* Git for SBCL Hackers guide.
* If branch-version.lisp-expr exists, it's value is concatenated
after the contents of version.lisp-expr, separated out by ".".
Doing this allows reduces spurious conflicts on branches: otherwise
a branch announcing it's name in version.lisp-expr is going to
conflict at every turn, which prevents automatic rebasing and
merging from doing TRT.
* Added .gitignore
--- /dev/null
(defun sb!xc:lisp-implementation-version ()
- #.(sb-cold:read-from-file "version.lisp-expr"))
+ #.(format nil "~A~@[.~A~]"
+ (sb-cold:read-from-file "version.lisp-expr")
+ (let ((pathname "branch-version.lisp-expr"))
+ (when (probe-file pathname)
+ (sb-cold:read-from-file pathname)))))
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)