;;; language to the compiler to be able to run.
-(js-eval "function pv (x) { return typeof x === 'object' && 'car' in x ? x.car : x; }")
+(js-eval "function pv (x) { return x; }")
function functionp gensym get-universal-time go identity if in-package
incf integerp integerp intern keywordp lambda last length let let*
list-all-packages list listp make-array make-package make-symbol
- mapcar member minusp mod nil not nth nthcdr null numberp or
- package-name package-use-list packagep plusp prin1-to-string print
- proclaim prog1 prog2 progn psetq push quote remove remove-if
+ mapcar member minusp mod multiple-value-call nil not nth nthcdr null
+ numberp or package-name package-use-list packagep plusp prin1-to-string
+ print proclaim prog1 prog2 progn psetq push quote remove remove-if
remove-if-not return return-from revappend reverse second set setq
some string-upcase string string= stringp subseq symbol-function
symbol-name symbol-package symbol-plist symbol-value symbolp t tagbody
- third throw truncate unless unwind-protect variable warn when
- write-line write-string zerop))
+ third throw truncate unless unwind-protect values values-list variable
+ warn when write-line write-string zerop))
(setq *package* *user-package*)