many patches which were directly applicable to SBCL. Notable examples
include fixes for various compiler bugs, and a generalization
of the type system's handling of the CONS type to allow ANSI-style
- (CONS FOO BAR) types.
+ (CONS FOO BAR) types.
Alexey Dejneka:
He has fixed many bugs in SBCL. There's no single summary theme, but
public-spiritedness, fixing bugs as they show up in sbcl-devel or as
archived in the BUGS file.
+Nathan Froyd:
+ He has reported bugs and ported fixes from CMU CL.
Robert MacLachlan:
He has continued to answer questions about, and contribute fixes to,
the CMU CL project. Some of these fixes, especially for compiler
CMU CL support for FreeBSD and updating it for the changes made
from FreeBSD version 3 to FreeBSD version 4. He also ported the
CMU CL extension RUN-PROGRAM, and related code, to SBCL.
+INITIALS GLOSSARY (helpful when reading comments, commit notes, etc.)
+MNA Martin Atzmueller
+DB Daniel Barlow
+DTC Douglas Crosher
+APD Alexey Dejneka
+NJF Nathan Froyd
+RAM Robert MacLachlan
+WHN William Newman
+PVE Peter Van Eynde
** bug in the optimization of ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE
** argument ordering in FIND with :TEST option
** mishandled package designator argument in APROPOS-LIST
+ ** various problems in the backquote readmacro
He also pointed out some bogus old entries in BUGS, and fixed
a number of bugs which came into existence in the pre7 branch
(internal to the CVS repository), so that they never showed
;;; ([a] means that a should be converted according to the previous table)
;;; \ car || otherwise | QUOTE or | |`,@| | |`,.|
-;;;cdr \ || | T or NIL | |
+;;;cdr \ || | T or NIL | |
;;; |`,| || LIST* ([a] [d]) | LIST* ([a] [d]) | APPEND (a [d]) | NCONC (a [d])
;;; NIL || LIST ([a]) | QUOTE (a) | <hair> a | <hair> a
(/show0 "backq.lisp 83")
+(defun expandable-backq-expression-p (object)
+ (and (consp object)
+ (let ((flag (car object)))
+ (or (eq flag *bq-at-flag*)
+ (eq flag *bq-dot-flag*)))))
;;; This does the expansion from table 2.
(defun backquotify (stream code)
(cond ((atom code)
(cond ((null code) (values nil nil))
- ((or (numberp code)
- (eq code t))
+ ((or (consp code)
+ (symbolp code))
;; Keywords are self-evaluating. Install after packages.
- (values t code))
- (t (values 'quote code))))
+ (values 'quote code))
+ (t (values t code))))
((or (eq (car code) *bq-at-flag*)
(eq (car code) *bq-dot-flag*))
(values (car code) (cdr code)))
((eq aflag *bq-at-flag*)
(if (null dflag)
- (comma a)
+ (if (expandable-backq-expression-p a)
+ (values 'append (list a))
+ (comma a))
(values 'append
(cond ((eq dflag 'append)
(cons a d ))
(t (list a (backquotify-1 dflag d)))))))
((eq aflag *bq-dot-flag*)
(if (null dflag)
- (comma a)
+ (if (expandable-backq-expression-p a)
+ (values 'nconc (list a))
+ (comma a))
(values 'nconc
(cond ((eq dflag 'nconc)
(cons a d))
((or (numberp code) (eq code t))
(values t code))
(t (values *bq-comma-flag* code))))
- ((eq (car code) 'quote)
- (values (car code) (cadr code)))
+ ((and (eq (car code) 'quote)
+ (not (expandable-backq-expression-p (cadr code))))
+ (values (car code) (cadr code)))
((member (car code) '(append list list* nconc))
(values (car code) (cdr code)))
((eq (car code) 'cons)
((eq flag 'quote)
(list 'quote thing))
((eq flag 'list*)
- (cond ((null (cddr thing))
+ (cond ((and (null (cddr thing))
+ (not (expandable-backq-expression-p (cadr thing))))
(cons 'backq-cons thing))
- (t
+ ((expandable-backq-expression-p (car (last thing)))
+ (list 'backq-append
+ (cons 'backq-list (butlast thing))
+ ;; Can it be optimized further? -- APD, 2001-12-21
+ (car (last thing))))
+ (t
(cons 'backq-list* thing))))
((eq flag 'vector)
(list 'backq-vector thing))
- "src/pcl/construct"
+++ /dev/null
-;;;; This file defines MAKE-INSTANCE optimization mechanisms.
-;;;; LOAD-CONSTRUCTOR families of definitions in sbcl-0.pre7.99, since
-;;;; it was clear from a few minutes with egrep that they were dead
-;;;; code, but I suspect more dead code remains in this file. (Maybe
-;;;; it's all dead?) -- WHN 2001-12-26
-;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
-;;;; more information.
-;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox
-;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications
-;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with
-;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more
-;;;; information.
-;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources:
-;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation.
-;;;; All rights reserved.
-;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
-;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
-;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
-;;;; control laws.
-;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
-;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
-;;;; specification.
-(in-package "SB-PCL")
-;;; The actual constructor objects.
-(defclass constructor (funcallable-standard-object)
- ((class ;The class with which this
- :initarg :class ;constructor is associated.
- :reader constructor-class) ;The actual class object,
- ;not the class name.
- (name ;The name of this constructor.
- :initform nil ;This is the symbol in whose
- :initarg :name ;function cell the constructor
- :reader constructor-name) ;usually sits. Of course, this
- ;is optional. The old
- ;DEFCONSTRUCTOR macro made
- ;named constructors, but
- ;it is possible to manipulate
- ;anonymous constructors also.
