# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8-unix; -*-
-import argparse, ConfigParser, os, sys, textwrap
+import argparse, errno, os, readline, subprocess, sys, tempfile, textwrap
-def print_version ():
- print ("crypto-install.py GIT-TAG (GIT-COMMIT/GIT-BRANCH)")
+if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+ def input_string (prompt=""):
+ return raw_input (prompt)
+elif sys.version_info[0] > 2:
+ def input_string (prompt=""):
+ return input (prompt)
+ raise Exception ("Unsupported Python version {}".format (sys.version_info))
-def input_string (prompt=""):
- if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
- return raw_input(prompt)
- return input(prompt)
+def dedented (text):
+ return textwrap.dedent (text).strip ()
+def filled (text):
+ return textwrap.fill (dedented (text), width = 72)
+def read_input_string (prompt="", default=""):
+ if default != "":
+ readline.set_startup_hook (lambda: readline.insert_text (default))
+ try:
+ return input_string(prompt)
+ finally:
+ readline.set_startup_hook()
def parse_arguments ():
parser.add_argument (
"-v", "--version",
dest = "version",
- action = "store_true",
+ action = "version",
+ version = "crypto-install.py version GIT-TAG (GIT-COMMIT/GIT-BRANCH)",
help = "Display version.")
- parser.add_argument (
+ gnupg_group = parser.add_argument_group ("GnuPG",
+ "Options related to the GnuPG setup.")
+ gnupg_group.add_argument (
dest = "gnupg",
action = "store_false",
help = "Disable GnuPG setup.")
- parser.add_argument (
+ gnupg_group.add_argument (
+ "--gpg-home",
+ dest = "gnupg_home",
+ default = "~/.gnupg",
+ metavar = "PATH",
+ help = "Default directory for GnuPG files.")
+ openssh_group = parser.add_argument_group ("OpenSSH",
+ "Options related to the OpenSSH setup.")
+ openssh_group.add_argument (
dest = "openssh",
action = "store_false",
help = "Disable OpenSSH setup.")
- parser.add_argument (
- "--ssh-config",
- dest = "openssh_config",
- default = "~/.ssh/config",
- help = "Set path for OpenSSH configuration file.")
+ openssh_group.add_argument (
+ "--ssh-home",
+ dest = "openssh_home",
+ default = "~/.ssh",
+ metavar = "PATH",
+ help = "Default directory for OpenSSH files.")
return parser.parse_args ()
-def gnupg_setup ():
- if False:
- print("Default GnuPG key already exists.")
+def gnupg_setup (arguments):
+ gnupg_home = os.path.expanduser (arguments.gnupg_home)
+ gnupg_secring = os.path.join (gnupg_home, "secring.gpg")
+ if os.path.exists (gnupg_secring):
+ print ("GnuPG secret keyring already exists at {!r}."
+ .format (gnupg_secring))
- print (textwrap.fill (textwrap.dedent("""\
+ print (filled ("""
No default GnuPG key available. Please enter your information to
- create a new key."""), width = 80))
+ create a new key."""))
+ default_name = os.getenv ("FULLNAME")
+ name = read_input_string ("What is your name? ", default_name)
+ default_email = os.getenv ("EMAIL")
+ email = read_input_string ("What is your email address? ", default_email)
+ comment = read_input_string ("What is your comment phrase, if any (e.g. 'key for 2014')? ")
+ if not os.path.exists (gnupg_home):
+ ensure_directories (gnupg_home, 0o700)
- name = input_string("What is your name? (Max Mustermann) ")
- email = input_string("What is your email address? (max@example.de) ")
- motto = input_string("What is your motto phrase, if any? (Schlüssel für 2014) ")
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile () as tmp:
+ batch_key = dedented ("""
+ %ask-passphrase
+ Key-Type: DSA
+ Key-Length: 2048
+ Subkey-Type: ELG-E
+ Subkey-Length: 2048
+ Name-Real: {}
+ Name-Email: {}
+ Expire-Date: 0
+ """).format (name, email)
+ if comment != "":
+ batch_key += "\nName-Comment: {}\n".format (comment)
+ tmp.write (batch_key)
+ tmp.flush ()
+ batch_env = dict(os.environ)
+ del batch_env["DISPLAY"]
+ gnupg_process = subprocess.Popen (["gpg2", "--homedir", gnupg_home, "--batch", "--gen-key", tmp.name],
+ env = batch_env)
+ gnupg_process.wait ()
+ if gnupg_process.returncode != 0:
+ raise Exception ("Couldn't create GnuPG key.")
+def ensure_directories (path, mode = 0o777):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs (path, mode)
+ except OSError as exception:
+ if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
def openssh_setup (arguments):
- if not os.path.exists(arguments.openssh_config):
- with open(arguments.openssh_config, "w") as ssh_config:
- ssh_config.write(textwrap.dedent("""\
+ openssh_home = os.path.expanduser (arguments.openssh_home)
+ openssh_config = os.path.join (openssh_home, "config")
+ if not os.path.exists (openssh_config):
+ ensure_directories (openssh_home, 0o700)
+ with open (openssh_config, "w") as config:
+ config.write (dedented ("""
ForwardAgent yes
ForwardX11 yes
- if os.path.exists (os.path.expanduser ("~/.ssh/id_rsa")) \
- or os.path.exists (os.path.expanduser ("~/.ssh/id_dsa")):
- print("OpenSSH key already exists.")
+ openssh_key = os.path.join (openssh_home, "id_rsa")
+ if os.path.exists (openssh_key):
+ print("OpenSSH key already exists at {!r}.".format (openssh_key))
- print (textwrap.fill (textwrap.dedent("""\
- No OpenSSH key available. Generating new key."""), width = 80))
+ print (filled ("No OpenSSH key available. Generating new key."))
- os.system ("ssh-keygen")
+ openssh_process = subprocess.Popen (["ssh-keygen", "-f", openssh_key])
+ openssh_process.wait ()
+ if openssh_process.returncode != 0:
+ raise Exception ("Couldn't create OpenSSH key.")
-def main ():
- args = parse_arguments ()
- if args.version:
- print_version ()
- sys.exit ()
+def main ():
+ arguments = parse_arguments ()
- if args.gnupg:
- gnupg_setup ()
+ if arguments.gnupg:
+ gnupg_setup (arguments)
- if args.openssh:
- openssh_setup (args)
+ if arguments.openssh:
+ openssh_setup (arguments)
if __name__ == "__main__":