;;; Compilation of literals an object dumping
-;;; Two seperate functions are needed for escaping strings:
-;;; One for producing JavaScript string literals (which are singly or
-;;; doubly quoted)
-;;; And one for producing Lisp strings (which are only doubly quoted)
-;;; The same function would suffice for both, but for javascript string
-;;; literals it is neater to use either depending on the context, e.g:
-;;; foo's => "foo's"
-;;; "foo" => '"foo"'
-;;; which avoids having to escape quotes where possible
-(defun js-escape-string (string)
- (let ((index 0)
- (size (length string))
- (seen-single-quote nil)
- (seen-double-quote nil))
- (flet ((%js-escape-string (string escape-single-quote-p)
- (let ((output "")
- (index 0))
- (while (< index size)
- (let ((ch (char string index)))
- (when (char= ch #\\)
- (setq output (concat output "\\")))
- (when (and escape-single-quote-p (char= ch #\'))
- (setq output (concat output "\\")))
- (when (char= ch #\newline)
- (setq output (concat output "\\"))
- (setq ch #\n))
- (setq output (concat output (string ch))))
- (incf index))
- output)))
- ;; First, scan the string for single/double quotes
- (while (< index size)
- (let ((ch (char string index)))
- (when (char= ch #\')
- (setq seen-single-quote t))
- (when (char= ch #\")
- (setq seen-double-quote t)))
- (incf index))
- ;; Then pick the appropriate way to escape the quotes
- (cond
- ((not seen-single-quote)
- (concat "'" (%js-escape-string string nil) "'"))
- ((not seen-double-quote)
- (concat "\"" (%js-escape-string string nil) "\""))
- (t (concat "'" (%js-escape-string string t) "'"))))))
(defun lisp-escape-string (string)
(let ((output "")
(index 0)