;;;; DEFCLASS macro and close personal friends
-;;; ANSI says (Macro DEFCLASS, section 7.7) that DEFCLASS, if it
-;;; "appears as a top level form, the compiler must make the class
-;;; name be recognized as a valid type name in subsequent declarations
-;;; (as for deftype) and be recognized as a valid class name for
-;;; defmethod parameter specializers and for use as the :metaclass
-;;; option of a subsequent defclass."
-(defun preinform-compiler-about-class-type (name)
- ;; Unless the type system already has an actual type attached to
- ;; NAME (in which case (1) writing a placeholder value over that
- ;; actual type as a compile-time side-effect would probably be a bad
- ;; idea and (2) anyway we don't need to modify it in order to make
- ;; NAME be recognized as a valid type name)
- (unless (info :type :kind name)
- ;; Tell the compiler to expect a class with the given NAME, by
- ;; writing a kind of minimal placeholder type information. This
- ;; placeholder will be overwritten later when the class is defined.
- (setf (info :type :kind name) :forthcoming-defclass-type))
- (values))
-(defun preinform-compiler-about-accessors (readers writers slots)
- (flet ((inform (name type)
- ;; FIXME: This matches what PROCLAIM FTYPE does, except
- ;; that :WHERE-FROM is :DEFINED, not :DECLARED, and should
- ;; probably be factored into a common function -- eg.
- ;; (%proclaim-ftype name declared-or-defined).
- (when (eq (info :function :where-from name) :assumed)
- (proclaim-as-fun-name name)
- (note-name-defined name :function)
- (setf (info :function :where-from name) :defined
- (info :function :type name) type))))
- (let ((rtype (specifier-type '(function (t) t)))
- (wtype (specifier-type '(function (t t) t))))
- (dolist (reader readers)
- (inform reader rtype))
- (dolist (writer writers)
- (inform writer wtype))
- (dolist (slot slots)
- (inform (slot-reader-name slot) rtype)
- (inform (slot-boundp-name slot) rtype)
- (inform (slot-writer-name slot) wtype)))))
;;; state for the current DEFCLASS expansion
(defvar *initfunctions-for-this-defclass*)
(defvar *readers-for-this-defclass*)
;;; After the metabraid has been setup, and the protocol for defining
;;; classes has been defined, the real definition of LOAD-DEFCLASS is
;;; installed by the file std-class.lisp
-(defmacro defclass (&environment env name %direct-superclasses %direct-slots &rest %options)
- (let ((supers (copy-tree %direct-superclasses))
- (slots (copy-tree %direct-slots))
- (options (copy-tree %options)))
- (let ((metaclass 'standard-class))
+(defmacro defclass (&environment env name direct-superclasses direct-slots &rest options)
+ (let (*initfunctions-for-this-defclass*
+ *readers-for-this-defclass* ;Truly a crock, but we got
+ *writers-for-this-defclass* ;to have it to live nicely.
+ *slot-names-for-this-defclass*)
+ ;; FIXME: It would be nice to collect all errors from the
+ ;; expansion of a defclass and signal them in a single go.
+ (multiple-value-bind (metaclass canonical-options)
+ (canonize-defclass-options name options)
+ (let ((canonical-slots (canonize-defclass-slots name direct-slots env))
+ ;; DEFSTRUCT-P should be true if the class is defined
+ ;; with a metaclass STRUCTURE-CLASS, so that a DEFSTRUCT
+ ;; is compiled for the class.
+ (defstruct-p (and (eq *boot-state* 'complete)
+ (let ((mclass (find-class metaclass nil)))
+ (and mclass
+ (*subtypep
+ mclass
+ *the-class-structure-class*))))))
+ (let* ((defclass-form
+ `(let ,(mapcar #'cdr *initfunctions-for-this-defclass*)
+ (load-defclass ',name
+ ',metaclass
+ ',direct-superclasses
+ (list ,@canonical-slots)
+ (list ,@(apply #'append
+ (when defstruct-p
+ '(:from-defclass-p t))
+ canonical-options))
+ ',*readers-for-this-defclass*
+ ',*writers-for-this-defclass*
+ ',*slot-names-for-this-defclass*))))
+ (if defstruct-p
+ (progn
+ ;; FIXME: (YUK!) Why do we do this? Because in order
+ ;; to make the defstruct form, we need to know what
+ ;; the accessors for the slots are, so we need already
+ ;; to have hooked into the CLOS machinery.