- (supplied-initarg-names ;The names of the initargs this
- :initarg :supplied-initarg-names ;constructor supplies when it
- :reader ;"calls" make-instance.
- constructor-supplied-initarg-names) ;
- (code-generators ;Generators for the different
- :initarg :code-generators ;types of code this constructor
- :reader constructor-code-generators)) ;could use.
- (:metaclass funcallable-standard-class))
-(defmethod describe-object ((constructor constructor) stream)
- (format stream
- "~S is a constructor for the class ~S.~%"
- constructor (constructor-class constructor)))
-;;;; Here is the actual smarts for making the code generators and then
-;;;; trying each generator to get constructor code. This extensible
-;;;; mechanism allows new kinds of constructor code types to be added.
-;;;; A programmer defining a specialization of the constructor class
-;;;; can use this mechanism to define new code types.
-;;;; original PCL comment from before dead COMPUTE-CONSTRUCTOR-CODE
-;;;; was deleted:
-;;;; When compute-constructor-code is called, it first performs
-;;;; basic checks to make sure that the basic assumptions common to
-;;;; all the code types are valid. (For details see method
-;;;; definition). If any of the tests fail, the fallback
-;;;; constructor code type is used. If none of the tests fail, the
-;;;; constructor code generators are called in order. They receive
-;;;; 5 arguments:
-;;;; CLASS the class the constructor is making instances of
-;;;; WRAPPER that class's wrapper
-;;;; DEFAULTS the result of calling class-default-initargs on class
-;;;; INITIALIZE the applicable methods on initialize-instance
-;;;; SHARED the applicable methosd on shared-initialize
-;;;; The first code generator to return code is used. The code
-;;;; generators are called in reverse order of definition, so forms
-;;;; which define better code should appear after ones that define
-;;;; less good code. The fallback code type appears first. Note that
-;;;; redefining a code type does not change its position in the list.
-;;;; To do that, define a new type at the end with the behavior.
-;;;; helper functions and utilities that are shared by all of the code
-;;;; types
-(defvar *standard-initialize-instance-method*
- (get-method #'initialize-instance
- ()
- (list *the-class-slot-object*)))
-(defvar *standard-shared-initialize-method*
- (get-method #'shared-initialize
- ()
- (list *the-class-slot-object* *the-class-t*)))
-(defun non-pcl-initialize-instance-methods-p (methods)
- (notevery #'(lambda (m) (eq m *standard-initialize-instance-method*))
- methods))
-(defun non-pcl-shared-initialize-methods-p (methods)
- (notevery #'(lambda (m) (eq m *standard-shared-initialize-method*))
- methods))
-(defun non-pcl-or-after-initialize-instance-methods-p (methods)
- (notevery #'(lambda (m) (or (eq m *standard-initialize-instance-method*)
- (equal '(:after) (method-qualifiers m))))
- methods))
-(defun non-pcl-or-after-shared-initialize-methods-p (methods)
- (notevery #'(lambda (m) (or (eq m *standard-shared-initialize-method*)
- (equal '(:after) (method-qualifiers m))))
- methods))
(list (length (generic-function-methods generic-function)))
-(defmethod print-object ((constructor constructor) stream)
- (print-unreadable-object (constructor stream :type t :identity t)
- (format stream
- "~S"
- (slot-value-or-default constructor 'name))))
(defmethod print-object ((cache cache) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (cache stream :type t :identity t)
(format stream
--- /dev/null
+;;;; tests of backquote readmacro
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
+;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
+;;;; from CMU CL.
+;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
+;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
+;;;; more information.
+(in-package "CL-USER")
+(defparameter *qq* '(*rr* *ss*))
+(defparameter *rr* '(3 5))
+(defparameter *ss* '(4 6))
+(defun *rr* (x)
+ (reduce #'* x))
+(defparameter *x* '(a b))
+(defparameter *y* '(c))
+(defparameter *p* '(append *x* *y*))
+(defparameter *q* '((append *x* *y*) (list 'sqrt 9)))
+(defparameter *r* '(append *x* *y*))
+(defparameter *s* '((append *x* *y*)))
+(defun test-double-backquote (expression value)
+ (format t "~&Testing: ~A... " expression)
+ (assert (equal (eval (eval (read-from-string expression)))
+ value))
+ (format t "Ok. Look at PPRINTed version: ")
+ (pprint (read-from-string expression)))
+(defparameter *backquote-tests*
+ '(("``(,,*QQ*)" . (24))
+ ("``(,@,*QQ*)" . 24)
+ ("``(,,@*QQ*)" . ((3 5) (4 6)))
+ ("``(FOO ,,*P*)" . (foo (a b c)))
+ ("``(FOO ,,@*Q*)" . (foo (a b c) (sqrt 9)))
+ ("``(FOO ,',*R*)" . (foo (append *x* *y*)))
+ ("``(FOO ,',@*S*)" . (foo (append *x* *y*)))
+ ("``(FOO ,@,*P*)" . (foo a b c))
+ ("``(FOO ,@',*R*)" . (foo append *x* *y*))
+ ;; The following expression produces different result under LW.
+ ("``(FOO . ,,@*Q*)" . (foo a b c sqrt 9))
+ ;; These three did not work.
+ ("``(FOO ,@',@*S*)" . (foo append *x* *y*))
+ ("``(FOO ,@,@*Q*)" . (foo a b c sqrt 9))
+ ("``(,@,@*QQ*)" . (3 5 4 6))))
+(mapc #'(lambda (test)
+ (test-double-backquote (car test) (cdr test)))
+ *backquote-tests*)
+;;; success
+(quit :unix-status 104)
;;; for internal versions, especially for internal versions off the
;;; main CVS branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)