;;;; generic info environments
-;;; Note: the CACHE-NAME slot is deliberately not shared for
-;;; bootstrapping reasons. If we access with accessors for the exact
-;;; type, then the inline type check will win. If the inline check
-;;; didn't win, we would try to use the type system before it was
-;;; properly initialized.
(defstruct (info-env (:constructor nil)
(:copier nil))
;; some string describing what is in this environment, for
-;;;; INFO cache
-;;;; We use a hash cache to cache name X type => value for the current
-;;;; value of *INFO-ENVIRONMENT*. This is in addition to the
-;;;; per-environment caching of name => types.
-;;; The value of *INFO-ENVIRONMENT* that has cached values.
-;;; *INFO-ENVIRONMENT* should never be destructively modified, so if
-;;; it is EQ to this, then the cache is valid.
-(defvar *cached-info-environment*)
- (setf *cached-info-environment* nil))
-;;; the hash function used for the INFO cache
-#!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline info-cache-hash))
-(defun info-cache-hash (name type)
- (logand
- (the fixnum
- (logxor (globaldb-sxhashoid name)
- (ash (the fixnum type) 7)))
- #x3FF))
- (/show0 "before initialization of INFO hash cache"))
-(define-hash-cache info ((name eq) (type eq))
- :values 2
- :hash-function info-cache-hash
- :hash-bits 10
- :default (values nil :empty)
- :init-wrapper !cold-init-forms)
- (/show0 "clearing INFO hash cache")
- (info-cache-clear)
- (/show0 "done clearing INFO hash cache"))
-;;; If the info cache is invalid, then clear it.
-#!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline clear-invalid-info-cache))
-(defun clear-invalid-info-cache ()
- ;; Unless the cache is valid..
- (unless (eq *info-environment* *cached-info-environment*)
- (;; In the target Lisp, this should be done without interrupts,
- ;; but in the host Lisp when cross-compiling, we don't need to
- ;; sweat it, since no affected-by-GC hashes should be used when
- ;; running under the host Lisp (since that's non-portable) and
- ;; since only one thread should be used when running under the
- ;; host Lisp (because multiple threads are non-portable too).
- #-sb-xc-host without-interrupts
- #+sb-xc-host progn
- (info-cache-clear)
- (setq *cached-info-environment* *info-environment*))))
;;;; compact info environments
;;; The upper limit on the size of the ENTRIES vector in a COMPACT-INFO-ENV.
(defstruct (compact-info-env (:include info-env)
#-sb-xc-host (:pure :substructure)
(:copier nil))
- ;; If this value is EQ to the name we want to look up, then the
- ;; cache hit function can be called instead of the lookup function.
- (cache-name 0)
- ;; The index in ENTRIES for the CACHE-NAME, or NIL if that name has
- ;; no entries.
- (cache-index nil :type (or compact-info-entries-index null))
;; hashtable of the names in this environment. If a bucket is
;; unused, it is 0.
(table (missing-arg) :type simple-vector)
(def!constant compact-info-entry-last (ash 1 type-number-bits))
;;; Return the value of the type corresponding to NUMBER for the
-;;; currently cached name in ENV.
-#!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline compact-info-cache-hit))
-(defun compact-info-cache-hit (env number)
+;;; index INDEX in ENV.
+#!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline compact-info-lookup-index))
+(defun compact-info-lookup-index (env number index)
(declare (type compact-info-env env) (type type-number number))
- (let ((entries-info (compact-info-env-entries-info env))
- (index (compact-info-env-cache-index env)))
+ (let ((entries-info (compact-info-env-entries-info env)))
(if index
(do ((index index (1+ index)))
(return (values nil nil)))))
(values nil nil))))
-;;; Encache NAME in the compact environment ENV. HASH is the
+;;; Look up NAME in the compact environment ENV. HASH is the
-(defun compact-info-lookup (env name hash)
+(defun compact-info-lookup (env name hash number)
(declare (type compact-info-env env)
(type (integer 0 #.sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum) hash))
(let* ((table (compact-info-env-table env))
(when (eql entry 0)
(return nil))
(when (,test entry name)
- (return (aref (compact-info-env-index env)
- probe)))))))
- (setf (compact-info-env-cache-index env)
- (if (symbolp name)
- (lookup eq)
- (lookup equal)))
- (setf (compact-info-env-cache-name env) name)))
- (values))
+ (return (compact-info-lookup-index
+ env
+ number
+ (aref (compact-info-env-index env) probe))))))))
+ (if (symbolp name)
+ (lookup eq)
+ (lookup equal)))))
;;; the exact density (modulo rounding) of the hashtable in a compact
;;; info environment in names/bucket
;;; taking the GLOBALDB-SXHASHOID of the NAME modulo the table size.
(defstruct (volatile-info-env (:include info-env)
(:copier nil))
- ;; If this value is EQ to the name we want to look up, then the
- ;; cache hit function can be called instead of the lookup function.
- (cache-name 0)
- ;; the alist translating type numbers to values for the currently
- ;; cached name
- (cache-types nil :type list)
;; vector of alists of alists of the form:
;; ((Name . ((Type-Number . Value) ...) ...)
(table (missing-arg) :type simple-vector)
;; the number of names at which we should grow the table and rehash
(threshold 0 :type index))
-;;; Just like COMPACT-INFO-CACHE-HIT, only do it on a volatile environment.
