(defmacro time (form)
- "Execute FORM and print timing information on *TRACE-OUTPUT*."
+ "Execute FORM and print timing information on *TRACE-OUTPUT*.
+On some hardware platforms estimated processor cycle counts are
+included in this output; this number is slightly inflated, since it
+includes the pipeline involved in reading the cycle counter --
+executing \(TIME NIL) a few times will give you an idea of the
+overhead, and its variance. The cycle counters are also per processor,
+not per thread: if multiple threads are running on the same processor,
+the reported counts will include cycles taken up by all threads
+running on the processor where TIME was executed. Furthermore, if the
+operating system migrates the thread to another processor between
+reads of the cycle counter, the results will be completely bogus.
+Finally, the counter is cycle counter, incremented by the hardware
+even when the process is halted -- which is to say that cycles pass
+normally during operations like SLEEP."
`(%time (lambda () ,form)))
;;; Return all the data that we want TIME to report.
(multiple-value-bind (user sys faults) (sb!sys:get-system-info)
(values user sys faults (get-bytes-consed))))
+(defun elapsed-cycles (h0 l0 h1 l1)
+ (declare (ignorable h0 l0 h1 l1))
+ #!+cycle-counter
+ (+ (ash (- h1 h0) 32)
+ (- l1 l0))
+ #!-cycle-counter
+ nil)
+(declaim (inline read-cycle-counter))
+(defun read-cycle-counter ()
+ #!+cycle-counter
+ (sb!vm::%read-cycle-counter)
+ #!-cycle-counter
+ (values 0 0))
+;;; This is so that we don't have to worry about the vagaries of
+;;; floating point printing, or about conversions to floats dropping
+;;; or introducing decimals, which are liable to imply wrong precision.
+(defun format-microseconds (stream usec &optional colonp atp)
+ (declare (ignore colonp))
+ (%format-decimal stream usec 6)
+ (unless atp
+ (write-string " seconds" stream)))
+(defun format-milliseconds (stream usec &optional colonp atp)
+ (declare (ignore colonp))
+ (%format-decimal stream usec 3)
+ (unless atp
+ (write-string " seconds" stream)))
+(defun %format-decimal (stream number power)
+ (declare (stream stream)
+ (integer number power))
+ (when (minusp number)
+ (write-char #\- stream)
+ (setf number (- number)))
+ (let ((scale (expt 10 power)))
+ (flet ((%fraction (fraction)
+ (let ((scaled (* 10 fraction)))
+ (loop while (< scaled scale)
+ do (write-char #\0 stream)
+ (setf scaled (* scaled 10))))
+ (format stream "~D" fraction))
+ (%zeroes ()
+ (let ((scaled (/ scale 10)))
+ (write-char #\0 stream)
+ (loop while (> scaled 1)
+ do (write-char #\0 stream)
+ (setf scaled (/ scaled 10))))))
+ (cond ((zerop number)
+ (write-string "0." stream)
+ (%zeroes))
+ ((< number scale)
+ (write-string "0." stream)
+ (%fraction number))
+ ((= number scale)
+ (write-string "1." stream)
+ (%zeroes))
+ ((> number scale)
+ (multiple-value-bind (whole fraction) (floor number scale)
+ (format stream "~D." whole)
+ (%fraction fraction))))))
+ nil)
;;; The guts of the TIME macro. Compute overheads, run the (compiled)
;;; function, report the times.
(defun %time (fun)
(old-run-utime old-run-stime old-page-faults old-bytes-consed)
(setq old-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
- (let ((start-gc-run-time *gc-run-time*)
- #!+sb-eval (sb!eval:*eval-calls* 0))
- (declare #!+sb-eval (special sb!eval:*eval-calls*))
- (multiple-value-prog1
- ;; Execute the form and return its values.
