-;;;; An alien callback sequence has 4 parts / stages / bounces:
-;;;; * ASSEMBLER WRAPPER that saves the arguments from the C-call
-;;;; according to the alien-fun-type of the callback, and calls
-;;;; #'ENTER-ALIEN-CALLBACK with the index indentifying the
-;;;; callback, a pointer to the arguments copied on the stack and a
-;;;; pointer to return value storage. When control returns to the
-;;;; wrapper it returns the value to C. There is one assembler
-;;;; wrapper per callback.[1] The SAP to the wrapper code vector
-;;;; is what is passed to foreign code as a callback.
-;;;; * #'ENTER-ALIEN-CALLBACK pulls the LISP TRAMPOLINE for the given
-;;;; index, and calls it with the argument and result pointers.
-;;;; * LISP TRAMPOLINE that calls the LISP WRAPPER with the argument
-;;;; and result pointers, and the function designator for the
-;;;; callback. There is one lisp trampoline per callback.
-;;;; * LISP WRAPPER parses the arguments from stack, calls the actual
-;;;; callback with the arguments, and saves the return value at the
-;;;; result pointer. The lisp wrapper is shared between all the
-;;;; callbacks having the same same alien-fun-type.
-;;;; [1] As assembler wrappers need to be allocated in static
-;;;; addresses and are (in the current scheme of things) never
-;;;; released it might be worth it to split it into two parts:
-;;;; per-callback trampoline that pushes the index of the lisp
-;;;; trampoline on the stack, and jumps to the appropriate assembler
-;;;; wrapper. The assembler wrapper could then be shared between all
-;;;; the callbacks with the same alien-fun-type. This would amortize
-;;;; most of the static allocation costs between multiple callbacks.
+;;;; See "Foreign Linkage / Callbacks" in the SBCL Internals manual.
(defvar *alien-callback-info* nil
"Maps SAPs to corresponding CALLBACK-INFO structures: contains all the