-#!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline volatile-info-cache-hit))
-(defun volatile-info-cache-hit (env number)
- (declare (type volatile-info-env env) (type type-number number))
- (dolist (type (volatile-info-env-cache-types env) (values nil nil))
- (when (eql (car type) number)
- (return (values (cdr type) t)))))
;;; Just like COMPACT-INFO-LOOKUP, only do it on a volatile environment.
-(defun volatile-info-lookup (env name hash)
+(defun volatile-info-lookup (env name hash number)
(declare (type volatile-info-env env)
(type (integer 0 #.sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum) hash))
(let ((table (volatile-info-env-table env)))
(macrolet ((lookup (test)
`(dolist (entry (svref table (mod hash (length table))) ())
(when (,test (car entry) name)
- (return (cdr entry))))))
- (setf (volatile-info-env-cache-types env)
- (if (symbolp name)
- (lookup eq)
- (lookup equal)))
- (setf (volatile-info-env-cache-name env) name)))
- (values))
+ (dolist (type (cdr entry))
+ (when (eql (car type) number)
+ (return-from volatile-info-lookup
+ (values (cdr type) t))))
+ (return-from volatile-info-lookup
+ (values nil nil))))))
+ (if (symbolp name)
+ (lookup eq)
+ (lookup equal)))))
;;; Given a volatile environment ENV, bind TABLE-VAR the environment's table
-;;; and INDEX-VAR to the index of NAME's bucket in the table. We also flush
-;;; the cache so that things will be consistent if body modifies something.
+;;; and INDEX-VAR to the index of NAME's bucket in the table.
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
(#+sb-xc-host cl:defmacro
#-sb-xc-host sb!xc:defmacro
(once-only ((n-name name)
(n-env env))
- (setf (volatile-info-env-cache-name ,n-env) 0)
(let* ((,table-var (volatile-info-env-table ,n-env))
(,index-var (mod (globaldb-sxhashoid ,n-name)
(length ,table-var))))
(let ((name (uncross name0)))
(when (eql name 0)
(error "0 is not a legal INFO name."))
- ;; We don't enter the value in the cache because we don't know that this
- ;; info-environment is part of *cached-info-environment*.
- (info-cache-enter name type nil :empty)
(with-info-bucket (table index name env)
(let ((types (if (symbolp name)
(assoc name (svref table index) :test #'eq)
(defun clear-info-value (name type)
(declare (type type-number type) (inline assoc))
- (clear-invalid-info-cache)
- (info-cache-enter name type nil :empty)
(with-info-bucket (table index name (get-write-info-env))
(let ((types (assoc name (svref table index) :test #'equal)))
(when (and types
-;;; Check whether the name and type is in our cache, if so return it.
-;;; Otherwise, search for the value and encache it.
-;;; Return the value from the first environment which has it defined,
-;;; or return the default if none does. We have a cache for the last
-;;; name looked up in each environment. We don't compute the hash
-;;; until the first time the cache misses. When the cache does miss,
-;;; we invalidate it before calling the lookup routine to eliminate
-;;; the possibility of the cache being partially updated if the lookup
-;;; is interrupted.
+;;; Return the value of NAME / TYPE from the first environment where
+;;; has it defined, or return the default if none does. We used to
+;;; do a lot of complicated caching here, but that was removed for
+;;; thread-safety reasons.
(defun get-info-value (name0 type &optional (env-list nil env-list-p))
(declare (type type-number type))
;; sanity check: If we have screwed up initialization somehow, then
;; sbcl-0.pre7.x.)
(aver (aref *info-types* type))
(let ((name (uncross name0)))
- (flet ((lookup-ignoring-global-cache (env-list)
+ (flet ((lookup (env-list)
(let ((hash nil))
(dolist (env env-list
- (multiple-value-bind (val winp)
- (funcall (type-info-default
- (svref *info-types* type))
- name)
- (values val winp)))
- (macrolet ((frob (lookup cache slot)
+ (multiple-value-bind (val winp)
+ (funcall (type-info-default
+ (svref *info-types* type))
+ name)
+ (values val winp)))
+ (macrolet ((frob (lookup)
- (unless (eq name (,slot env))
- (unless hash
- (setq hash (globaldb-sxhashoid name)))
- (setf (,slot env) 0)
- (,lookup env name hash))
+ (setq hash (globaldb-sxhashoid name))
(multiple-value-bind (value winp)
- (,cache env type)
+ (,lookup env name hash type)
(when winp (return (values value t)))))))
(etypecase env
- (volatile-info-env (frob
- volatile-info-lookup
- volatile-info-cache-hit
- volatile-info-env-cache-name))
- (compact-info-env (frob
- compact-info-lookup
- compact-info-cache-hit
- compact-info-env-cache-name))))))))
- (cond (env-list-p
- (lookup-ignoring-global-cache env-list))
- (t
- (clear-invalid-info-cache)
- (multiple-value-bind (val winp) (info-cache-lookup name type)
- (if (eq winp :empty)
- (multiple-value-bind (val winp)
- (lookup-ignoring-global-cache *info-environment*)
- (info-cache-enter name type val winp)
- (values val winp))
- (values val winp))))))))
+ (volatile-info-env (frob volatile-info-lookup))
+ (compact-info-env (frob compact-info-lookup))))))))
+ (if env-list-p
+ (lookup env-list)
+ (lookup *info-environment*)))))
;;;; definitions for function information