when (typep c type)
collect c)))
-(defmacro assert-no-consing (form &optional times)
- `(%assert-no-consing (lambda () ,form) ,times))
-(defun %assert-no-consing (thunk &optional times)
- (let ((before (sb-ext:get-bytes-consed))
- (times (or times 10000)))
- (declare (type (integer 1 *) times))
+(defun collect-consing-stats (thunk times)
+ (declare (type function thunk))
+ (declare (type fixnum times))
+ (let ((before (sb-ext:get-bytes-consed)))
(dotimes (i times)
(funcall thunk))
- (assert (< (- (sb-ext:get-bytes-consed) before) times))))
+ (values before (sb-ext:get-bytes-consed))))
-(defmacro assert-consing (form &optional times)
- `(%assert-consing (lambda () ,form) ,times))
-(defun %assert-consing (thunk &optional times)
- (let ((before (sb-ext:get-bytes-consed))
- (times (or times 10000)))
- (declare (type (integer 1 *) times))
- (dotimes (i times)
- (funcall thunk))
- (assert (not (< (- (sb-ext:get-bytes-consed) before) times)))))
+(defun check-consing (yes/no form thunk times)
+ (multiple-value-bind (before after)
+ (collect-consing-stats thunk times)
+ (let ((consed-bytes (- after before)))
+ (assert (funcall (if yes/no #'not #'identity)
+ ;; I do not know why we do this comparasion,
+ ;; the original code did, so I let it
+ ;; in. Perhaps to prevent losage on GC
+ ;; fluctuations, or something. --TCR.
+ (< consed-bytes times))
+ ()
+ "~@<Expected the form ~
+ ~4I~@:_~A ~0I~@:_~
+ ~:[NOT to cons~;to cons~], yet running it for ~
+ ~D times resulted in the allocation of ~
+ ~D bytes~:[ (~,3F per run)~;~].~@:>"
+ form yes/no times consed-bytes
+ (zerop consed-bytes) (float (/ consed-bytes times))))
+ (values before after)))
+(defparameter +times+ 10000)
+(defmacro assert-no-consing (form &optional (times '+times+))
+ `(check-consing nil ',form (lambda () ,form) ,times))
+(defmacro assert-consing (form &optional (times '+times+))
+ `(check-consing t ',form (lambda () ,form) ,times))