+ ;;
+ ;; There may be a better way to do this: it would
+ ;; involve knowing enough about PCL to ask "what will
+ ;; my slot names and accessors be"; failing this, we
+ ;; currently just evaluate the whole kaboodle, and
+ ;; then use CLASS-DIRECT-SLOTS. -- CSR, 2002-06-07
+ (eval defclass-form)
+ (let* ((include (or (and direct-superclasses
+ (fix-super (car direct-superclasses)))
+ (and (not (eq name 'structure-object))
+ *the-class-structure-object*)))
+ (defstruct-form (make-structure-class-defstruct-form
+ name (class-direct-slots (find-class name))
+ include)))
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ ,defstruct-form) ; really compile the defstruct-form
+ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ ,defclass-form))))
+ `(progn
+ ;; By telling the type system at compile time about
+ ;; the existence of a class named NAME, we can avoid
+ ;; various bogus warnings about "type isn't defined yet"
+ ;; for code elsewhere in the same file which uses
+ ;; the name of the type.
+ ;;
+ ;; We only need to do this at compile time, because
+ ;; at load and execute time we write the actual
+ ;; full-blown class, so the "a class of this name is
+ ;; coming" note we write here would be irrelevant.
+ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
+ (%compiler-defclass ',name
+ ',*readers-for-this-defclass*
+ ',*writers-for-this-defclass*
+ ',*slot-names-for-this-defclass*))
+ (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
+ ,defclass-form))))))))
+(defun canonize-defclass-options (class-name options)
+ (macrolet ((assert-single (option)
+ `(when ,option
+ (error "Multiple ~A options in DEFCLASS ~S."
+ ,(intern (string option) :keyword)
+ class-name))))
+ (let (metaclass
+ default-initargs
+ documentation
+ canonized-options)
(dolist (option options)
- (if (not (listp option))
- (error "~S is not a legal defclass option." option)
- (when (eq (car option) :metaclass)
- (unless (legal-class-name-p (cadr option))
- (error "The value of the :metaclass option (~S) is not a~%~
- legal class name."
- (cadr option)))
- (setq metaclass (cadr option))
- (setf options (remove option options))
- (return t))))
- (let ((*initfunctions-for-this-defclass* ())
- (*readers-for-this-defclass* ()) ;Truly a crock, but we got
- (*writers-for-this-defclass* ()) ;to have it to live nicely.
- (*slot-names-for-this-defclass* ()))
- (let ((canonical-slots
- (mapcar (lambda (spec)
- (canonicalize-slot-specification name spec env))
- slots))
- (other-initargs
- (mapcar (lambda (option)
- (canonicalize-defclass-option name option))
- options))
- ;; DEFSTRUCT-P should be true if the class is defined
- ;; with a metaclass STRUCTURE-CLASS, so that a DEFSTRUCT
- ;; is compiled for the class.
- (defstruct-p (and (eq *boot-state* 'complete)
- (let ((mclass (find-class metaclass nil)))
- (and mclass
- (*subtypep
- mclass
- *the-class-structure-class*))))))
- (let* ((defclass-form
- `(let ,(mapcar #'cdr *initfunctions-for-this-defclass*)
- (load-defclass ',name
- ',metaclass
- ',supers
- (list ,@canonical-slots)
- (list ,@(apply #'append
- (when defstruct-p
- '(:from-defclass-p t))
- other-initargs))
- ',*readers-for-this-defclass*
- ',*writers-for-this-defclass*
- ',*slot-names-for-this-defclass*))))
- (if defstruct-p
- (progn
- ;; FIXME: (YUK!) Why do we do this? Because in order
- ;; to make the defstruct form, we need to know what
- ;; the accessors for the slots are, so we need
- ;; already to have hooked into the CLOS machinery.
- ;;
- ;; There may be a better way to do this: it would
- ;; involve knowing enough about PCL to ask "what
- ;; will my slot names and accessors be"; failing
- ;; this, we currently just evaluate the whole
- ;; kaboodle, and then use CLASS-DIRECT-SLOTS. --
- ;; CSR, 2002-06-07
- (eval defclass-form)
- (let* ((include (or (and supers
- (fix-super (car supers)))
- (and (not (eq name 'structure-object))
- *the-class-structure-object*)))
- (defstruct-form (make-structure-class-defstruct-form
- name (class-direct-slots (find-class name))
- include)))
- `(progn
- (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- ,defstruct-form) ; really compile the defstruct-form
- (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- ,defclass-form))))
- `(progn
- ;; By telling the type system at compile time about
- ;; the existence of a class named NAME, we can avoid
- ;; various bogus warnings about "type isn't defined yet"
- ;; for code elsewhere in the same file which uses
- ;; the name of the type.
