2006-03-01 Gary Kingminor consistency corrections
2006-03-01 Gary Kinggraph depends on macros too
2006-02-21 Gary King:name -> :id in website
2006-02-20 attila.lendvaiSome small changes in the cl-graphviz part
2006-02-19 attila.lendvaiInitial cl-graphviz integration
2006-02-09 melevyMake dot attributes public
2006-02-09 melevyFix dot format
2006-02-12 Gary KingImproved documentation on base graph class slots
2006-02-09 Gary KingNotes; also exported several dot-graph classes
2006-02-08 melevyExport symbols for dot attributed graphs
2006-02-08 melevyAdded support for calling the dot executable, plus...
2006-02-07 Gary Kingrebuilding repo