list slot-name-lists)
(dolist (slot-name (cdr slot-name-list))
(note-pv-table-reference slot-name pv-index pv-table)
(incf pv-index)))
- (dolist (gf-call call-list)
- (note-pv-table-reference gf-call pv-index pv-table)
- (incf pv-index))
(setf (pv-table-pv-size pv-table) pv-index)))
-(defun compute-calls (call-list wrappers)
- (declare (ignore call-list wrappers))
- #||
- (map 'vector
- (lambda (call)
- (compute-emf-from-wrappers call wrappers))
- call-list)
- ||#
- '#())
-#|| ; Need to finish this, then write the maintenance functions.
-(defun compute-emf-from-wrappers (call wrappers)
- (when call
- (destructuring-bind (gf-name nreq restp arg-info) call
- (if (eq gf-name 'make-instance)
- (error "should not get here") ; there is another mechanism for this.
- (lambda (&rest args)
- (if (not (eq *boot-state* 'complete))
- (apply (gdefinition gf-name) args)
- (let* ((gf (gdefinition gf-name))
- (arg-info (arg-info-reader gf))
- (classes '?)
- (types '?)
- (emf (cache-miss-values-internal gf arg-info
- wrappers classes types
- 'caching)))
- (update-all-pv-tables call wrappers emf)
- (invoke-emf emf args))))))))
(defun make-permutation-vector (indexes)
(make-array (length indexes) :initial-contents indexes))
(defun pv-table-lookup (pv-table pv-wrappers)
(let* ((slot-name-lists (pv-table-slot-name-lists pv-table))
- (call-list (pv-table-call-list pv-table))
(cache (or (pv-table-cache pv-table)
(setf (pv-table-cache pv-table)
(make-cache :key-count (- (length slot-name-lists)
(if hitp
(let* ((pv (compute-pv slot-name-lists pv-wrappers))
- (calls (compute-calls call-list pv-wrappers))
- (pv-cell (cons pv calls))
+ (pv-cell (cons pv nil))
(new-cache (fill-cache cache pv-wrappers pv-cell)))
;; This is safe: if another thread races us here the loser just
;; misses the next time as well.
(defun make-pv-type-declaration (var)
`(type simple-vector ,var))
-(defmacro copy-pv (pv)
- `(copy-seq ,pv))
-(defun make-calls-type-declaration (var)
- `(type simple-vector ,var))
-(defmacro callsref (calls index)
- `(svref ,calls ,index))
(defvar *pv-table-cache-update-info* nil)
(defun update-pv-table-cache-info (class)
;;; canonicalizes the PV-TABLE's a bit and will hopefully lead to
;;; having fewer PV's floating around. Even if the gain is only
;;; modest, it costs nothing.
-(defun slot-name-lists-from-slots (slots calls)
- (multiple-value-bind (slots calls) (mutate-slots-and-calls slots calls)
+(defun slot-name-lists-from-slots (slots)
+ (let ((slots (mutate-slots slots)))
(let* ((slot-name-lists
(mapcar (lambda (parameter-entry)
(cons nil (mapcar #'car (cdr parameter-entry))))
- slots))
- (call-list
- (mapcar #'car calls)))
- (dolist (call call-list)
- (dolist (arg (cdr call))
- (when (integerp arg)
- (setf (car (nth arg slot-name-lists)) t))))
- (setq slot-name-lists (mapcar (lambda (r+snl)
- (when (or (car r+snl) (cdr r+snl))
- r+snl))
- slot-name-lists))
- (let ((cvt (apply #'vector
- (let ((i -1))
- (mapcar (lambda (r+snl)
- (when r+snl (incf i)))
- slot-name-lists)))))
- (setq call-list (mapcar (lambda (call)
- (cons (car call)
- (mapcar (lambda (arg)
- (if (integerp arg)
- (svref cvt arg)
- arg))
- (cdr call))))
- call-list)))
- (values slot-name-lists call-list))))
-(defun mutate-slots-and-calls (slots calls)
+ slots)))
+ (mapcar (lambda (r+snl)
+ (when (or (car r+snl) (cdr r+snl))
+ r+snl))
+ slot-name-lists))))
+(defun mutate-slots (slots)
(let ((sorted-slots (sort-slots slots))
- (sorted-calls (sort-calls (cdr calls)))
(pv-offset -1))
(dolist (parameter-entry sorted-slots)
(dolist (slot-entry (cdr parameter-entry))
(incf pv-offset)
(dolist (form (cdr slot-entry))
(setf (cadr form) pv-offset))))
- (dolist (call-entry sorted-calls)
- (incf pv-offset)
- (dolist (form (cdr call-entry))
- (setf (cadr form) pv-offset)))
- (values sorted-slots sorted-calls)))
+ sorted-slots))
(defun symbol-pkg-name (sym)
(let ((pkg (symbol-package sym)))
:key #'car)))
-(defun sort-calls (calls)
- (sort calls #'symbol-or-cons-lessp :key #'car))
;;;; This needs to work in terms of metatypes and also needs to work
;;;; for automatically generated reader and writer functions.
do (when slots
(push required-parameter pv-parameters)
(push (slot-vector-symbol i) slot-vars)))
- `(pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls. ,pv-table-form
+ `(pv-binding1 (.pv. ,pv-table-form
,(nreverse pv-parameters) ,(nreverse slot-vars))
-(defmacro pv-binding1 ((pv calls pv-table-form pv-parameters slot-vars)
+(defmacro pv-binding1 ((pv pv-table-form pv-parameters slot-vars)
&body body)
- `(pv-env (,pv ,calls ,pv-table-form ,pv-parameters)
+ `(pv-env (,pv ,pv-table-form ,pv-parameters)
(let (,@(mapcar (lambda (slot-var p) `(,slot-var (get-slots-or-nil ,p)))
slot-vars pv-parameters))
(declare (ignorable ,@(mapcar #'identity slot-vars)))
(define-symbol-macro pv-env-environment overridden)
(defmacro pv-env (&environment env
- (pv calls pv-table-form pv-parameters)
+ (pv pv-table-form pv-parameters)
&rest forms)
;; Decide which expansion to use based on the state of the PV-ENV-ENVIRONMENT
;; symbol-macrolet.
(if (eq (macroexpand 'pv-env-environment env) 'default)
- `(let ((,pv (car .pv-cell.))
- (,calls (cdr .pv-cell.)))
- (declare ,(make-pv-type-declaration pv)
- ,(make-calls-type-declaration calls))
- ,pv ,calls
+ `(let ((,pv (car .pv-cell.)))
+ (declare ,(make-pv-type-declaration pv))
`(let* ((.pv-table. ,pv-table-form)
(.pv-cell. (pv-table-lookup-pv-args .pv-table. ,@pv-parameters))
- (,pv (car .pv-cell.))
- (,calls (cdr .pv-cell.)))
+ (,pv (car .pv-cell.)))
(declare ,(make-pv-type-declaration pv))
- (declare ,(make-calls-type-declaration calls))
- ,pv ,calls
(defvar *non-var-declarations*
(defun method-function-from-fast-function (fmf plist)
(declare (type function fmf))
(let* ((method-function nil)
- (calls (getf plist :call-list))
(snl (getf plist :slot-name-lists))
- (pv-table (when (or calls snl)
- (intern-pv-table :call-list calls :slot-name-lists snl)))
+ (pv-table (when snl
+ (intern-pv-table :slot-name-lists snl)))
(arg-info (getf plist :arg-info))
(nreq (car arg-info))
(restp (cdr arg-info)))