- ;;
- ;; We only need to do this at compile time, because
- ;; at load and execute time we write the actual
- ;; full-blown class, so the "a class of this name is
- ;; coming" note we write here would be irrelevant.
- (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
- (%compiler-defclass ',name
- ',*readers-for-this-defclass*
- ',*writers-for-this-defclass*
- ',*slot-names-for-this-defclass*))
- (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
- ,defclass-form)))))))))
-(defun %compiler-defclass (name readers writers slots)
- (preinform-compiler-about-class-type name)
- (preinform-compiler-about-accessors readers writers slots))
+ (unless (listp option)
+ (error "~S is not a legal defclass option." option))
+ (case (first option)
+ (:metaclass
+ (assert-single metaclass)
+ (let ((maybe-metaclass (second option)))
+ (unless (and maybe-metaclass (legal-class-name-p maybe-metaclass))
+ (error "~@<The value of the :metaclass option (~S) ~
+ is not a legal class name.~:@>"
+ maybe-metaclass))
+ (setf metaclass maybe-metaclass)))
+ (:default-initargs
+ (assert-single default-initargs)
+ (let (initargs arg-names)
+ (doplist (key val) (cdr option)
+ (when (member key arg-names)
+ (error 'simple-program-error
+ :format-control "~@<Duplicate initialization argument ~
+ name ~S in :DEFAULT-INITARGS of ~
+ DEFCLASS ~S.~:>"
+ :format-arguments (list key class-name)))
+ (push key arg-names)
+ (push ``(,',key ,,(make-initfunction val) ,',val) initargs))
+ (setf default-initargs t)
+ (push `(:direct-default-initargs (list ,@(nreverse initargs)))
+ canonized-options)))
+ (:documentation
+ (assert-single documentation)
+ (unless (stringp (second option))
+ (error "~S is not a legal :documentation value" (second option)))
+ (setf documentation t)
+ (push `(:documentation ,(second option)) canonized-options))
+ (otherwise
+ (push `(',(car option) ',(cdr option)) canonized-options))))
+ (values (or metaclass 'standard-class) (nreverse canonized-options)))))
+(defun canonize-defclass-slots (class-name slots env)
+ (let (canonized-specs)
+ (dolist (spec slots)
+ (when (atom spec)
+ (setf spec (list spec)))
+ (when (and (cdr spec) (null (cddr spec)))
+ (error 'simple-program-error
+ :format-control "~@<in DEFCLASS ~S, the slot specification ~S ~
+ is invalid; the probable intended meaning may ~
+ be achieved by specifiying ~S instead.~:>"
+ :format-arguments (list class-name spec
+ `(,(car spec) :initform ,(cadr spec)))))
+ (let* ((name (car spec))
+ (plist (cdr spec))
+ (readers ())
+ (writers ())
+ (initargs ())
+ (others ())
+ (unsupplied (list nil))
+ (initform unsupplied))
+ (check-slot-name-for-defclass name class-name env)
+ (push name *slot-names-for-this-defclass*)
+ (flet ((note-reader (x)
+ (unless (symbolp x)
+ (error 'simple-program-error
+ :format-control "Slot reader name ~S for slot ~S in ~
+ DEFCLASS ~S is not a symbol."
+ :format-arguments (list x name class-name)))
+ (push x readers)
+ (push x *readers-for-this-defclass*))
+ (note-writer (x)
+ (push x writers)
+ (push x *writers-for-this-defclass*)))
+ (doplist (key val) plist
+ (case key
+ (:accessor (note-reader val) (note-writer `(setf ,val)))
+ (:reader (note-reader val))
+ (:writer (note-writer val))
+ (:initarg
+ (unless (symbolp val)
+ (error 'simple-program-error
+ :format-control "Slot initarg name ~S for slot ~S in ~
+ DEFCLASS ~S is not a symbol."
+ :format-arguments (list val name class-name)))
+ (push val initargs))
+ (otherwise
+ (when (member key '(:initform :allocation :type :documentation))
+ (when (eq key :initform)
+ (setf initform val))
+ (when (get-properties others (list key))
+ (error 'simple-program-error
+ :format-control "Duplicate slot option ~S for slot ~
+ ~S in DEFCLASS ~S."
