(ok-lvar-lambda-var (cast-value use) constraints)))))
;;;; Searching constraints
-;;; Add the indicated test constraint to BLOCK. We don't add the
-;;; constraint if the block has multiple predecessors, since it only
-;;; holds on this particular path.
+;;; Add the indicated test constraint to TARGET.
(defun precise-add-test-constraint (fun x y not-p constraints target)
(if (and (eq 'eql fun) (lambda-var-p y) (not not-p))
(add-eql-var-var-constraint x y constraints target)
+(defun add-combination-test-constraints (use constraints
+ consequent-constraints
+ alternative-constraints
+ quick-p)
+ (flet ((add (fun x y not-p)
+ (add-complement-constraints quick-p
+ fun x y not-p
+ constraints
+ consequent-constraints
+ alternative-constraints))
+ (prop (triples target)
+ (map nil (lambda (constraint)
+ (destructuring-bind (kind x y &optional not-p)
+ constraint
+ (when (and kind x y)
+ (add-test-constraint quick-p
+ kind x y
+ not-p constraints
+ target))))
+ triples)))
+ (when (eq (combination-kind use) :known)
+ (binding* ((info (combination-fun-info use) :exit-if-null)
+ (propagate (fun-info-constraint-propagate-if
+ info)
+ :exit-if-null))
+ (multiple-value-bind (lvar type if else)
+ (funcall propagate use constraints)
+ (prop if consequent-constraints)
+ (prop else alternative-constraints)
+ (when (and lvar type)
+ (add 'typep (ok-lvar-lambda-var lvar constraints)
+ type nil)
+ (return-from add-combination-test-constraints)))))
+ (let* ((name (lvar-fun-name
+ (basic-combination-fun use)))
+ (args (basic-combination-args use))
+ (ptype (gethash name *backend-predicate-types*)))
+ (when ptype
+ (add 'typep (ok-lvar-lambda-var (first args)
+ constraints)
+ ptype nil)))))
;;; Add test constraints to the consequent and alternative blocks of
;;; the test represented by USE.
(defun add-test-constraints (use if constraints)
(when var2
(add (if (eq name '<) '> '<) var2 (lvar-type arg1) nil))))
- (let ((ptype (gethash name *backend-predicate-types*)))
- (when ptype
- (add 'typep (ok-lvar-lambda-var (first args) constraints)
- ptype nil))))))))))
+ (add-combination-test-constraints use constraints
+ consequent-constraints
+ alternative-constraints
+ quick-p))))))))
(values consequent-constraints alternative-constraints))))
;;;; Applying constraints
(unless (eq type *universal-type*)
(conset-add-constraint gen 'typep var type nil)))
(unless (policy node (> compilation-speed speed))
- (maybe-add-eql-var-var-constraint var (set-value node) gen))))))
+ (maybe-add-eql-var-var-constraint var (set-value node) gen))))
+ (combination
+ (when (eq (combination-kind node) :known)
+ (binding* ((info (combination-fun-info node) :exit-if-null)
+ (propagate (fun-info-constraint-propagate info)
+ :exit-if-null)
+ (constraints (funcall propagate node gen))
+ (register (if (policy node
+ (> compilation-speed speed))
+ #'conset-add-constraint
+ #'conset-add-constraint-to-eql)))
+ (map nil (lambda (constraint)
+ (destructuring-bind (kind x y &optional not-p)
+ constraint
+ (when (and kind x y)
+ (funcall register gen
+ kind x y
+ not-p))))
+ constraints))))))
(defun constraint-propagate-if (block gen)
;; If true, the function can stack-allocate the result. The
;; COMBINATION node is passed as an argument.
(stack-allocate-result nil :type (or function null))
+ ;; If true, the function can add flow-sensitive type information
+ ;; about the state of the world after its execution. The COMBINATION
+ ;; node is passed as an argument, along with the current set of
+ ;; active constraints for the block. The function returns a
+ ;; sequence of constraints; a constraint is a triplet of a
+ ;; constraint kind (a symbol, see (defstruct (constraint ...)) in
+ ;; constraint.lisp) and arguments, either LVARs, LAMBDA-VARs, or
+ ;; CTYPEs. If any of these arguments is NIL, the constraint is
+ ;; skipped. This simplifies integration with OK-LVAR-LAMBDA-VAR,
+ ;; which maps LVARs to LAMBDA-VARs. An optional fourth value in
+ ;; each constraint flips the meaning of the constraint if it is
+ ;; non-NIL.
+ (constraint-propagate nil :type (or function null))
+ ;; If true, the function can add flow-sensitive type information
+ ;; depending on the truthiness of its return value. Returns two
+ ;; values, a LVAR and a CTYPE. The LVAR is of that CTYPE iff the
+ ;; function returns true.
+ ;; It may also return additional third and fourth values. Each is
+ ;; a sequence of constraints (see CONSTRAINT-PROPAGATE), for the
+ ;; consequent and alternative branches, respectively.
+ (constraint-propagate-if nil :type (or function null))
;; all the templates that could be used to translate this function
;; into IR2, sorted by increasing cost.
(templates nil :type list)