* enhancement: WITH-PINNED-OBJECTS no longer conses on PPC/GENCGC.
* enhancement: (sb-introspect:find-definition-sources-by-name x :vop) now
also returns VOPs which do not translate any functions.
+ * enhancement: better type derivation for APPEND, NCONC, LIST.
+ (lp#538957)
* bug fix: type derivation for LOG{AND,IOR,XOR} scales linearly instead
of quadratically with the size of the input in the worst case.
(1 `(cons ,(first args) nil))
(t (values nil t))))
+(defoptimizer (list derive-type) ((&rest args) node)
+ (if args
+ (specifier-type 'cons)
+ (specifier-type 'null)))
;;; And similarly for LIST*.
(define-source-transform list* (arg &rest others)
(cond ((not others) arg)
(specifier-type 'cons)
(lvar-type arg)))
+(define-source-transform nconc (&rest args)
+ (case (length args)
+ (0 ())
+ (1 (car args))
+ (t (values nil t))))
+;;; (append nil nil nil fixnum) => fixnum
+;;; (append x x cons x x) => cons
+;;; (append x x x x list) => list
+;;; (append x x x x sequence) => sequence
+;;; (append fixnum x ...) => nil
+(defun derive-append-type (args)
+ (cond ((not args)
+ (specifier-type 'null))
+ (t
+ (let ((cons-type (specifier-type 'cons))
+ (null-type (specifier-type 'null))
+ (list-type (specifier-type 'list))
+ (last (lvar-type (car (last args)))))
+ (or
+ ;; Check that all but the last arguments are lists first
+ (loop for (arg next) on args
+ while next
+ do
+ (let ((lvar-type (lvar-type arg)))
+ (unless (or (csubtypep list-type lvar-type)
+ (csubtypep lvar-type list-type))
+ (assert-lvar-type arg list-type
+ (lexenv-policy *lexenv*))
+ (return *empty-type*))))
+ (loop with all-nil = t
+ for (arg next) on args
+ for lvar-type = (lvar-type arg)
+ while next
+ do
+ (cond
+ ;; Cons in the middle guarantees the result will be a cons
+ ((csubtypep lvar-type cons-type)
+ (return cons-type))
+ ;; If all but the last are NIL the type of the last arg
+ ;; can be used
+ ((csubtypep lvar-type null-type))
+ (all-nil
+ (setf all-nil nil)))
+ finally
+ (return
+ (cond (all-nil
+ last)
+ ((csubtypep last cons-type)
+ cons-type)
+ ((csubtypep last list-type)
+ list-type)
+ ;; If the last is SEQUENCE (or similar) it'll
+ ;; be either that sequence or a cons, which is a
+ ;; sequence
+ ((csubtypep list-type last)
+ last)))))))))
+(defoptimizer (append derive-type) ((&rest args))
+ (derive-append-type args))
+(defoptimizer (sb!impl::append2 derive-type) ((&rest args))
+ (derive-append-type args))
+(defoptimizer (nconc derive-type) ((&rest args))
+ (derive-append-type args))
;;; Translate RPLACx to LET and SETF.
(define-source-transform rplaca (x y)
(once-only ((n-x x))
((2 2 0 -2 -1 2) 9223372036854775803)
(t 358458651)))))))
(assert (= (funcall test -10470605025) 26))))
+(with-test (:name :append-type-derivation)
+ (let ((test-cases
+ '((lambda () (append 10)) (integer 10 10)
+ (lambda () (append nil 10)) (integer 10 10)
+ (lambda (x) (append x 10)) t
+ (lambda (x) (append x (cons 1 2))) cons
+ (lambda (x y) (append x (cons 1 2) y)) cons
+ (lambda (x y) (nconc x (the list y) x)) t
+ (lambda (x y) (print (length y)) (append x y)) sequence)))
+ (loop for (function result-type) on test-cases by #'cddr
+ do (assert (equal (car (cdaddr (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
+ (compile nil function))))
+ result-type)))))