+;;;; Components
+;;;; Components are connected pieces of the control flow graph of
+;;;; basic blocks with some additional information. Components have
+;;;; well-defined entry and exit nodes. It is the toplevel
+;;;; organizational entity in the compiler. The IR translation result
+;;;; is accumulated into components incrementally.
+(defstruct (component)
+ entry
+ exit)
+;;; The current component. We accumulate the results of the IR
+;;; conversion in this component.
+(defvar *component*)
+;;; Create a new component with an empty basic block, ready to start
+;;; conversion to IR. It returns the component and the basic block as
+;;; multiple values.
+(defun make-empty-component ()
+ (let ((*component* (make-component)))
+ (let ((entry (make-component-entry))
+ (block (make-empty-block))
+ (exit (make-component-exit)))
+ (setf (block-succ entry) (list block)
+ (block-pred exit) (list block)
+ (block-succ block) (list exit)
+ (block-pred block) (list entry)
+ (component-entry *component*) entry
+ (component-exit *component*) exit)
+ (values *component* block))))
+;;; Prepare a new component with a current empty block ready to start
+;;; IR conversion bound in the current cursor. BODY is evaluated and
+;;; the value of the last form is returned.
+(defmacro with-component-compilation (&body body)
+ (with-gensyms (block)
+ `(multiple-value-bind (*component* ,block)
+ (make-empty-component)
+ (let ((*cursor* (cursor :block ,block)))
+ ,@body))))
+;;; Return the list of blocks in COMPONENT, conveniently sorted.
+(defun component-blocks (component)
+ (let ((seen nil)
+ (output nil))
+ (labels ((compute-rdfo-from (block)
+ (unless (or (component-exit-p block) (find block seen))
+ (push block seen)
+ (dolist (successor (block-succ block))
+ (unless (component-exit-p block)
+ (compute-rdfo-from successor)))
+ (push block output))))
+ (compute-rdfo-from (unlist (block-succ (component-entry component))))
+ output)))
+;;; Iterate across different blocks in COMPONENT.
+(defmacro do-blocks ((block component &optional result) &body body)
+ `(dolist (,block (component-blocks ,component) ,result)
+ ,@body))
+(defmacro do-blocks-backward ((block component &optional result) &body body)
+ `(dolist (,block (reverse (component-blocks ,component)) ,result)
+ ,@body))
+;;; A few consistency checks in the IR useful for catching bugs.
+(defun check-ir-consistency (component)
+ (with-simple-restart (continue "Continue execution")
+ (do-blocks (block component)
+ (dolist (succ (block-succ block))
+ (unless (find block (block-pred succ))
+ (error "The block `~S' does not belong to the predecessors list of the its successor `~S'"
+ (block-id block)
+ (block-id succ))))
+ (dolist (pred (block-pred block))
+ (unless (find block (block-succ pred))
+ (error "The block `~S' does not belong to the successors' list of its predecessor `~S'"
+ (block-id block)
+ (block-id pred)))))))
;;; Blocks are `basic block`. Basic blocks are organized as a control
;;; flow graph with some more information in omponents.
(defstruct (basic-block
;; List of successors and predecessors of this basic block.
succ pred
;; The sentinel nodes of the sequence.
- entry exit)
+ entry exit
+ ;; The component where this block belongs
+ (component *component*))
;;; Sentinel nodes in the control flow graph of basic blocks.
(defstruct (component-entry (:include basic-block)))
(split-block cursor)))
-;;;; Components
-;;;; Components are connected pieces of the control flow graph of
-;;;; basic blocks with some additional information. Components have
-;;;; well-defined entry and exit nodes. It is the toplevel
-;;;; organizational entity in the compiler. The IR translation result
-;;;; is accumulated into components incrementally.
-(defstruct (component #-jscl (:print-object print-component))
- entry
- exit)
-;;; Create a new component with an empty basic block, ready to start
-;;; conversion to IR. It returns the component and the basic block as
-;;; multiple values.
-(defun make-empty-component ()
- (let ((entry (make-component-entry))
- (block (make-empty-block))
- (exit (make-component-exit)))
- (setf (block-succ entry) (list block)
- (block-pred exit) (list block)
- (block-succ block) (list exit)
- (block-pred block) (list entry))
- (values (make-component :entry entry :exit exit) block)))
-;;; Return the list of blocks in COMPONENT, conveniently sorted.
-(defun component-blocks (component)
- (let ((seen nil)
- (output nil))
- (labels ((compute-rdfo-from (block)
- (unless (or (component-exit-p block) (find block seen))
- (push block seen)
- (dolist (successor (block-succ block))
- (unless (component-exit-p block)
- (compute-rdfo-from successor)))
- (push block output))))
- (compute-rdfo-from (unlist (block-succ (component-entry component))))
- output)))
-;;; Iterate across different blocks in COMPONENT.
-(defmacro do-blocks ((block component &optional result) &body body)
- `(dolist (,block (component-blocks ,component) ,result)
- ,@body))
-(defmacro do-blocks-backward ((block component &optional result) &body body)
- `(dolist (,block (reverse (component-blocks ,component)) ,result)
- ,@body))
-;;; A few consistency checks in the IR useful for catching bugs.
-(defun check-ir-consistency (component)
- (with-simple-restart (continue "Continue execution")
- (do-blocks (block component)
- (dolist (succ (block-succ block))
- (unless (find block (block-pred succ))
- (error "The block `~S' does not belong to the predecessors list of the its successor `~S'"
- (block-id block)
- (block-id succ))))
- (dolist (pred (block-pred block))
- (unless (find block (block-succ pred))
- (error "The block `~S' does not belong to the successors' list of its predecessor `~S'"
- (block-id block)
- (block-id pred)))))))
;;;; Lexical environment
;;;; The function `ir-complete' will coalesce basic blocks in a
;;;; component to generate proper maximal basic blocks.
-;;; The current component. We accumulate the results of the IR
-;;; conversion in this component.
-(defvar *component*)
;;; A alist of IR translator functions.
(defvar *ir-translator* nil)
-;;; Prepare a new component with a current empty block ready to start
-;;; IR conversion bound in the current cursor. BODY is evaluated and
-;;; the value of the last form is returned.
-(defmacro with-component-compilation (&body body)
- (with-gensyms (block)
- `(multiple-value-bind (*component* ,block)
- (make-empty-component)
- (let ((*cursor* (cursor :block ,block)))
- ,@body))))
;;; Change all the predecessors of BLOCK to precede NEW-BLOCK instead.
(defun replace-block (block new-block)
(let ((predecessors (block-pred block)))
(define-primitive symbol-value (symbol))
;;; compiler.lisp ends here