+ :format-arguments (list key name class-name))))
+ ;; For non-standard options multiple entries go in a list
+ (push val (getf others key))))))
+ ;; Unwrap singleton lists (AMOP 5.4.2)
+ (do ((head others (cddr head)))
+ ((null head))
+ (unless (cdr (second head))
+ (setf (second head) (car (second head)))))
+ (let ((canon `(:name ',name :readers ',readers :writers ',writers
+ :initargs ',initargs ',others)))
+ (push (if (eq initform unsupplied)
+ `(list* ,@canon)
+ `(list* :initfunction ,(make-initfunction initform)
+ ,@canon))
+ canonized-specs))))
+ (nreverse canonized-specs)))
+(defun check-slot-name-for-defclass (name class-name env)
+ (flet ((slot-name-illegal (reason)
+ (error 'simple-program-error
+ :format-control
+ (format nil "~~@<In DEFCLASS ~~S, the slot name ~~S ~
+ is ~A.~~@:>" reason)
+ :format-arguments (list class-name name))))
+ (cond ((not (symbolp name))
+ (slot-name-illegal "not a symbol"))
+ ((keywordp name)
+ (slot-name-illegal "a keyword"))
+ ((constantp name env)
+ (slot-name-illegal "a constant"))
+ ((member name *slot-names-for-this-defclass*)
+ (error 'simple-program-error
+ :format-control "Multiple slots named ~S in DEFCLASS ~S."
+ :format-arguments (list name class-name))))))
(defun make-initfunction (initform)
(cond ((or (eq initform t)
(push entry *initfunctions-for-this-defclass*))
(cadr entry)))))
-(defun canonicalize-slot-specification (class-name spec env)
- (labels ((slot-name-illegal (reason)
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control
- (format nil "~~@<in DEFCLASS ~~S, the slot name in the ~
- specification ~~S is ~A.~~@:>" reason)
- :format-arguments (list class-name spec)))
- (check-slot-name-legality (name)
- (cond
- ((not (symbolp name))
- (slot-name-illegal "not a symbol"))
- ((keywordp name)
- (slot-name-illegal "a keyword"))
- ((constantp name env)
- (slot-name-illegal "a constant")))))
- (cond ((atom spec)
- (check-slot-name-legality spec)
- (push spec *slot-names-for-this-defclass*)
- `'(:name ,spec))
- ((null (cdr spec))
- (check-slot-name-legality (car spec))
- (push (car spec) *slot-names-for-this-defclass*)
- `'(:name ,(car spec)))
- ((null (cddr spec))
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control
- "~@<in DEFCLASS ~S, the slot specification ~S is invalid; ~
- the probable intended meaning may be achieved by ~
- specifiying ~S instead.~>"
- :format-arguments
- (list class-name spec
- `(,(car spec) :initform ,(cadr spec)))))
- (t
- (let* ((name (car spec))
- (spec (cdr spec))
- (readers ())
- (writers ())
- (initargs ())
- (unsupplied (list nil))
- (initform (getf spec :initform unsupplied)))
- (check-slot-name-legality name)
- (push name *slot-names-for-this-defclass*)
- (doplist (key val) spec
- (case key
- (:accessor (push val readers)
- (push `(setf ,val) writers))
- (:reader (push val readers))
- (:writer (push val writers))
- (:initarg (push val initargs))))
- (loop (unless (remf spec :accessor) (return)))
- (loop (unless (remf spec :reader) (return)))
- (loop (unless (remf spec :writer) (return)))
- (loop (unless (remf spec :initarg) (return)))
- (setq *writers-for-this-defclass*
- (append writers *writers-for-this-defclass*))
- (setq *readers-for-this-defclass*
- (append readers *readers-for-this-defclass*))
- (setq spec `(:name ',name
- :readers ',readers
- :writers ',writers
- :initargs ',initargs
- ',spec))
- (if (eq initform unsupplied)
- `(list* ,@spec)
- `(list* :initfunction ,(make-initfunction initform)
- ,@spec)))))))
-(defun canonicalize-defclass-option (class-name option)
- (declare (ignore class-name))
- (case (car option)
- (:default-initargs
- (let ((canonical ()))
- (let (key val (tail (cdr option)))
- (loop (when (null tail) (return nil))
- (setq key (pop tail)
- val (pop tail))
- (push ``(,',key ,,(make-initfunction val) ,',val) canonical))
- `(:direct-default-initargs (list ,@(nreverse canonical))))))
- (:documentation
- `(',(car option) ',(cadr option)))
- (otherwise
- `(',(car option) ',(cdr option)))))
+(defun %compiler-defclass (name readers writers slots)
+ ;; ANSI says (Macro DEFCLASS, section 7.7) that DEFCLASS, if it
+ ;; "appears as a top level form, the compiler must make the class
+ ;; name be recognized as a valid type name in subsequent
+ ;; declarations (as for deftype) and be recognized as a valid class
+ ;; name for defmethod parameter specializers and for use as the
+ ;; :metaclass option of a subsequent defclass."