- (funcall fun)
- (multiple-value-setq
- (new-run-utime new-run-stime new-page-faults new-bytes-consed)
- (time-get-sys-info))
- (setq new-real-time (- (get-internal-real-time) real-time-overhead))
- (let ((gc-run-time (max (- *gc-run-time* start-gc-run-time) 0)))
- (format *trace-output*
- "~&Evaluation took:~% ~
- ~S second~:P of real time~% ~
- ~S second~:P of user run time~% ~
- ~S second~:P of system run time~% ~
- ~@[[Run times include ~S second~:P GC run time.]~% ~]~
- ~@[~S call~:P to %EVAL~% ~]~
- ~S page fault~:P and~% ~
- ~:D bytes consed.~%"
- (max (/ (- new-real-time old-real-time)
- (float sb!xc:internal-time-units-per-second))
- 0.0)
- (max (/ (- new-run-utime old-run-utime) 1000000.0) 0.0)
- (max (/ (- new-run-stime old-run-stime) 1000000.0) 0.0)
- (unless (zerop gc-run-time)
- (/ (float gc-run-time)
- (float sb!xc:internal-time-units-per-second)))
- #!+sb-eval sb!eval:*eval-calls* #!-sb-eval nil
- (max (- new-page-faults old-page-faults) 0)
- (max (- new-bytes-consed old-bytes-consed) 0)))))))
+ (let ((start-gc-internal-run-time *gc-run-time*)
+ (*eval-calls* 0)
+ (sb!c::*lambda-conversions* 0))
+ (declare (special *eval-calls* sb!c::*lambda-conversions*))
+ (multiple-value-bind (h0 l0) (read-cycle-counter)
+ (multiple-value-prog1
+ ;; Execute the form and return its values.
+ (funcall fun)
+ (multiple-value-bind (h1 l1) (read-cycle-counter)
+ (let ((stop-gc-internal-run-time *gc-run-time*))
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (new-run-utime new-run-stime new-page-faults new-bytes-consed)
+ (time-get-sys-info))
+ (setq new-real-time (- (get-internal-real-time) real-time-overhead))
+ (let* ((gc-internal-run-time (max (- stop-gc-internal-run-time start-gc-internal-run-time) 0))
+ (real-time (max (- new-real-time old-real-time) 0))
+ (user-run-time (max (- new-run-utime old-run-utime) 0))
+ (system-run-time (max (- new-run-stime old-run-stime) 0))
+ (total-run-time (+ user-run-time system-run-time))
+ (cycles (elapsed-cycles h0 l0 h1 l1))
+ (page-faults (max (- new-page-faults old-page-faults) 0)))
+ (format *trace-output*
+ "~&Evaluation took:~%~
+ ~@< ~@;~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ of real time~%~
+ ~/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ of total run time ~
+ (~@/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ user, ~@/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ system)~%~
+ ~[[ Run times consist of ~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ GC time, ~
+ and ~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ non-GC time. ]~%~;~2*~]~
+ ~,2F% CPU~%~
+ ~@[~:D form~:P interpreted~%~]~
+ ~@[~:D lambda~:P converted~%~]~
+ ~@[~:D processor cycles~%~]~
+ ~@[~:D page fault~:P~%~]~
+ ~:D bytes consed~:>~%"
+ real-time
+ total-run-time
+ user-run-time
+ system-run-time
+ (if (zerop gc-internal-run-time) 1 0)
+ gc-internal-run-time
+ ;; Round up so we don't mislead by saying 0.0 seconds of non-GC time...
+ (- (ceiling total-run-time 1000) gc-internal-run-time)
+ (if (zerop real-time)
+ 100.0
+ (float (* 100 (/ (round total-run-time 1000) real-time))))
+ (unless (zerop *eval-calls*) *eval-calls*)
+ (unless (zerop sb!c::*lambda-conversions*) sb!c::*lambda-conversions*)
+ cycles
+ (unless (zerop page-faults) page-faults)
+ (max (- new-bytes-consed old-bytes-consed) 0))))))))))