<div id="console"></div>
- <script src="jscl.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
+ <script src="jscl.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jqconsole.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
- var jqconsole;
- $(function () {
- jqconsole = $('#console').jqconsole('Welcome to JSCL!\n\n', '');
- jqconsole.RegisterMatching('(', ')', 'parents');
- if (localStorage.getItem("jqhist"))
- jqconsole.SetHistory(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("jqhist")));
- lisp.write = function(str){
- jqconsole.Write(xstring(str), 'jqconsole-output', false);
- return str;
- }
- var startPrompt = function () {
- // Start the prompt with history enabled.
- jqconsole.Write(lisp.evalString('(CL:PACKAGE-NAME CL:*PACKAGE*)') + '> ', 'jqconsole-prompt');
- jqconsole.Prompt(true, function (input) {
- // Output input with the class jqconsole-return.
- if (input[0] != ','){
- try {
- var vs = lisp.evalInput(input);
- // for (var i=0; i<vs.length; i++){
- jqconsole.Write(lisp.print(vs) + '\n', 'jqconsole-return');
- localStorage.setItem("jqhist", JSON.stringify(jqconsole.GetHistory()));
- // }
- } catch(error) {
- var msg = error.message || error || 'Unknown error';
- if (typeof(msg) != 'string') msg = xstring(msg);
- jqconsole.Write('ERROR: ' + msg + '\n', 'jqconsole-error');
- }
- } else
- jqconsole.Write(lisp.compileString(input.slice(1)) + '\n', 'jqconsole-return');
- // Restart the prompt.
- startPrompt();
- }, function(input){
- try {
- lisp.read(input[0]==','? input.slice(1): input);
- } catch(error) {
- return 0;
- }
- return false;
- });
- };
- startPrompt();
- });
+ var jqconsole = $('#console').jqconsole(';; Welcome to JSCL!\n\n', '');
(define-builtin functionp (x)
`(bool (=== (typeof ,x) "function")))
-(define-builtin %write-string (x)
- `(method-call |lisp| "write" ,x))
(define-builtin /debug (x)
`(method-call |console| "log" (call |xstring| ,x)))
(/debug "loading stream.lisp!")
+(defun %write-string (string)
+ (#j:jqconsole:Write string "jqconsole-output"))
(defvar *standard-output*
(vector 'stream
(lambda (ch) (%write-string (string ch)))
(defvar *root* (%js-vref "window"))
-;;; Set some external entry point to the Lisp implementation to the
-;;; console. It would not be necessary when FFI is finished.
-(let ((*root* #j:lisp))
- (setf #j:read #'ls-read-from-string)
- (setf #j:print #'prin1-to-string)
- (setf #j:eval #'eval)
- (setf #j:compile (lambda (s) (compile-toplevel s t)))
- (setf #j:evalString (lambda (str) (eval (ls-read-from-string str))))
- (setf #j:evalInput (lambda (str) (eval-interactive (ls-read-from-string str))))
- (setf #j:compileString (lambda (str) (compile-toplevel (ls-read-from-string str) t))))
+(defun load-history ()
+ (#j:jqconsole:SetHistory (#j:JSON:parse (#j:localStorage:getItem "jqhist"))))
+(defun save-history ()
+ (#j:localStorage:setItem "jqhist" (#j:JSON:stringify (#j:jqconsole:GetHistory))))
+(defun toplevel ()
+ (let ((prompt (format nil "~a> " (package-name *package*))))
+ (#j:jqconsole:Write prompt "jqconsole-prompt"))
+ (flet ((process-input (input)
+ (let* ((form (read-from-string input))
+ (result (multiple-value-list (eval-interactive form))))
+ (dolist (x result)
+ (#j:jqconsole:Write (format nil "~S~%" x) "jqconsole-return"))
+ (save-history))
+ (toplevel)))
+ (#j:jqconsole:Prompt t #'process-input)))
+;;; KLUDGE: I tried
+;;; (#j:document.addEventListener "load" #'topevel nil)
+;;; but it is not working. So I am using this temporarily to wait
+;;; until the DOM is ready before starting the REPL.
+(#j:setTimeout (lambda ()
+ (#j:jqconsole:RegisterMatching "(" ")" "parents")
+ (load-history)
+ (toplevel))
+ 0)