+ (preinform-compiler-about-class-type name)
+ (preinform-compiler-about-accessors readers writers slots))
+(defun preinform-compiler-about-class-type (name)
+ ;; Unless the type system already has an actual type attached to
+ ;; NAME (in which case (1) writing a placeholder value over that
+ ;; actual type as a compile-time side-effect would probably be a bad
+ ;; idea and (2) anyway we don't need to modify it in order to make
+ ;; NAME be recognized as a valid type name)
+ (unless (info :type :kind name)
+ ;; Tell the compiler to expect a class with the given NAME, by
+ ;; writing a kind of minimal placeholder type information. This
+ ;; placeholder will be overwritten later when the class is defined.
+ (setf (info :type :kind name) :forthcoming-defclass-type))
+ (values))
+(defun preinform-compiler-about-accessors (readers writers slots)
+ (flet ((inform (name type)
+ ;; FIXME: This matches what PROCLAIM FTYPE does, except
+ ;; that :WHERE-FROM is :DEFINED, not :DECLARED, and should
+ ;; probably be factored into a common function -- eg.
+ ;; (%proclaim-ftype name declared-or-defined).
+ (when (eq (info :function :where-from name) :assumed)
+ (proclaim-as-fun-name name)
+ (note-name-defined name :function)
+ (setf (info :function :where-from name) :defined
+ (info :function :type name) type))))
+ (let ((rtype (specifier-type '(function (t) t)))
+ (wtype (specifier-type '(function (t t) t))))
+ (dolist (reader readers)
+ (inform reader rtype))
+ (dolist (writer writers)
+ (inform writer wtype))
+ (dolist (slot slots)
+ (inform (slot-reader-name slot) rtype)
+ (inform (slot-boundp-name slot) rtype)
+ (inform (slot-writer-name slot) wtype)))))
;;; This is the early definition of LOAD-DEFCLASS. It just collects up
;;; all the class definitions in a list. Later, in braid1.lisp, these
(defun load-defclass (name metaclass supers canonical-slots canonical-options
readers writers slot-names)
(%compiler-defclass name readers writers slot-names)
- (preinform-compiler-about-accessors readers writers slot-names)
(setq supers (copy-tree supers)
canonical-slots (copy-tree canonical-slots)
canonical-options (copy-tree canonical-options))
(setq *early-class-definitions*
(cons ecd (remove existing *early-class-definitions*)))
;;;; various class accessors that are a little more complicated than can be
;;;; done with automatically generated reader methods
-(defmethod class-prototype ((class std-class))
- (with-slots (prototype) class
- (or prototype (setq prototype (allocate-instance class)))))
-(defmethod class-prototype ((class structure-class))
- (with-slots (prototype wrapper defstruct-constructor) class
- (or prototype
- (setq prototype
- (if defstruct-constructor
- (allocate-instance class)
- (allocate-standard-instance wrapper))))))
-(defmethod class-prototype ((class condition-class))
- (with-slots (prototype) class
- (or prototype (setf prototype (allocate-instance class)))))
+(defmethod class-prototype :before (class)
+ (unless (class-finalized-p class)
+ (error "~S not yet finalized, cannot allocate a prototype." class)))
+;;; KLUDGE: For some reason factoring the common body into a function
+;;; breaks PCL bootstrapping, so just generate it with a macrolet for
+;;; all.
