Then (foo (make-array 4 :element-type 'bit :adjustable t) nil)
must return the same value as it prints, but it returns random garbage.
+ "confused lexical/special warnings in MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND"
+ (from tonyms on #lisp IRC 2003-02-25)
+ In sbcl-, compiling
+ (cl:in-package :cl-user)
+ (defvar *foo* 0)
+ (defvar *bar* 1)
+ (defun bar ()
+ (multiple-value-bind (*foo* *bar*) 'eleventy-one
+ (bletch)))
+ (defun bletch () (format t "~&*FOO*=~S *BAR*=~S" *foo* *bar*))
+ (bar)
+ gives warnings like "using the lexical binding of the symbol *FOO*"
+ even though LOADing the fasl file shows that in fact the special
+ bindings are being used.
+ "DEFCLASS mysteriously remembers uninterned accessor names."
+ (from tonyms on #lisp IRC 2003-02-25)
+ In sbcl-, typing
+ (defclass foo () ((bar :accessor foo-bar)))
+ (profile foo-bar)
+ (unintern 'foo-bar)
+ (defclass foo () ((bar :accessor foo-bar)))
+ gives the error message
+ "#:FOO-BAR already names an ordinary function or a macro."
+ So it's somehow checking the uninterned old accessor name instead
+ of the new requested accessor name, which seems broken to me (WHN).
These labels were used for bugs related to the old IR1 interpreter.