+(macrolet ((def (class)
+ `(defmethod class-prototype ((class ,class))
+ (with-slots (prototype) class
+ (or prototype
+ (setf prototype (allocate-instance class)))))))
+ (def std-class)
+ (def condition-class)
+ (def structure-class))
(defmethod class-direct-default-initargs ((class slot-class))
(plist-value class 'direct-default-initargs))
(setf (info :type :translator specl)
(constantly (make-member-type :members (list (specializer-object specl))))))
(defun real-load-defclass (name metaclass-name supers slots other
readers writers slot-names)
(with-single-package-locked-error (:symbol name "defining ~S as a class")
(make-instance 'forward-referenced-class
:name s)))))
-(defun ensure-class-values (class args)
- (let* ((initargs (copy-list args))
- (unsupplied (list 1))
- (supplied-meta (getf initargs :metaclass unsupplied))
- (supplied-supers (getf initargs :direct-superclasses unsupplied))
- (supplied-slots (getf initargs :direct-slots unsupplied))
- (meta
- (cond ((neq supplied-meta unsupplied)
- (find-class supplied-meta))
- ((or (null class)
- (forward-referenced-class-p class))
- *the-class-standard-class*)
- (t
- (class-of class)))))
- ;; KLUDGE: It seemed to me initially that there ought to be a way
- ;; of collecting all the erroneous problems in one go, rather than
- ;; this way of solving the problem of signalling the errors that
- ;; we are required to, which stops at the first bogus input.
- ;; However, after playing around a little, I couldn't find that
- ;; way, so I've left it as is, but if someone does come up with a
- ;; better way... -- CSR, 2002-09-08
- (do ((direct-slots (getf initargs :direct-slots) (cdr direct-slots)))
- ((endp direct-slots) nil)
- (destructuring-bind (slot &rest more) direct-slots
- (let ((slot-name (getf slot :name)))
- (when (some (lambda (s) (eq slot-name (getf s :name))) more)
- ;; FIXME: It's quite possible that we ought to define an
- ;; SB-INT:PROGRAM-ERROR function to signal these and other
- ;; errors throughout the codebase that are required to be
- ;; of type PROGRAM-ERROR.
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "~@<There is more than one direct slot ~
- with name ~S.~:>"
- :format-arguments (list slot-name)))
- (do ((stuff slot (cddr stuff)))
- ((endp stuff) nil)
- (destructuring-bind (option value &rest more) stuff
- (cond
- ((and (member option '(:allocation :type
- :initform :documentation))
- (not (eq unsupplied
- (getf more option unsupplied))))
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "~@<Duplicate slot option ~S for ~
- slot named ~S.~:>"
- :format-arguments (list option slot-name)))
- ((and (eq option :readers)
- (notevery #'symbolp value))
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "~@<Slot reader names for slot ~
- named ~S must be symbols.~:>"
- :format-arguments (list slot-name)))
- ((and (eq option :initargs)
- (notevery #'symbolp value))
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "~@<Slot initarg names for slot ~
- named ~S must be symbols.~:>"
- :format-arguments (list slot-name)))))))))
- (loop for (initarg . more) on (getf initargs :direct-default-initargs)
- for name = (car initarg)
- when (some (lambda (a) (eq (car a) name)) more)
- do (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "~@<Duplicate initialization argument ~
- name ~S in :DEFAULT-INITARGS.~:>"
- :format-arguments (list name class)))
- (let ((metaclass 0)
- (default-initargs 0))
- (do ((args initargs (cddr args)))
- ((endp args) nil)
- (case (car args)
- (:metaclass
- (when (> (incf metaclass) 1)
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "~@<More than one :METACLASS ~
- option specified.~:>")))
- (:direct-default-initargs
- (when (> (incf default-initargs) 1)
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "~@<More than one :DEFAULT-INITARGS ~
- option specified.~:>"))))))
- (remf initargs :metaclass)
- (loop (unless (remf initargs :direct-superclasses) (return)))
- (loop (unless (remf initargs :direct-slots) (return)))
- (values
- meta
- (nconc
- (when (neq supplied-supers unsupplied)
- (list :direct-superclasses (mapcar #'fix-super supplied-supers)))
- (when (neq supplied-slots unsupplied)
- (list :direct-slots supplied-slots))
- initargs))))
+(defun ensure-class-values (class initargs)
+ (let (metaclass metaclassp reversed-plist)
+ (doplist (key val) initargs
+ (cond ((eq key :metaclass)
+ (setf metaclass val
+ metaclassp key))
+ (t
+ (when (eq key :direct-superclasses)
+ (setf val (mapcar #'fix-super val)))
+ (setf reversed-plist (list* val key reversed-plist)))))
+ (values (cond (metaclassp
+ (find-class metaclass))
+ ((or (null class) (forward-referenced-class-p class))
+ *the-class-standard-class*)
+ (t
+ (class-of class)))
+ (nreverse reversed-plist))))
(defmethod shared-initialize :after
((class std-class)